;"The opening scene..." "The business deal behind you, you wish only to be out of this bleak corner of Eastern Europe. The border to the West is now only a few hours away at Gola, and from there its a quick flight to Trieste, and then back to civilization...| | The ride is interminable, and it seems you're dozing off again. The wheels of the train are ticking like a clock, ticking off the segments of track you're passing, and the compartment is rocking you back and forth, back and forth, slowly closing your eyelids.| | Your slumber is cut short as a man staggers into your compartment, panting strangely. From his demeanor, you would guess he'd been drinking heavily. Before you can dismiss him, though, you notice a dark red spot beneath his coat which he grasps tightly. He speaks softly, but hurriedly.| | \"I've only got a moment, so listen carefully! Since you were reading a copy of the International Herald over lunch, I'll assume you're an American. I am an agent of our government and I've been sent to pick up in Frbz and pass it along to our special agent in Gola. An enemy agent spotted me on the train, and I only barely managed to escape.\" He groans softly, examining his wound.| | \"The best I can do now is throw the enemy off the scent, but I need you, your country needs you, to carry out my assignment.\" You start to interrupt, a thousand questions racing through your mind. \"There's no time! My contact in Frbz is and I was to offer him a , then say the words <'Fromzi remax uzbuz'>. He was to hand over the and I was to take it to our contact in Gola, who was to greet me at the station with the words <'Have you a train schedule?'>. Here! Take my briefcase - there are things you might find useful inside. And be careful! Our enemies are all around us!\" Before you can respond, he checks the corridor and races out." ;"Problems: 1) Cleaning off the floor (blood stains will lead the enemy agents to you) 2) Checking out the briefcase and what's in it. 3) Finding the pass object (other compartments, making them out of crude devices, buying it, etc.) 4) Making the first rendezvous successfully. This will involve getting off the train, meeting the correct person, saying the magic words, and getting that person to meet you in a shop, w.c., etc. for the exchange. >SIT DOWN NEXT TO OLD MAN >OFFER HIM A LIGHT >SAY 'FRNZI BRNZI UZBUZ' >OLD MAN, MEET ME AT THE COFFEE SHOP >GIVE ME THE MICROFILM 5) Hiding the MacGuffin during the trip and especially at the border when your stuff is searched. 6) Avoiding the enemy agent(s) and delivering the goods to the contact at Gola " ;"Combinations of pass object and action on the part of the contact Object Action Lighter Pulls out a cigarette Cigarette Feels within jacket for something Dollar Bill Reaching on ground for something " ;"Ways of getting the pass object: 1) From another character or that character's compartment (stealing) 2) Consing up a makeshift equivalent of the object 3) Buying the object at one of the train stations. " ;"Complications: 1) The contact might be replaced by someone else (as you have replaced the original spy. The code word/object would remain the same, of course. There might be some giveaway (like someone with an unlighted cigarette in his mouth or searching the ground for something). Showing the pass object to the wrong people would arouse the suspicion of an enemy agent (guard) at the station. 2) The pass object might have to be manufactured, rather than obtained (stolen). "