Combined ZIL Compiler Ver 2.0 (MIM) ----------------------------------- Input file: SS:M5.ZIL.4 [ZIP instructions] Loading SS:MACROS.ZIL.56 because not abstracted. Loading abstract SS:MISC.ZABSTR.1. Loading SS:SYNTAX.ZIL.225 because not abstracted. ** Warning: Two different pre-actions for verb V?COMPARE: PRE-COMPARE; 0 ** Warning: Two different pre-actions for verb V?COMPARE: PRE-COMPARE; 0 ** Warning: Two different pre-actions for verb V?EXAMINE: PRE-EXAMINE; 0 Loading SS:PARSER.ZIL.470 and compiling it. Compiling routine: MAIN-LOOP Compiling routine: MAIN-LOOP-1 Compiling routine: TELL-I-ASSUME Compiling routine: VERB-ALL-TEST Compiling routine: GAME-VERB? Compiling routine: QCONTEXT-CHECK Compiling routine: QCONTEXT-GOOD? Compiling routine: NOT-IT Compiling routine: NOT-HERE-OBJECT-F Compiling routine: PRSO-VERB? Compiling routine: PRSI-VERB? Compiling routine: GEN-TEST Compiling routine: NOT-SECRET-TEST Compiling routine: PRUNE Compiling routine: ELIMINATE Compiling routine: MOBY-FIND Compiling routine: FIND-NOT-HERE Compiling routine: NOT-HERE-PRINT Compiling routine: SEE-VERB? Compiling routine: FIX-HIM-HER-IT Compiling routine: FAKE-ORPHAN Compiling routine: PERFORM Compiling routine: D-APPLY Compiling routine: I-PROMPT Compiling routine: BUZZER-WORD? Compiling routine: QUESTION-WORD? Compiling routine: TO-DO-X-USE-Y Compiling routine: NUMBER-WORD? Compiling routine: NAUGHTY-WORD? Compiling routine: NOT-THAT-WAY Compiling routine: PARSER Compiling routine: CHANGE-LEXV Compiling routine: PRINT-LEXV Compiling routine: STUFF Compiling routine: INBUF-STUFF Compiling routine: INBUF-ADD Compiling routine: FIX-POSSESSIVES Compiling routine: NAME? Compiling routine: XNAME? Compiling routine: WT? Compiling routine: CLAUSE Compiling routine: VERB-DIR-ONLY? Compiling routine: NUMBER? Compiling routine: ORPHAN-MERGE Compiling routine: CLAUSE-WIN Compiling routine: WORD-PRINT Compiling routine: UNKNOWN-WORD Compiling routine: CANT-USE Compiling routine: SYNTAX-CHECK Compiling routine: DONT-UNDERSTAND Compiling routine: VERB-PRINT Compiling routine: ORPHAN Compiling routine: CLAUSE-PRINT Compiling routine: BUFFER-PRINT Compiling routine: TITLE-NOUN? Compiling routine: CAPITAL-NOUN? Compiling routine: CAPITALIZE Compiling routine: PREP-PRINT Compiling routine: CLAUSE-COPY Compiling routine: CLAUSE-SUBSTRUC Compiling routine: CLAUSE-ADD Compiling routine: PREP-FIND Compiling routine: SYNTAX-FOUND Compiling routine: GWIM Compiling routine: SNARF-OBJECTS Compiling routine: BUT-MERGE Compiling routine: ADJ-CHECK Compiling routine: SNARFEM Compiling routine: RESOLVE-YOUR-HER-HIS Compiling routine: GET-OBJECT Compiling routine: GENERIC-CLUE-FCN Compiling routine: CLUE-TEST Compiling routine: GENERIC-STAIRS Compiling routine: GENERIC-CLOTHES Compiling routine: GENERIC-CLOSET Compiling routine: GENERIC-DINNER Compiling routine: GENERIC-BEDROOM Compiling routine: GENERIC-GREAT-HALL Compiling routine: GENERIC-LENS Compiling routine: GENERIC-RECORDER Compiling routine: GENERIC-BOX Compiling routine: GENERIC-BOOK Compiling routine: GENERIC-WELL Compiling routine: GENERIC-SKELETON Compiling routine: GENERIC-ROOM Compiling routine: GENERIC-EYE Compiling routine: GENERIC-BELL Compiling routine: GENERIC-WINE Compiling routine: SPEAKING-VERB? Compiling routine: MISSING Compiling routine: WHICH-PRINT Compiling routine: GLOBAL-SEARCH Compiling routine: GLOBAL-CHECK Compiling routine: DO-SL Compiling routine: SEARCH-LIST Compiling routine: ROOM-SEARCH Compiling routine: THIS-IT? Compiling routine: OBJ-FOUND Compiling routine: TAKE-CHECK Compiling routine: ITAKE-CHECK Compiling routine: MANY-CHECK Compiling routine: ZMEMQ Compiling routine: ZMEMQB Compiling routine: LIT? Compiling routine: NOT-HERE Compiling routine: PUT-ADJ-NAM Compiling routine: NOUN-USED? Compiling routine: ADJ-USED? Abstracting SS:PARSER. Loading abstract SS:VERBS.ZABSTR.1. Loading abstract SS:GOAL.ZABSTR.1. Loading abstract SS:PEOPLE.ZABSTR.1. Loading abstract SS:CASTLE.ZABSTR.1. Loading SS:TOWER.ZIL.529 and compiling it. Compiling routine: TELL-IN-BROCHURE Compiling routine: BROCHURE-PSEUDO Compiling routine: MEMENTO-F Compiling routine: OLD-GREAT-HALL-F Compiling routine: JUNCTION-F Compiling routine: BASEMENT-ENTER Compiling routine: BASEMENT-F Compiling routine: WINE-RACK-F Compiling routine: BOTTLE-F Compiling routine: BRICKS-D Compiling routine: BRICKS-F Compiling routine: HOLE-IN-WALL-F Compiling routine: WELL-F Compiling routine: CRYPT-F Compiling routine: SKELETON-F Compiling routine: DUNGEON-F Compiling routine: IRON-MAIDEN-F Compiling routine: COFFIN-F Compiling routine: LOVER-PATH-LOSE-N Compiling routine: LOVER-PATH-LOSE Compiling routine: LOVER-PATH-F Compiling routine: CORR-2-F Compiling routine: CREST-F Compiling routine: TV-PSEUDO Compiling routine: JACK-ROOM-F Compiling routine: NOT-FOUND Compiling routine: FREE-VERB? Compiling routine: SECRET-CHECK Compiling routine: OPEN-SECRET Compiling routine: TELESCOPE-F Compiling routine: LIBRARY-F Compiling routine: BOOKS-GLOBAL-F Compiling routine: BOOKCASE-F Compiling routine: HISTORY-BOOK-F Compiling routine: JOURNAL-F Compiling routine: OFFICE-F Compiling routine: INKWELL-F Compiling routine: COMPUTER-F Compiling routine: TAMARA-ROOM-F Compiling routine: DRESSING-TABLE-TAM Compiling routine: TAMARA-BED-F Compiling routine: JEWELRY-CASE-F Compiling routine: EARRING-F Compiling routine: CORR-3-F Compiling routine: CAGE-PSEUDO Compiling routine: LUMBER-ROOM-F Compiling routine: LUMBER-CHEST-F Compiling routine: LUMBER-RING-F Compiling routine: PEEPHOLE-2-F Compiling routine: MAGAZINE-F Compiling routine: CHAPEL-F Compiling routine: STAINED-WINDOW-F Compiling routine: BILLIARD-PSEUDO Compiling routine: BUFFALO-HEAD-F Compiling routine: RHINO-HEAD-F Compiling routine: GLASS-EYE-F Compiling routine: DECK-F Compiling routine: BELL-F Compiling routine: GO-TO-SOUND Compiling routine: X-TO-BELL Compiling routine: LADDER-F Compiling routine: LEVER-AND-DOOR Compiling routine: SECRET-LANDING-JACK-F Compiling routine: PASSAGE-1-F Compiling routine: SECRET-LANDING-TAM-F Compiling routine: SECRET-VIVIEN-PASSAGE-F Compiling routine: DINING-PASSAGE-F Compiling routine: SECRET-LANDING-LIB-F Compiling routine: SECRET-IAN-PASSAGE-F Compiling routine: SITTING-PASSAGE-F Compiling routine: SITTING-PASSAGE-LOSE Compiling routine: YOUR-CLOSET-F Compiling routine: PASSAGE-DESC? Compiling routine: IRIS-CLOSET-F Compiling routine: WENDISH-CORNER-F Compiling routine: MIDPOINT-F Compiling routine: DRAWING-CLOSET-F Compiling routine: GALLERY-CORNER-F Compiling routine: PEEPHOLE-F Compiling routine: HYDE-CLOSET-F Abstracting SS:TOWER. Loading abstract SS:THINGS.ZABSTR.1. Loading abstract SS:PLACES.ZABSTR.1. Loading SS:GLOBAL.ZIL.356 and compiling it. Compiling routine: LOCAL-GLOBALS-F Compiling routine: UPSTAIRS-DOWNSTAIRS Compiling routine: DO-INSTEAD-OF Compiling routine: TURN-F Compiling routine: IT-F Compiling routine: FLOOR-F Compiling routine: START-SEARCH Compiling routine: I-FOUND-IT Compiling routine: YOU-F Compiling routine: WALL-F Compiling routine: GLOBAL-HERE-F Compiling routine: CHAIR-F Compiling routine: CLOTHES-FCN Compiling routine: SLEEP-GLOBAL-F Compiling routine: ROB Compiling routine: LIGHT-GLOBAL-F Compiling routine: HAUNTING-F Compiling routine: KEYHOLE-F Compiling routine: HANDS-F Compiling routine: HEAD-F Compiling routine: EYE-F Compiling routine: OTHER-OUTFIT-F Compiling routine: FIND-BODY Compiling routine: PASSAGE-F Compiling routine: CORPSE-F Compiling routine: UNDRESSED-F Compiling routine: ARTIFACT-F Compiling routine: TIMES-UP Abstracting SS:GLOBAL. Loading abstract SS:COLORS.ZABSTR.1. ** Warning: Never defined - A?GREEN ** Warning: Never defined - A?BLUE ** Warning: Never defined - A?RED ** Warning: Never defined - A?YELLOW Warnings: 7 ** Note: OBJECT has no properties: ROOMS ** Note: OBJECT has no properties: GENERIC-CLUE Vocabulary: 955 Prepositions: 24 ABOUT AGAINST AWAY DOWN IN OUT THROUGH UNTIL ACROSS AROUND BEHIND FOR OFF OVER TO UP AFTER AT BESIDE FROM ON RID UNDER WITH Real globals: 223 AGAIN-DIR LDESC-STRINGS P-VTBL AGAIN-LEXV LIONEL-FORCED P-WALK-DIR AHHH LIONEL-SPEAKS-COUNTER P-WON AIMED-HERE LIONELS-VOICE P-XADJ ANCIENT-SECRETS LIT P-XADJN ARRESTED-THE-VILLAIN LONG-BLOND-HAIR P-XNAM AWAITING-REPLY LOVER-SAID PASS-LINE BED-LINE MAIN-LINE PASSAGE-EAST-WEST BEG-PARDON MASS-COUNTER PIANO-PIECES BRICKS-DOWN MASS-SAID PLAYER-OBSTACLES BUTLER-DUTY MIDDLE-WORD PLAYER-RANG-BELL? BUTLER-GHOST-STORY-TOLD MISSED-DINNER POISON-DART BUTLER-HINTS-COUNTER MUSTACHE-STORY PRESENT-TIME BUTLER-RANG-BELL? NAUGHTY-WORD-TABLE PRSA C-INTS NEVER-NOTICED-HER PRSI C-TABLE NO-CHANGING PRSO CAPTOR NO-VIOLENCE QCONTEXT CASTLE-IS-SOUTH NOT-ENOUGH-ROOM QUESTION-WORD-COUNT CHAR-CLOSET-TABLE NOTHING-NEW QUESTION-WORD-TABLE CHAR-POSS-TABLE NOW-PRSI QUESTIONERS CHAR-ROOM-TABLE NOW-WEARING QUESTIONS CHARACTER-TABLE NUMBER-WORD-TABLE QUITE-WELCOME CLASP-MUNGED OFFENDED QUOTE-FLAG CLOCK-WAIT OHERE QWP1-TABLE CLOCKER-RUNNING OOPS-INBUF QWP2-TABLE CLUE-LOC OOPS-PRINT REMEMBER-NOT-DRESSED COLOR-ADJS OOPS-TABLE RESERVE-INBUF COLOR-FORCED OPRSO RESERVE-LEXV COLOR-LETTERS OTHER-POSS-POS RESERVE-PTR COLOR-WORDS OU-STOP-SEARCHING RHYMES-WITH-RICH CONFESSED P-AADJ SEARCH-ROOMS COR-1 P-ACLAUSE SEARCHER COR-2 P-ADJ SECRET-TAM-LIB COR-4 P-ADJN SHOOTER CREEPIES P-ADJW SHOT DARK-TURRETS P-ANAM SOMETHING DINING-DESC P-AND STAIRS-DOWN-LEFT DINNER-SAT P-BUTS STAIRS-UP-RIGHT DINNER-SIT-COUNTER P-CCTBL SUFFIX DIR-STRINGS P-CONT THATS-INTERESTING DISCOVERED-HERE P-DIRECTION TIMER-PREVENTS-IT DRAGON-EYE-COLOR P-END-ON-PREP TITLE-WORD EVIDENCE-FOUND P-GETFLAGS TOLD-ABOUT-EVID FAMOUS-YOUNG-DETECTIVE P-GWIMBIT TOLD-ABOUT-GHOST FAVE-COLOR P-HER-OBJECT TOO-SLIPPERY FAWNING P-HIM-OBJECT TOUCHED-LDESCS FIRST-NAME P-INBUF TOUR-FORCED FOLLOW-LOC P-IT-OBJECT TOUR-INDEX FOLLOWER P-IT-WORDS TOUR-PATH FOUND-COSTUME P-ITBL TOWER-LINE FOUND-FABRIC P-LEN TOWER-STAIRS FOUND-IT P-LEXV TRAILS-ALONG FOUND-IT-PERM P-MERGE TRANSFER-TABLE FOUND-LOC P-MERGED TREASURE FOUND-PASSAGES P-MOBY-FLAG TREASURE-FOUND FRIEND-FOUND-PASSAGES P-MOBY-FOUND TRESYLLIAN FUMBLE-NUMBER P-NAM VARIATION FUMBLE-PROB P-NAMW VERBOSITY GENDER-KNOWN P-NCN VILLAIN-KNOWN? GHOST-CACKLES P-NUMBER VILLAIN-PER GLASSES-FOR P-OCL1 WASHED GOAL-PERSON P-OCL2 WHICH-DIR GOAL-TABLES P-OFLAG WHITISH-GLIMPSE GUEST-TABLE P-OFW WHO-CARES-TBL HIDING-PLACE P-OTBL WHO-CARES-VERB HO-HUM P-OVTBL WING-STAIRS I-ASSUME P-PHR WINNER IDENTIFIED-THE-GHOST P-PROMPT WRONG-OUTFIT IM-SHOCKED P-PRSA-WORD YAWNS INTO-DARKNESS P-PRSI YES-INBUF INTRODUCES P-PRSO YES-LEXV JACK-THINKS-GLADYS P-SLOCBITS YOU-DIDNT-SAY-W KEEP-WAITING P-SYNTAX YUKS LAST-NAME P-TABLE LAST-PSEUDO-LOC P-TIME Objects: 254 ACCIDENT GREAT-HALL PIANO ANDIRON HANDS PLAYER ARMOR HAUNTING PLAYER-NAME ARTIFACT HEAD POND BACKSTAIRS HER PRIEST-DOOR BASEMENT HIM PSEUDO-OBJECT BATHROOM HISTORY-BOOK PUNCHBOWL BED HOLE-IN-WALL RECORDER BELL HORN RHINO-HEAD BLOWGUN HYDE-CHAIR ROMANCE BOOKCASE HYDE-CLOSET ROOMS BOOKS-GLOBAL HYDE-ROOM SECRET-DINING-DOOR BOTTLE IAN-CHAIR SECRET-DRAWING-DOOR BRICKS IAN-ROOM SECRET-HYDE-DOOR BROCHURE INKWELL SECRET-IAN-DOOR BUFFALO-HEAD INTDIR SECRET-IAN-PASSAGE BUST INTNUM SECRET-IRIS-DOOR BUTLER IRIS-CHAIR SECRET-JACK-DOOR CANDLE IRIS-CLOSET SECRET-LANDING-JACK CANE IRIS-ROOM SECRET-LANDING-LIB CAR IRON-MAIDEN SECRET-LANDING-TAM CASTLE IT SECRET-LIBRARY-DOOR CHAIR JACK-ROOM SECRET-SITTING-DOOR CHAIR-DINING JACK-TAPE SECRET-TAMARA-DOOR CHAPEL JEWEL SECRET-VIVIEN-DOOR CHEST-OF-DRAWERS JEWELRY-CASE SECRET-VIVIEN-PASSAGE CLUE-1 JOURNAL SECRET-WENDISH-DOOR CLUE-2 JUNCTION SECRET-YOUR-DOOR CLUE-3 KEYHOLE SIDEBOARD CLUE-4 KITCHEN SITTING-PASSAGE COAT-RACK LADDER SITTING-ROOM COFFIN LAMP SKELETON COMPUTER LENS SKULL CORPSE LENS-1 SLEEP-GLOBAL CORR-1 LENS-2 SLEEP-OUTFIT CORR-2 LENS-BOX STAINED-WINDOW CORR-3 LETTER STAIRS COSTUME LETTER-DEE STUDY COURTYARD LETTER-MAID TABLE-DINING COUSIN LEVER TABLE-LIBRARY CREST LIBRARY TABLE-RANDOM CREW-GLOBAL LIBRARY-CHAIR TAMARA-BED CRYPT LIGHT-GLOBAL TAMARA-EVIDENCE DANGER LIMBO TAMARA-ROOM DEALER LOCAL-GLOBALS TAPESTRY DEB LORD TELESCOPE DECK LOVER TOMB DESK LOVER-PATH TOWER DINING-PASSAGE LOVER-PIC TURN DINING-ROOM LUGGAGE TWEED-OUTFIT DINNER LUMBER-CHEST UMBRELLA-STAND DINNER-2 LUMBER-RING UNDRESSED DINNER-OUTFIT LUMBER-ROOM VICTORIA-CHAIR DOCTOR MACE VIVIEN-BOX DRAGON MAGAZINE VIVIEN-CHAIR DRAGON-EYE MAID VIVIEN-DIARY DRAWING-CLOSET MAZE VIVIEN-ROOM DRAWING-ROOM MEMENTO VIVIEN-STUFF DRESSING-BENCH MEMENTO-2 VOICE DRESSING-MIRROR MIDPOINT WALL DRESSING-TABLE MIRROR-GLOBAL WAR-CLUB DRESSING-TABLE-LG MOON WARDROBE DRIVEWAY MOONMIST WARDROBE-LG DUNGEON MUSIC WELL EARRING MUSTACHE WENDISH-BOOK EAST-HALL NECKLACE WENDISH-CHAIR EXERCISE-OUTFIT NECKLACE-OF-D WENDISH-CORNER EYE NIGHTLAMP WENDISH-KIT FIGURINE NIGHTSTAND WENDISH-ROOM FIREPLACE NIGHTSTAND-LG WENDISH-STUFF FLOOR NOT-HERE-OBJECT WEST-HALL FOYER OBJECT-PAIR WINDOW FRIEND OCEAN WINE-RACK FRONT-DOOR OFFICE WRITING-DESK FRONT-GATE OFFICER WYVERN GALLERY OIL-PAINTING YOU GALLERY-CORNER OLD-GREAT-HALL YOUR-BATHROOM GAME-ROOM OTHER-OUTFIT YOUR-BATHROOM-DOOR GARDEN PAINT YOUR-CHAIR GENERIC-CLUE PAINTER YOUR-CLOSET GHOST-NEW PAINTING-GALLERY YOUR-COLOR GHOST-OLD PASSAGE YOUR-MIRROR GLASS-EYE PASSAGE-1 YOUR-ROOM GLOBAL-HERE PEEPHOLE YOUR-SWITCH GLOBAL-OBJECTS PEEPHOLE-2 Properties: 27 P?ACTION P?DESCFCN P?IN P?NW P?STATION P?UP P?ADJECTIVE P?DOWN P?LDESC P?OUT P?SW P?WEST P?CAPACITY P?EAST P?LINE P?SE P?SYNONYM P?CHARACTER P?GENERIC P?NE P?SIZE P?TEXT P?CORRIDOR P?GLOBAL P?NORTH P?SOUTH P?THINGS Flags: 28 CONTBIT LOCKED OPENBIT SECRETBIT TOUCHBIT WEAPONBIT DOORBIT MUNGBIT PERSONBIT SEENBIT TRANSBIT WEARBIT FEMALE NARTICLEBIT READBIT SURFACEBIT TRYTAKEBIT WORNBIT INVISIBLE NDESCBIT RMUNGBIT TAKEBIT VEHBIT LIGHTBIT ONBIT SEARCHBIT TOOLBIT VOWELBIT