.FUNCT RT-TH-WINDOW-BENCH:ANY:0:1,CONTEXT ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?OPEN,V?LIFT \FALSE FSET TH-WINDOW-BENCH,FL-OPEN PRINTR " You lift the seat to reveal the red lever underneath." .FUNCT RT-TH-RED-LEVER:ANY:0:1,CONTEXT ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? PRSA,V?PULL \?CCL5 FSET? LG-CHAMBER-DOOR,FL-OPEN /?CCL8 FSET? CH-ALIEN,FL-BROKEN \?CCL8 PRINTI " You pull the lever and feel an immediate jolt as the compression chamber pulls away from Deepcore. Through the porthole, you get a glimpse of the crippled Deepcore as you slowly rise through the water. [GRAPHIC #22] For a long time after that you have no sensation of motion, but then the water through the porthole starts to get lighter as you near the surface. Suddenly chamber burst through the surface and sunlight floods through the porthole. You feel the motion of the waves for the first time in weeks as the chamber gently rises and falls. Through the porthole you see the Benthic Explorer steaming towards you. Trumpets sound. Fair young maidens cluster round to look at you admiringly. You have won the game." CRLF CALL2 RT-END-OF-GAME,TRUE-VALUE RSTACK ?CCL8: PRINTR " Nothing happens." ?CCL5: EQUAL? PRSA,V?EXAMINE \FALSE PRINTR "It looks an awful lot like a red lever." .ENDI