Combined ZIL Compiler Ver 2.0 (MIM) ----------------------------------- Input file: SS:NHITCH.ZIL.2 Compiling routine: RUNNING? Compiling routine: PICK-ONE Compiling routine: GO Compiling routine: MAIN-LOOP Compiling routine: SAVE-INPUT Compiling routine: RESTORE-INPUT Compiling routine: FAKE-ORPHAN Compiling routine: PERFORM Compiling routine: THIS-IS-IT Compiling routine: D-APPLY Compiling routine: QUEUE Compiling routine: INT Compiling routine: CLOCKER Compiling routine: IN-HEART? Compiling routine: HEART-OF-GOLD-F Compiling routine: PANTRY-F Compiling routine: SCREENING-DOOR-F Compiling routine: MARVIN-F Compiling routine: I-MARVIN Compiling routine: MARVIN-BITCH Compiling routine: FLOWERPOT-F Compiling routine: I-PLANT Compiling routine: PLANT-F Compiling routine: FRUIT-F Compiling routine: GALLEY-F Compiling routine: NUTRIMAT-F Compiling routine: PAD-F Compiling routine: SLOT-F Compiling routine: BOARD-F Compiling routine: DIPSWITCH-F Compiling routine: SUBSTITUTE-DESCFCN Compiling routine: SUBSTITUTE-F Compiling routine: INTERFACE-BOX-F Compiling routine: BEAST-GUN-F Compiling routine: I-TEA Compiling routine: I-LANDING Compiling routine: SAUNA-ENTER-F Compiling routine: BRIDGE-F Compiling routine: SAUNA-PSEUDO Compiling routine: PEOPLE-PSEUDO Compiling routine: EDDIE-F Compiling routine: LARGE-RECEPTACLE-F Compiling routine: ZAPHOD-F Compiling routine: I-ZAPHOD Compiling routine: TRILLIAN-F Compiling routine: HANDBAG-F Compiling routine: FORE-CORRIDOR-F Compiling routine: AFT-CORRIDOR-F Compiling routine: I-REPLY Compiling routine: ENGINE-ROOM-ENTER-F Compiling routine: I-ARGUMENT Compiling routine: ENTRY-BAY-F Compiling routine: SALES-BROCHURE-F Compiling routine: ENGINE-ROOM-F Compiling routine: MAIN-DRIVE-F Compiling routine: SPARE-DRIVE-F Compiling routine: LARGE-PLUG-F Compiling routine: SMALL-PLUG-F Compiling routine: SWITCH-F Compiling routine: PLOTTER-DESCFCN Compiling routine: PLOTTER-F Compiling routine: DANGLY-BIT-F Compiling routine: HATCHWAY-F Compiling routine: ACCESS-SPACE-ENTER-F Compiling routine: ACCESS-SPACE-LOOP Compiling routine: HATCH-F Compiling routine: MECHANISM-F Compiling routine: ACCESS-SPACE-F Compiling routine: MESH-PSEUDO Compiling routine: RAMP-F Compiling routine: PARSER Compiling routine: NEXT-WORD Compiling routine: CHANGE-LEXV Compiling routine: STUFF Compiling routine: INBUF-STUFF Compiling routine: INBUF-ADD Compiling routine: WT? Compiling routine: CLAUSE Compiling routine: NUMBER? Compiling routine: ORPHAN-MERGE Compiling routine: ACLAUSE-WIN Compiling routine: NCLAUSE-WIN Compiling routine: WORD-PRINT Compiling routine: UNKNOWN-WORD Compiling routine: CANT-USE Compiling routine: SYNTAX-CHECK Compiling routine: CANT-ORPHAN Compiling routine: ORPHAN Compiling routine: CLAUSE-PRINT Compiling routine: BUFFER-PRINT Compiling routine: NAME? Compiling routine: CAPITALIZE Compiling routine: PREP-PRINT Compiling routine: CLAUSE-COPY Compiling routine: CLAUSE-ADD Compiling routine: PREP-FIND Compiling routine: SYNTAX-FOUND Compiling routine: GWIM Compiling routine: SNARF-OBJECTS Compiling routine: BUT-MERGE Compiling routine: SNARFEM Compiling routine: ADJ-CHECK Compiling routine: GET-OBJECT Compiling routine: MOBY-FIND Compiling routine: WHICH-PRINT Compiling routine: GLOBAL-CHECK Compiling routine: DO-SL Compiling routine: SEARCH-LIST Compiling routine: OBJ-FOUND Compiling routine: TAKE-CHECK Compiling routine: ITAKE-CHECK Compiling routine: MANY-CHECK Compiling routine: LIT? Compiling routine: PRSO-PRINT Compiling routine: PRSI-PRINT Compiling routine: THIS-IT? Compiling routine: V-$REFRESH Compiling routine: V-VERBOSE Compiling routine: V-BRIEF Compiling routine: V-SUPERBRIEF Compiling routine: V-DIAGNOSE Compiling routine: V-INVENTORY Compiling routine: V-QUIT Compiling routine: V-RESTART Compiling routine: FINISH Compiling routine: YES? Compiling routine: V-RESTORE Compiling routine: V-SAVE Compiling routine: V-SCORE Compiling routine: V-SCRIPT Compiling routine: V-UNSCRIPT Compiling routine: COPR-NOTICE Compiling routine: V-$ID Compiling routine: V-VERSION Compiling routine: V-$VERIFY Compiling routine: V-ALARM Compiling routine: V-ANSWER Compiling routine: V-APPLAUD Compiling routine: V-APPRECIATE Compiling routine: V-ASK-ABOUT Compiling routine: V-ASK-FOR Compiling routine: V-BITE Compiling routine: V-BLOCK Compiling routine: V-BLOCK-WITH Compiling routine: PRE-BOARD Compiling routine: V-BOARD Compiling routine: V-BRUSH Compiling routine: V-BUY Compiling routine: V-CALL Compiling routine: V-CALL-WITH Compiling routine: PRE-CARVE Compiling routine: V-CARVE Compiling routine: V-CARVE-WITH Compiling routine: V-CHASTISE Compiling routine: V-CLEAN Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-DOWN Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-FOO Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-ON Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-OVER Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-UP Compiling routine: V-CLOSE Compiling routine: V-COUNT Compiling routine: V-CUT Compiling routine: V-DIG Compiling routine: V-DISEMBARK Compiling routine: V-DOZE Compiling routine: V-DRINK Compiling routine: V-DRINK-FROM Compiling routine: PRE-DROP Compiling routine: V-DROP Compiling routine: V-EAT Compiling routine: V-ENJOY Compiling routine: V-ENTER Compiling routine: V-ESCAPE Compiling routine: V-EXAMINE Compiling routine: V-EXAMINE-THROUGH Compiling routine: V-EXIT Compiling routine: V-FEED Compiling routine: V-FILL Compiling routine: V-FIND Compiling routine: V-FIRST-LOOK Compiling routine: V-FLIPSWITCH Compiling routine: V-FOLLOW Compiling routine: I-FOLLOW Compiling routine: V-FOOTNOTE Compiling routine: V-FRIPPING Compiling routine: V-GET-DRESSED Compiling routine: V-GET-DRUNK Compiling routine: V-GET-UNDRESSED Compiling routine: PRE-GIVE Compiling routine: V-GIVE Compiling routine: V-GIVE-UP Compiling routine: V-HANG Compiling routine: V-HELLO Compiling routine: V-HIDE Compiling routine: V-HITCHHIKE Compiling routine: V-I-AM Compiling routine: V-IDIOT Compiling routine: V-KICK Compiling routine: V-KILL Compiling routine: V-KNEEL Compiling routine: V-KNOCK Compiling routine: V-KISS Compiling routine: V-LAMP-OFF Compiling routine: V-LAMP-ON Compiling routine: V-LEAP Compiling routine: V-LEAVE Compiling routine: V-LIE-DOWN Compiling routine: V-LISTEN Compiling routine: V-LOCK Compiling routine: V-LOOK Compiling routine: V-LOOK-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-LOOK-DOWN Compiling routine: V-LOOK-INSIDE Compiling routine: V-LOOK-UNDER Compiling routine: V-LOOK-UP Compiling routine: V-LOWER Compiling routine: V-MAKE Compiling routine: V-MOVE Compiling routine: V-MUNG Compiling routine: V-MY-NAME Compiling routine: V-NO Compiling routine: V-OPEN Compiling routine: V-PANIC Compiling routine: V-PICK Compiling routine: V-PICK-UP Compiling routine: V-PLANT Compiling routine: V-PLUG Compiling routine: V-POINT Compiling routine: V-POUR Compiling routine: V-PROTEST Compiling routine: V-PULL-TOGETHER Compiling routine: V-PUSH Compiling routine: PRE-PUT Compiling routine: V-PUT Compiling routine: V-PUT-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-PUT-IN-FRONT Compiling routine: V-PUT-ON Compiling routine: V-PUT-UNDER Compiling routine: V-RAPE Compiling routine: V-RAISE Compiling routine: PRE-READ Compiling routine: V-READ Compiling routine: V-REFUSE Compiling routine: V-RELAX Compiling routine: V-REMOVE Compiling routine: V-REPLACE Compiling routine: V-REPAIR Compiling routine: V-REPLY Compiling routine: V-RUB Compiling routine: V-SAVE-SOMETHING Compiling routine: V-SAY Compiling routine: SAID-YOUR-NAME? Compiling routine: SAID-WITH-TOWEL Compiling routine: V-SAY-NAME Compiling routine: V-SEARCH Compiling routine: V-SGIVE Compiling routine: V-SHAKE Compiling routine: V-SHAKE-WITH Compiling routine: V-SHOOT Compiling routine: V-SHOW Compiling routine: V-SIT Compiling routine: V-SKIP Compiling routine: V-SLEEP Compiling routine: V-SMELL Compiling routine: V-SMILE Compiling routine: V-SPIN Compiling routine: V-SPUT-ON Compiling routine: V-SSHOOT Compiling routine: V-SSHOW Compiling routine: V-STAND Compiling routine: V-STAND-BEFORE Compiling routine: V-STAND-ON Compiling routine: V-STEER Compiling routine: PRE-TAKE Compiling routine: V-TAKE Compiling routine: V-TAKE-OFF Compiling routine: V-TASTE Compiling routine: V-TELL Compiling routine: V-TELL-ABOUT Compiling routine: V-TELL-TIME Compiling routine: V-TELL-NAME Compiling routine: V-THANK Compiling routine: V-THROUGH Compiling routine: PRE-THROW Compiling routine: V-THROW Compiling routine: V-THROW-OFF Compiling routine: V-THROW-IN-TOWEL Compiling routine: V-TIE Compiling routine: V-TIE-TOGETHER Compiling routine: V-TURN Compiling routine: V-TYPE Compiling routine: V-TYPE-ON Compiling routine: V-UNLOCK Compiling routine: V-UNPLUG Compiling routine: V-UNTIE Compiling routine: V-WALK Compiling routine: V-WALK-AROUND Compiling routine: V-WALK-TO Compiling routine: V-WAIT Compiling routine: V-WAIT-FOR Compiling routine: V-WATER Compiling routine: V-WAVE Compiling routine: V-WAVE-AT Compiling routine: V-WEAR Compiling routine: V-WHAT Compiling routine: V-WHAT-ABOUT Compiling routine: V-WHAT-TIME Compiling routine: V-WHERE Compiling routine: V-WHO Compiling routine: V-WHY Compiling routine: V-YELL Compiling routine: V-YES Compiling routine: ITAKE Compiling routine: IDROP Compiling routine: CCOUNT Compiling routine: WEIGHT Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-ROOM Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-OBJECTS Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-OBJECT Compiling routine: PRINT-CONT Compiling routine: PRINT-CONTENTS Compiling routine: FIRSTER Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-VEHICLE Compiling routine: GOTO Compiling routine: UNPLUG-HELD-STUFF Compiling routine: JIGS-UP Compiling routine: ACCESSIBLE? Compiling routine: VISIBLE? Compiling routine: META-LOC Compiling routine: OTHER-SIDE Compiling routine: HELD? Compiling routine: SEE-INSIDE? Compiling routine: GLOBAL-IN? Compiling routine: FIND-IN Compiling routine: LOC-CLOSED Compiling routine: DO-WALK Compiling routine: FUCKING-CLEAR Compiling routine: ROB Compiling routine: HOLDING-ONE-BUT-NOT-BOTH? Compiling routine: HACK-HACK Compiling routine: ARTICLE Compiling routine: HOME-F Compiling routine: HOUSE-F Compiling routine: I-HOUSEWRECK Compiling routine: BETTER-LUCK Compiling routine: HANGOVER-F Compiling routine: BEDROOM-F Compiling routine: BEDROOM-EXIT-F Compiling routine: PHONE-F Compiling routine: GLOBAL-BED-F Compiling routine: BED-F Compiling routine: CURTAINS-F Compiling routine: GOWN-F Compiling routine: SLEEVES-F Compiling routine: TWO-TREES Compiling routine: THING-F Compiling routine: I-THING Compiling routine: TABLET-F Compiling routine: CLOTHES-EXIT-F Compiling routine: MAIL-F Compiling routine: HOUSE-ENTER-F Compiling routine: FRONT-OF-HOUSE-F Compiling routine: I-BULLDOZER Compiling routine: BRICK-DEATH Compiling routine: BULLDOZER-DRIVER-F Compiling routine: BULLDOZER-F Compiling routine: I-PROSSER Compiling routine: PROSSER-DESCFCN Compiling routine: PROSSER-F Compiling routine: STAND-ASIDE Compiling routine: DIGITAL-WATCH-F Compiling routine: FORD-DESCFCN Compiling routine: FORD-F Compiling routine: FORD-DECIDES Compiling routine: I-FORD Compiling routine: SATCHEL-DESCFCN Compiling routine: ITEM-ON-SATCHEL-DESCRIPTION Compiling routine: SATCHEL-F Compiling routine: TOWEL-F Compiling routine: BACK-OF-HOUSE-F Compiling routine: TREE-PSEUDO Compiling routine: COUNTRY-LANE-F Compiling routine: I-DOG Compiling routine: DOG-F Compiling routine: PUB-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: PUB-F Compiling routine: BAR-F Compiling routine: PUB-SHELF-F Compiling routine: MUSIC-F Compiling routine: JUKEBOX-F Compiling routine: BARMAN-F Compiling routine: BEER-F Compiling routine: PEANUTS-F Compiling routine: SANDWICH-F Compiling routine: I-VOGONS Compiling routine: GO-TO-LANE Compiling routine: FLEET-F Compiling routine: LEAVE-EARTH Compiling routine: ARTHUR-F Compiling routine: IDIOT? Compiling routine: I-UNEASY Compiling routine: I-ARTHUR Compiling routine: SCENE-THROUGH-WINDOW Compiling routine: MINERAL-WATER-F Compiling routine: HOLD-F Compiling routine: I-GROGGY Compiling routine: DISPENSER-F Compiling routine: DISPENSER-BUTTON-F Compiling routine: FISH-HOLE-F Compiling routine: HOOK-F Compiling routine: DRAIN-F Compiling routine: ROBOT-PANEL-F Compiling routine: BABEL-FISH-F Compiling routine: GLASS-CASE-F Compiling routine: GLASS-CASE-OPENS Compiling routine: CASE-SWITCH-F Compiling routine: PRODUCE-GIBBERISH Compiling routine: I-ANNOUNCEMENT Compiling routine: I-GUARDS Compiling routine: CAPTAINS-QUARTERS-F Compiling routine: POETRY-APPRECIATION-CHAIR-F Compiling routine: VOGON-CAPTAIN-F Compiling routine: I-CAPTAIN Compiling routine: GUARDS-TO-AIRLOCK Compiling routine: POETRY-F Compiling routine: VOGON-CORRIDOR-DOOR-F Compiling routine: VOGON-AIRLOCK-DOOR-F Compiling routine: AIRLOCK-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: AIRLOCK-F Compiling routine: LAIR-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: INNER-LAIR-ENTER-F Compiling routine: LAIR-F Compiling routine: OUTER-LAIR-F Compiling routine: MEMORIAL-F Compiling routine: STONE-F Compiling routine: BEAST-DESCFCN Compiling routine: BEAST-F Compiling routine: I-BEAST Compiling routine: BEAST-DEATH Compiling routine: YOUR-NAME-F Compiling routine: NUT-COM-INTERFACE-F Compiling routine: I-CARELESS-WORDS Compiling routine: MICROSCOPIC-FLEET-F Compiling routine: CANOPY-F Compiling routine: WAR-CHAMBER-F Compiling routine: VLHURG-DESCFCN Compiling routine: VLHURG-F Compiling routine: GGUGVUNT-F Compiling routine: THIRD-PLANET-F Compiling routine: MAZE-EXIT-F Compiling routine: PARTICLE-F Compiling routine: APARTMENT-F Compiling routine: PARTY-DESC Compiling routine: PARTY-EXIT-F Compiling routine: LIVING-ROOM-F Compiling routine: APARTMENT-DOOR-F Compiling routine: DINING-ROOM-F Compiling routine: KITCHEN-F Compiling routine: WINE-F Compiling routine: APPETIZERS-F Compiling routine: DROP-AT-PARTY Compiling routine: SHRIEK Compiling routine: HOSTESS-F Compiling routine: I-HOSTESS Compiling routine: SPEEDBOAT-F Compiling routine: I-SPEEDBOAT Compiling routine: BOAT-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: WATER-PSEUDO Compiling routine: PILOT-SEAT-F Compiling routine: KEY-F Compiling routine: TOOLBOX-F Compiling routine: MAGNIFYING-GLASS-F Compiling routine: AUTOPILOT-BUTTON-F Compiling routine: DESTINATION-F Compiling routine: DAIS-EXIT-F Compiling routine: DAIS-F Compiling routine: DAIS-FUNCTION Compiling routine: CROWD-PSEUDO Compiling routine: PLATFORM-F Compiling routine: BLASTER-F Compiling routine: BLASTER-HOLD Compiling routine: RIFLES-F Compiling routine: GUARD-DEATH Compiling routine: INSIDE-WHALE-F Compiling routine: I-WHALE Compiling routine: WHALE-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: INIT-STATUS-LINE Compiling routine: UPDATE-STATUS-LINE Compiling routine: PRINT-SPACES Compiling routine: SAY-HERE Compiling routine: NOT-HERE-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: FIND-NOT-HERE Compiling routine: NOT-HERE-PRINT Compiling routine: LIGHT-F Compiling routine: GLOBAL-SLEEP-F Compiling routine: SPEECH-F Compiling routine: GROUND-F Compiling routine: WALLS-F Compiling routine: CEILING-F Compiling routine: WINDOW-F Compiling routine: STAIRS-F Compiling routine: SKY-F Compiling routine: STAR-F Compiling routine: HANDS-F Compiling routine: EYES-F Compiling routine: PROTAGONIST-F Compiling routine: ME-F Compiling routine: GLOBAL-ROOM-F Compiling routine: OBJECT-OF-GAME-F Compiling routine: CONTROLS-F Compiling routine: CONVERSATION-F Compiling routine: GUARDS-F Compiling routine: WEAPON-PSEUDO Compiling routine: FRUSTRATION-F Compiling routine: UNIMPORTANT-THING-F Compiling routine: DONT-F Compiling routine: DARK-F Compiling routine: DARK-FUNCTION Compiling routine: LEAVE-DARK Compiling routine: MISSING? Compiling routine: DARK-ONE Compiling routine: DARK-TWO Compiling routine: DARK-THREE Compiling routine: DARK-FOUR Compiling routine: BEAST-GUARD-FORD Compiling routine: I-BRAIN-DEATH Compiling routine: TOOTHBRUSH-F Compiling routine: LIQUID-SPILL Compiling routine: ANTI-LITTER Compiling routine: TEA-DESCFCN Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-DRINK Compiling routine: TEA-F Compiling routine: NO-TEA-F Compiling routine: TEA-PRINT Compiling routine: THUMB-F Compiling routine: RED-BUTTON-F Compiling routine: GREEN-BUTTON-F Compiling routine: GUARANTEE-F Compiling routine: ENGINEER-F Compiling routine: ENGINEER-LEAVE Compiling routine: I-ENGINEER Compiling routine: GUIDE-DESCFCN Compiling routine: GUIDE-F Compiling routine: CANT-SEE Compiling routine: TELL-ME-HOW Compiling routine: OUT-OF-FIRST Compiling routine: PRIVATE Compiling routine: NOT-VERY-GOOD Compiling routine: FACTOR Compiling routine: REMOVING-BIT Compiling routine: PART-OF Compiling routine: BUT-THAT-MAN Compiling routine: CUSHION Compiling routine: FINE-PRODUCT Compiling routine: MAKE-WAY-FOR Compiling routine: OWN-FEET Compiling routine: V-HINTS-NO Compiling routine: V-HINTS Compiling routine: PICK-QUESTION Compiling routine: ERASE-CURSOR Compiling routine: NEW-CURSOR Compiling routine: INVERSE-LINE Compiling routine: DISPLAY-HINT Compiling routine: PUT-UP-QUESTIONS Compiling routine: PUT-UP-CHAPTERS Compiling routine: INIT-HINT-SCREEN Compiling routine: CENTER-LINE Compiling routine: LEFT-LINE Compiling routine: RIGHT-LINE ** Note: OBJECT has no properties: GLOBAL-OBJECTS Vocabulary: 1019 Prepositions: 24 ABOUT AWAY DRESSED IN OVER UNDER ACROSS BEFORE DRUNK OFF THROUGH UNDRESSED AROUND BEHIND FOR ON TO UP AT DOWN FROM OUT TOGETHER WITH Real globals: 178 AGAIN-DIR GUARDS-COUNTER P-MULT AGAIN-LEXV GUN-COUNTER P-NAM AIRLOCK-COUNTER GUTS-ROOM P-NCN ARGUMENT-COUNTER HEADACHE P-NOT-HERE AUTOPILOT-COUNTER HEART-COUNTER P-NUMBER AWAITING-REPLY HEART-PROB P-OCLAUSE BEARINGS-LOST HERE P-OFLAG BEAST-COUNTER HINT-WARNING P-ONEOBJ BOAT-COUNTER HINTS P-OTBL BOAT-DOCKED HINTS-OFF P-OVTBL BORES HOLDING-NO-TEA P-PRSA-WORD BRAIN-DAMAGED HOST P-PRSI BROWNIAN-SOURCE HOUSE-DEMOLISHED P-PRSO BULLDOZER-COUNTER IDENTITY-FLAG P-SLOCBITS C-INTS IN-FRONT-FLAG P-SYNTAX C-TABLE ITEM-DROPPED-AT-PARTY P-TABLE CAPTAIN-COUNTER ITEM-ON-SATCHEL P-VTBL CARELESS-WORDS-FLAG LANDED P-WALK-DIR CHAPT-NUM LINE-A P-WON CLOCK-WAIT LINE-B P-XADJ COLUMN-TABLE LINE-C P-XNAM CRASH-COUNTER LINE-NUMBER PANEL-BLOCKER CUR-POS LINE-TABLE PARTY-TABLE CURRENT-EXIT LIT PEANUTS-BOUGHT DAIS-COUNTER LOOK-COUNTER PLANT-BLOOMED DARK-CONTROLLED LYING-COUNTER PLAYER DARK-COUNTER LYING-DOWN POEM-ENJOYED DARK-ENTRANCES MARVIN-COUNTER PROSSER-COUNTER DARK-FLAG MAZE-COUNTER PROSSER-LYING DEAD-COUNTER MOVES PRSA DESTINATION NAME-TOLD PRSI DIROUT-TBL NOUN-MISSING PRSO DOG-COUNTER OHERE QUEST-NUM DOG-FED OLD-LEN QUOTE-FLAG DONT-FLAG OOPS-INBUF RESERVE-INBUF DREAMING OOPS-TABLE RESERVE-LEXV DRIVE-TO-CONTROLS P-AADJ RESERVE-PTR DRIVE-TO-PLOTTER P-ACLAUSE SANDWICH-BOUGHT DRUNK-LEVEL P-ADJ SCORE EARTH-DEMOLISHED P-ANAM SLEEVE-TIED ENGINEER-COUNTER P-AND SUBSTITUTE-DRUNK FIRST-BUFFER P-BUTS TEA-COUNTER FISH-COUNTER P-CCTBL TEA-SHOWN FLEET-PROB P-CEPTR THUMB-SHOWN FLUFF-COUNTER P-CONT TOOL-REQUIRED FLUFF-REMOVED P-CSPTR TOWEL-MUDDY FLUFF-TO-GOWN P-END-ON-PREP TOWEL-OFFERED FOLLOW-FLAG P-GETFLAGS TRAAL-PROB FORD-COUNTER P-GWIMBIT TRILLIAN-PROB FORD-GONE P-INBUF UNEASY-COUNTER FORD-POINT P-INPUT-WORDS VERBOSITY FORD-PROB P-IT-OBJECT VOGON-COUNTER FORD-SLEEPING P-ITBL VOGON-PROB FORD-TABLE P-LEN WHALE-PROB GIBBERISH P-LEXV WIDTH GLASS-CASE-SCORE P-MATCHLEN WINNER GONE-AROUND P-MERGE WORD-NUMBER GOWN-HUNG P-MERGED ZAPHOD-PROB GROGGY P-MOBY-FLAG GROGGY-COUNTER P-MOBY-FOUND Objects: 236 ACCESS-SPACE FRUSTATION PLATFORM AFT-CORRIDOR GALLEY PLIERS AIR GALLEY-PSEUDO PLOTTER AIRLOCK GGUGVUNT POCKET-FLUFF AIRLOCK-OBJECT GLASS-CASE POETRY APARTMENT GLOBAL-BED POETRY-APPRECIATION-CHAIR APARTMENT-DOOR GLOBAL-OBJECTS PROSSER APPETIZERS GLOBAL-ROOM PROTAGONIST ARTHUR GLOBAL-SLEEP PUB AUTOPILOT-BUTTON GOWN PUB-FURNISHINGS AWL GRAY-MATTER PUB-OBJECT BABEL-FISH GREEN-BUTTON PUB-SHELF BACK-OF-HOUSE GROUND RAMP BANNER GUARANTEE RASP BAR GUARDS RED-BUTTON BARMAN GUIDE RIFLES BEAST HANDBAG ROBOT-PANEL BEAST-GUN HANDS ROOMS BEAST-NAME HANGOVER ROSES BED HATCH RUBBLE BEDROOM HATCHWAY SALES-BROCHURE BEDROOM-DOOR HEAD SANDWICH BEDROOM-FURNISHINGS HEART-OF-GOLD SARCASTIC-NAME BEDROOM-PSEUDO HOLD SATCHEL BEER HOLD-FURNISHINGS SATCHEL-FLUFF BIKE HOME SAUNA BIRDS HOOK SCREENING-DOOR BLASTER HOSTESS SCREWDRIVER BOARD HOUSE SHADOW BOAT-OBJECT INNER-LAIR SINK BONES INSIDE-WHALE SKELETON BRAIN INTERFACE-BOX SKY BRIDGE INTNUM SLEEVES BULLDOZER IT SLOT BULLDOZER-DRIVER JACKET-FLUFF SMALL-PLUG CAGE JUKEBOX SMALL-RECEPTACLE CANOPY KEY SPARE-DRIVE CAPTAINS-QUARTERS KEYBOARD SPEECH CASE-SWITCH KITCHEN SPEEDBOAT CEILING LAIR SPIRE CHANNEL LAIR-OBJECT STAIRS CHIPPER LARGE-PLUG STAR CHISEL LARGE-RECEPTACLE STAR-DRIVE CLIFF LIGHT STONE CONTROLS LIQUID STRAPS CONVERSATION LIVING-ROOM STUFF-UNDER-BED COUNTRY-LANE LOCAL-GLOBALS SUBSTITUTE CROWD MAGNIFYING-GLASS SWITCH CURTAINS MAIL SYNAPSE CUSHION-FLUFF MAIN-DRIVE TABLET DAIS MARVIN TEA DAMOGRAN MAZE TEETH DANGLY-BIT ME THING DARK MECHANISM THIRD-PLANET DARK-OBJECT MEMORIAL THUMB DIGITAL-WATCH MESH TIME DINING-ROOM MICROSCOPIC-FLEET TOOLBOX DIPSWITCH MINERAL-WATER TOOTHBRUSH DISPENSER MUSIC TOWEL DISPENSER-BUTTON NAME TREE DOG NO-TEA TRILLIAN DOORMAT NOT-HERE-OBJECT TWEEZERS DRAIN NUT-COM-INTERFACE VLHURG EARS NUTRIMAT VOGON-CAPTAIN EDDIE OBJECT-OF-GAME VOGON-CORRIDOR-DOOR ENGINE-ROOM OTHER-PLANETS VOGON-INNER-DOOR ENGINEER OUTER-LAIR VOGON-OUTER-DOOR ENTRY-BAY PAD WALLS EQUATIONS PAINFUL-LIGHT WAR-CHAMBER EYES PANTRY WATER FISH-HOLE PANTRY-PSEUDO WEAPON FLEET PARTICLE WHALE-OBJECT FLOWERPOT PEANUTS WILD-PARTY FOOBAR PEOPLE WINDOW FORD PHIL WINE FORE-CORRIDOR PHONE WRENCH FRONT-OF-HOUSE PILOT-SEAT YOUR-NAME FRONT-PORCH PINCER ZAPHOD FRUIT PLANT Properties: 24 P?ACTION P?DOWN P?GENERIC P?NE P?SE P?SYNONYM P?ADJECTIVE P?EAST P?GLOBAL P?NORTH P?SIZE P?TEXT P?CAPACITY P?FDESC P?IN P?NW P?SOUTH P?UP P?DESCFCN P?FLAG P?LDESC P?OUT P?SW P?WEST Flags: 31 ACTORBIT INTEGRALBIT NDESCBIT RLANDBIT TOUCHBIT WORNBIT CONTBIT INVISIBLE ONBIT SEARCHBIT TRANSBIT DARKBIT LIGHTBIT OPENBIT SURFACEBIT TRYTAKEBIT DOORBIT LOCATION OUTSIDEBIT SWITCHBIT VEHBIT DRINKBIT MUNGEDBIT READBIT TAKEBIT VOWELBIT EATBIT NARTICLEBIT REVISITBIT TOOLBIT WEARBIT