WORD> > > > > > > %< > WORD> > ) (HL (T)) (HLL .HL) V (CL (T)) (CLL .CL) TCL TCLL) STRING>> ) (T >>> >)>>> >>)>>> )> )> )> >) (T > 2>> >>)>)> >)>> >>>>)> >>> < PLTABLE "What about Lieutenant Measle?" "All he wants is some information for your records." "Ahem. Lieutenant Measle???"> < PLTABLE "What should I do in the Galley?" "Try eating the stew." "Did you find the handbook for programming autopilots?" "How did you get to a nonexistent place?"> "THE POD TRIP" "THE DORMITORY" "ADMIN/MECH AREA" < PLTABLE "Is the crack in the floor important?" "Yes."> "ELEVATORS/TOWER" "HELICOPTER TRIP" "SHUTTLE TRIP" "SYSTEMS/LIBRARY" < PLTABLE "The Repair Room door is too small!" "It's too small for YOU to get through." "It's \"robot-sized\"." "Ask Floyd to go through the doorway."> < PLTABLE "How can I repair Achilles?" "Waldo won't be of any help (unless you're playing SUSPENDED)." "Try using the microfilm reader to read the brown spool." "The brown spool is in the Radiation Lab." "Unfortunately, there's no way to get the brown spool to the microfilm reader." "There is also no way to repair Achilles."> "PROJCON AND LAB" < PLTABLE "What is the signficance of SanFac F?" "Haven't you realized by now that these SanFacs are of no interest?"> < PLTABLE "Who is Burstini Bonz?" "Wasn't he the great Respectivist artist who became famous for painting awesomely phenomenal murals during the 89th century?" > "COMPUTER/ENDGAME" < PLTABLE "What does the computer do?" "The library might have something on it." "It runs the automated Project..." "...which is trying to find a cure for the Disease."> < PLTABLE "Does the Miniaturization Booth work?" "You'll need the proper access card, of course." "It's in the Bio-Lab." "Once you've activated the booth, type the damaged sector number." "Have you read the printout?" "The damaged sector is 384. Type TYPE 384." "You will then be miniaturized and teleported into the damaged sector, where you can attempt to effect repairs." > "GENERAL QUESTIONS" < PLTABLE "Where can I sleep?" "Civilized people usually sleep in beds." "If you sleep elsewhere, you might be devoured (by grues?)." "There are beds in the four dorms, and the Infirmary." "Of course, the bed in the Infirmary is a bad idea for other reasons."> < PLTABLE "Where can I find a light source?" "Have you tried burning the towel?" "Okay, that didn't work. There IS a lantern somewhere." "It's in the Radiation Lab." "You can't enter the Radiation Lab and survive without a radiation suit." "There is no radiation suit." "There is no way to get a light source into the dark rooms."> "MISCELLANEOUS" >> WORD> WORD> WORD> > OW