.FUNCT RT-AC-RM-221B-BAKER-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-ENTRY-HALL \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2 \?CND1 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-ENTRY-HALL \?CCL14 PRINTI "You emerge from the house into" JUMP ?CND12 ?CCL14: PRINTI "You" ICALL1 RT-DRIVE-WALK-MSG? PRINTI "into" ?CND12: PRINTI " Baker Street." CRLF CRLF ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND15 PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,0,1,3 \?CND17 PRINTI "in the spill of a gas streetlight " ?CND17: PRINTI "outside Holmes's house. The street " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL21 PRINTI "disappears into the fog" JUMP ?CND19 ?CCL21: PRINTI "continues" ?CND19: PRINTI " to the north and south. The door to the house is to the west." CRLF ?CND15: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL24 FSET LG-BAKER-ST-DOOR,FL-SEEN FSET CH-PLAYER,FL-SEEN CRLF PRINTR "You have come in response to an urgent summons from your old landlady, Mrs Hudson. As the fog swirls around you, you huddle into your coat and shiver in the predawn chill." ?CCL24: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-3,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL26 IN? CH-HOLMES,RM-221B-BAKER-ST \FALSE ZERO? GL-PUPPY \FALSE CRLF ICALL2 RT-CTHEO-PRINT,CH-HOLMES PRINTI " says, ""Ah, there you are Watson. While you were inside I gave our little problem some thought. Obviously the person who stole the Crown Jewels wanted the authorities to turn to me for help, and it is equally obvious that the thief has laid down a trail for me to follow, in hopes of somehow entrapping me." CRLF CRLF PRINTI """So let's play his game, Doctor. But let's play it by our rules. The thief will have tried to anticipate the sequence of my actions, and I'm sure he has laid his trap accordingly. But if " HLIGHT K-H-ITL PRINTI "you" HLIGHT K-H-NRM PRINTI " were to guide the course of our investigations, he will certainly be thrown off the scent." CRLF CRLF PRINTI """Therefore, let us take surprise onto our side and rely on your instincts as the man of action I know you to be - despite your frequent modest assertions to the contrary."" He steps to one side and says, ""Lead on, good Doctor. I will follow."" Holmes gestures for you to lead the way." CRLF SET 'GL-PUPPY,CH-HOLMES SET 'GL-PUPPY-MSG?,FALSE-VALUE RTRUE ?CCL26: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 /FALSE RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-ENTRY-HALL,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-221B-BAKER-ST \?CCL10 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE ?CCL10: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-PARLOUR \?CCL12 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SOUTH RTRUE ?CCL12: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-VESTIBULE \?CCL14 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?DOWN RTRUE ?CCL14: PRINTI "You'll have to be more explicit." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL16 FSET CH-HUDSON,FL-SEEN FSET RM-ENTRY-HALL,FL-TOUCHED CRLF PRINTI "You step inside and Mrs Hudson closes the door behind you. The entry hall is just as you remember it - small, underheated, and lit by a feeble gas light. " PRINT K-WELL-WORN-MSG RTRUE ?CCL16: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL18 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-221B-BAKER-ST \?CCL21 PRINTI "You enter the house and pause in the entry hall. " PRINT K-WELL-WORN-MSG CRLF RFALSE ?CCL21: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-VESTIBULE \?CCL23 PRINTI "You descend the stairs into the entry hall. The parlour door is to the north. " ICALL2 RT-OPEN-CLOSED-MSG,LG-BAKER-ST-DOOR CRLF RFALSE ?CCL23: PRINTI "You walk out into the entry hall. " ICALL2 RT-OPEN-CLOSED-MSG,LG-BAKER-ST-DOOR CRLF RFALSE ?CCL18: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-3 \?CCL25 PRINT K-WELL-WORN-MSG PRINTC 32 ICALL2 RT-OPEN-CLOSED-MSG,LG-BAKER-ST-DOOR CRLF RFALSE ?CCL25: GETP RM-ENTRY-HALL,P?OBJ-NOUN EQUAL? STACK,W?HOUSE \FALSE CALL1 RT-AC-LG-HOLMES-HOUSE RSTACK .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-PARLOUR,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \?CCL8 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-ENTRY-HALL \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?NORTH RTRUE ?CCL8: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?EXIT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-PARLOUR \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SOUTH RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-MATCHBOOK,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL17 PRINTI "You walk into" JUMP ?CND15 ?CCL17: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND15 PRINTI "You are in" ?CND15: PRINTI " a dreary, late Victorian Era parlour." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-VESTIBULE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-HOLMES-STUDY \?CCL10 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SOUTH RTRUE ?CCL10: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-ENTRY-HALL \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?UP RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CND1 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-ENTRY-HALL \?CCL15 PRINTI "You climb the stairs" JUMP ?CND13 ?CCL15: PRINTI "You leave the study" ?CND13: PRINTI " and pause outside the door" EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL18 FSET LG-HOLMES-STUDY-DOOR,FL-SEEN PRINTI " to Holmes's study, nervous about what you might find inside. " JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL18: PRINTI ". " ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND19 PRINTI "You are on a landing at the top of the stairs." ?CND19: CRLF CRLF PRINTI "Holmes's study is to the north." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-HOLMES-STUDY,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-VESTIBULE \?CCL10 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?NORTH RTRUE ?CCL10: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-HOLMES-BEDROOM \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 PRINTI "You step back through time to your bachelor days, when you shared these cluttered digs with the world's only consulting detective. Despite the mess, you can see that the room is unchanged. The fireplace to the north has a pile of letters transfixed to its mantelpiece by a jackknife. Next to them lies Holmes's six-shot revolver, the tobacco slipper, and Holmes's favorite pipe. The violin has been carelessly tossed onto a stack of obviously unread newspapers." CRLF CRLF ICALL2 RT-AC-CH-HOLMES,K-M-DESCFCN CRLF FSET TH-MANTELPIECE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-VIOLIN,FL-SEEN FSET TH-NEWSPAPER,FL-SEEN FSET TH-SYRINGE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-PHIAL,FL-SEEN FSET TH-MAIL,FL-SEEN FSET TH-GUN,FL-SEEN FSET TH-KNIFE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-PERSIAN-SLIPPER,FL-SEEN FSET TH-PIPE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-LIQUID,FL-SEEN FSET TH-MOROCCO-CASE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-SOFA,FL-SEEN FSET CH-HOLMES,FL-SEEN FSET LG-HOLMES-BEDROOM-DOOR,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL15 PRINTI "You return to Holmes's study, which" JUMP ?CND13 ?CCL15: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND13 PRINTI "The study" ?CND13: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND17 PRINTI " is in its usual disarray." CRLF FSET? CH-HOLMES,FL-ASLEEP \?CND19 CRLF ICALL2 RT-AC-CH-HOLMES,K-M-DESCFCN ?CND19: IN? CH-PRIME-MINISTER,RM-HOLMES-STUDY \?CCL23 CRLF FSET? CH-PRIME-MINISTER,FL-SEEN /?CCL26 FSET CH-PRIME-MINISTER,FL-SEEN ICALL2 RT-THIS-IS-IT,CH-PRIME-MINISTER PRINTI "You see a distinguished-looking visitor sitting in the armchair. " JUMP ?CND17 ?CCL26: PRINTI "The visitor fidgets nervously in his chair. " JUMP ?CND17 ?CCL23: CRLF ?CND17: ICALL2 RT-CTHEO-PRINT,LG-HOLMES-BEDROOM-DOOR PRINTI " to the west is " FSET? LG-HOLMES-BEDROOM-DOOR,FL-OPENED \?CCL29 PRINTI "open" JUMP ?CND27 ?CCL29: PRINTI "closed" ?CND27: PRINTI ". The only other exit is the door to the south." CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 /TRUE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 /FALSE RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-HOLMES-BEDROOM,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CND1 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-HOLMES-STUDY \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE ?CND1: PRINTI "This is a sparsely furnished room, whose walls are adorned only by scores of pictures of famous criminals. On a disorderly workbench in the corner, a jumble of laboratory equipment suggests that Holmes is in the middle of one of his chemical experiments. " IN? TH-ETHERIUM-AMPOULE,TH-WORKBENCH \?CND9 PRINTI "Set off to one side is a single ampoule with a neatly lettered label affixed to it. " ?CND9: PRINTI "The room's only exit is to the east." CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL13 FSET TH-BED,FL-SEEN FSET TH-BEDSIDE-TABLE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-ETHERIUM-AMPOULE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-LAB-EQUIPMENT,FL-SEEN FSET TH-WORKBENCH,FL-SEEN FSET TH-LAMP,FL-SEEN FSET TH-MAGNIFYING-GLASS,FL-SEEN CRLF PRINTR "Next to the bed there is a table, on which you see a lamp and Holmes's favorite magnifying glass. " ?CCL13: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 /FALSE RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-YORK-PLACE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND1 CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL7 PRINTI "Through the mist you see" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "This is" ?CND5: PRINTI " a quiet, residential street, lined with undistinguished, four storey Georgian houses. To the south, York Place opens up into Baker Street, and Marylebone Road comes in from the east." CRLF ?CND1: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \FALSE CRLF PRINTI "The street isn't as quiet as usual, due to the surging crowds of tourists." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-MARYLEBONE-RD,CONTEXT,WHO CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CND1 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-MADAME-TUSSAUDS \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SOUTH RTRUE ?CND1: CALL1 RT-WHO-SAYS? >WHO EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-MADAME-TUSSAUDS \?CCL14 PRINTI "You go out the door and are now" JUMP ?CND9 ?CCL14: PRINTI "You find yourself" JUMP ?CND9 ?CCL11: PRINTI "You are" ?CND9: ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "in front of Madame Tussaud's famous wax museum. From here the street continues east and west." CRLF CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL17 PRINTI "The museum is closed for renovations, and there is a guard and a dog patrolling the street outside the entrance, which is just to the north of you. The guard " RANDOM 100 LESS? 33,STACK /?CCL20 PRINTI "lights" JUMP ?CND18 ?CCL20: RANDOM 100 LESS? 50,STACK /?CCL22 PRINTI "puffs on" JUMP ?CND18 ?CCL22: PRINTI "puts out" ?CND18: PRINTI " a cigarette, tips his hat, and says, """ EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-MADAME-TUSSAUDS \?CCL25 PRINTI "Goodbye" JUMP ?CND23 ?CCL25: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL27 PRINTI "Hello" JUMP ?CND23 ?CCL27: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1 \?CCL29 PRINTI "Top of the morning to you" JUMP ?CND23 ?CCL29: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,2 \?CCL31 PRINTI "Good day" JUMP ?CND23 ?CCL31: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,3 \?CND23 PRINTI "Good evening" ?CND23: EQUAL? WHO,CH-HOLMES \?CCL35 PRINTI ", Mr Holmes" JUMP ?CND33 ?CCL35: PRINTI ", Doctor Watson" ?CND33: PRINTI ".""" CRLF JUMP ?CND15 ?CCL17: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND15 PRINTI "The guard and the dog are still here, and they show no signs of leaving." CRLF ?CND15: IN? CH-PLAYER,TH-HANSOM-CAB /?CND37 IN? CH-PLAYER,TH-GROWLER-CAB /?CND37 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-GROWL CRLF PRINTI "The dog growls at you." CRLF ?CND37: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \FALSE FSET CH-TUSSAUDS-GUARD,FL-SEEN FSET CH-MATCH-SNIFFING-DOG,FL-SEEN FSET TH-CIGARETTE,FL-SEEN RTRUE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-CHAMBER-OF-HORRORS,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \?CCL8 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-MADAME-TUSSAUDS \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE ?CCL8: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?EXIT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-CHAMBER-OF-HORRORS \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-CHARLES-STATUE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-THOMAS-STATUE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-FAWKES-STATUE,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL17 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND15 ?CCL17: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND15: PRINTI " the Chamber of Horrors. Scattered around the room are wax groupings of some of the most gruesome scenes from English history. The only exit is to the east." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-TOTTENHAM-COURT-RD,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET LG-SHOPS,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND5 PRINTI "This part of London is known for its furniture dealers, but all the shops seem to be closed for the Jubilee." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "Marylebone Road goes off to the west here, and Tottenham Court Road continues to the south." CRLF ?CND5: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CCL9 CRLF PRINTI "Throngs of shoppers peer in the windows of the closed shops." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL9: CRLF ICALL1 RT-FOG-MSG RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-ST-GILES-CIRCUS,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \FALSE PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "in St Giles Circus. Roads lead off in many directions." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-OXFORD-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "Oxford Street is London's busiest shopping thoroughfare" CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CND3 PRINTI ", although at this hour the street is deserted" ?CND3: PRINTI ". Fashionable emporiums line the street on either side, offering goods from all over the British Empire. Unfortunately, they all seem to be closed for the Jubilee." CRLF CRLF CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CND5 PRINTI "Hoards of frustrated tourists mill about, peering in the windows of the closed shops." CRLF CRLF ?CND5: PRINTI "The street continues to the east and west." CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \FALSE FSET LG-SHOPS,FL-SEEN CALL2 RT-META-LOC,TH-GROWLER-CAB EQUAL? STACK,RM-OXFORD-ST \TRUE IN? CH-PLAYER,TH-GROWLER-CAB /TRUE FSET TH-GROWLER-CAB,FL-SEEN CRLF PRINTR "At a cabstand along the curb you see a growler cab." .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-ORCHARD-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND1 PRINTI "Orchard Street is the southern extension of Baker Street. From here you can see Oxford Street off to the east, Baker Street to the north, and Audley Street " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL7 PRINTI "fading into the mists" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "continuing" ?CND5: PRINTI " to the south." CRLF CRLF ?CND1: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2 \?CCL10 PRINTI "Crowds of tourists stream eastward, " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1 \?CCL13 PRINTI "looking forward to spending the day in the shops along Oxford Street." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL13: PRINTI "intent on finding some bargains in the shops on Oxford Street." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL10: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,3 \?CCL15 PRINTI "Frustrated tourists stream westward, angered by the closed shops in Oxford Street." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL15: ICALL1 RT-FOG-MSG RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-AUDLEY-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "This is a pleasant street that winds through Mayfair, a fashionable district which takes its name from an ancient fair held there in May of each year." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "To the south is Hyde Park Corner, and to the north is Orchard Street." CRLF CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \FALSE CRLF ICALL1 RT-FOG-MSG RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-HYDE-PARK-CORNER,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CND1 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-KENSINGTON-GARDENS \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SE RTRUE ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND9 PRINTI "Hyde Park Corner is dominated by the Wellington Arch, a soaring monument to the ""Iron Duke,"" who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo." CRLF CRLF ?CND9: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CCL13 PRINTI "Huge crowds of tourists gape up at the Arch." CRLF CRLF JUMP ?CND11 ?CCL13: PRINTI "The arch is enshrouded in fog." CRLF CRLF ?CND11: PRINTI "Roads lead off in many directions." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-KENSINGTON-GARDENS,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-HYDE-PARK-CORNER \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?NW RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET CH-NANNIES,FL-SEEN FSET TH-PRAMS,FL-SEEN FSET TH-PARK-FLOWERS,FL-SEEN ?CND1: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CCL13 PRINTI "A tide of perambulators pushed by well-starched nannies surges along the crowded walk. Everywhere you look there are rows and rows of beautiful flowers." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL13: PRINTI "The flower gardens are deserted." CRLF CRLF ICALL1 RT-FOG-MSG RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-TRAFALGAR-SQUARE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-DIOGENES-CLUB \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-PIGEONS,FL-SEEN FSET TH-NELSON-COLUMN,FL-SEEN FSET TH-NELSON-EYE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-NELSON-STATUE,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND11 PRINTI "Pigeons, pigeons, everywhere. You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "in one of the great open spaces of London, named for Nelson's naval victory over Napoleon in 1805. Streets come in and go out at all angles, and everywhere you look there are " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CND13 PRINTI "people feeding " ?CND13: PRINTI "pigeons." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "The square is dominated by Nelson's Column, a 167 foot tall Corinthian column with" PRINT K-NELSON-STATUE-MSG CRLF CRLF PRINTI "The entrance to the Diogenes Club is to the west." CRLF ?CND11: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \FALSE CRLF ICALL1 RT-FOG-MSG RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-DIOGENES-CLUB,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-ENTERED \?CCL3 ICALL SOUNDS,S-SNORE,S-START JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 ICALL SOUNDS,S-SNORE,S-STOP ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL7 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-TRAFALGAR-SQUARE \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE ?CCL7: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL15 PRINTI "You enter the hushed atmosphere of the Diogenes Club. The furnishings are aging and opulent. The members are aging and asleep. The only exit is to the east." CRLF CRLF FSET? CH-BUTLER,FL-ASLEEP /?CCL18 PRINTI "An ancient butler totters forward to greet you and says in a barely audible whisper, ""May I be of some assistance?""" CRLF JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL18: PRINT K-EVERYONE-OUT-MSG CRLF JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL15: PRINTI "You are in the Diogenes Club. " FSET? CH-BUTLER,FL-ASLEEP /?CCL21 PRINTI "The butler is here, waiting to serve you." JUMP ?CND19 ?CCL21: PRINT K-EVERYONE-OUT-MSG ?CND19: CRLF ?CND5: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \FALSE FSET CH-BUTLER,FL-SEEN FSET CH-MEMBERS,FL-SEEN RTRUE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-GREAT-RUSSELL-ST,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CCL3 PRINTI "Great Russell Street is the home of the British Museum, the entrance of which is to the north. There is a sign next to the door." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "To the southwest you can see St Giles Circus." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL3: ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-BRITISH-MUSEUM \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SOUTH RTRUE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-BRITISH-MUSEUM,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-GREAT-RUSSELL-ST \?CCL10 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?NORTH RTRUE ?CCL10: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-MANUSCRIPT-ROOM \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL13 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-GREAT-RUSSELL-ST \?CCL16 PRINTI "You walk up the grand staircase and into" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL16: PRINTI "You walk back down the long corridor and return to" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL13: PRINTI "You are standing in" ?CND1: PRINTI " the entrance hall of the museum. All the corridors leading to the exhibit halls are packed with tourists, and there is a steady stream of people going in and out of the street entrance to the south. Only the corridor to the east seems to be of no interest to the sightseers." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-GROSVENOR-PLACE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "This is a pleasant but out-of-the-way street that runs northwest to southeast. Few tourists ever visit here. " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,3 \?CCL5 PRINTI "Despite the " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1 \?CCL8 PRINTI "early" JUMP ?CND6 ?CCL8: PRINTI "late" ?CND6: PRINTI " hour, some" JUMP ?CND3 ?CCL5: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,2 \?CND3 PRINTI "Some" ?CND3: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CCL12 PRINTI " people are standing on the corner." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL12: ICALL1 RT-FOG-MSG RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-VICTORIA-SQUARE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL5 PRINTI "You come upon" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND1: PRINTI " Victoria Square. Streets go off in many directions." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-BROAD-SANCTUARY,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CCL3 FSET LG-WESTMINSTER-DOOR,FL-SEEN PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CND4 PRINTI "in the midst of a crowd of tourists " ?CND4: PRINTI "in front of the west door of Westminster Abbey. The towers of the Abbey" CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL8 PRINTI " loom in the fog" JUMP ?CND6 ?CCL8: PRINTI " soar high" ?CND6: PRINTI " above you, and you marvel at this perfect example of Gothic architecture, as generations have done before you." CRLF CRLF ICALL2 RT-OPEN-CLOSED-MSG,LG-WESTMINSTER-DOOR CRLF CRLF PRINTI "On the wall next to the door is a small, discreet sign." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL3: ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-NAVE \FALSE CALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RSTACK .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-PARLIAMENT-SQUARE,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CCL3 PRINTI "This is an attractive square at the foot of Whitehall. " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CCL6 PRINTI "Large crowds mill around" JUMP ?CND4 ?CCL6: PRINTI "Through the mist you see" ?CND4: PRINTI " the entrance to the Houses of Parliament to the southeast. To the west is Birdcage Walk. Broad Sanctuary goes off to the southwest, and Whitehall " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL9 PRINTI "disappears into the gloom" JUMP ?CND7 ?CCL9: PRINTI "is" ?CND7: PRINTI " to the north." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL3: ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-PARLIAMENT \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?NW RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-PARLIAMENT,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-PARLIAMENT-SQUARE \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SE RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-PARLIAMENT-SQUARE \?CCL14 CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL17 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL17: PRINTI "You push your way into" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL14: PRINTI "You descend the stairs into" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL11: PRINTI "You are standing in" ?CND1: PRINTI " the " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CND18 PRINTI "jam-packed " ?CND18: PRINTI "entrance hall of the House of Commons." CRLF CRLF CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CCL22 CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,3 \?CCL25 PRINTI "Despite the " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1 \?CCL28 PRINTI "early" JUMP ?CND26 ?CCL28: PRINTI "late" ?CND26: PRINTI " hour, there" JUMP ?CND23 ?CCL25: PRINTI "There" ?CND23: PRINTI " are hundreds of people lined up to get in. But" JUMP ?CND20 ?CCL22: PRINTI "The Chamber is closed, but" ?CND20: PRINTI " off to one side you see a flight of old stone steps leading up into the darkness." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-BUCKINGHAM-PALACE-RD,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "Buckingham Palace Road connects Queens Gardens to the northeast with Victoria Square to the southwest." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-QUEENS-GARDENS,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET CH-PALACE-GUARD,FL-SEEN ?CND1: PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "outside the gate to Buckingham Palace." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-BIRDCAGE-WALK,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL5 PRINTI "As you enter Birdcage Walk, your attention is diverted to" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You see" ?CND1: PRINTI " a man who has set up a small souvenir stand near where the parade will pass on Tuesday. " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL8 PRINTI "Oblivious to the fact that there are no crowds here to buy his wares" JUMP ?CND6 ?CCL8: PRINTI "Hoping to attract the attention of the crowd" ?CND6: PRINTI ", he is waving a handful of overpriced trinkets over his head." CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \FALSE FSET CH-VENDOR,FL-SEEN FSET TH-TELESCOPE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-TRINKETS,FL-SEEN CRLF PRINTI "As soon as he sees you, the salesman " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2,3 \?CND12 PRINTI "ignores everyone else and " ?CND12: PRINTR "says, ""'Ere, Guv. Come early for the parade, 'ave you? There'll be thousands of people, you know. Now at the last Jubilee - about a year and a 'alf ago, as I remembers it - I could 'ardly see a fing. But if you was to buy one of my telescopes, you wouldn't 'ardly 'ave any problem, now would you? 'Ow 'bout it, Guv?""" .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-THE-MALL,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "The Mall runs southwest to northeast between the Queens Gardens and Trafalgar Square." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-WHITEHALL,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CCL3 PRINTI "Impressive government buildings line the street on either side. The street continues north and south, and the entrance to Scotland Yard is to the east." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL3: ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-SCOTLAND-YARD \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-SCOTLAND-YARD,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \?CCL8 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-THE-BLACK-MUSEUM \?CCL11 ICALL1 RT-ALREADY-IN-ROOM-MSG RTRUE ?CCL11: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-WHITEHALL \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CCL8: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?EXIT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-SCOTLAND-YARD \?CCL16 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE ?CCL16: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-THE-BLACK-MUSEUM \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?UP RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL19 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-WHITEHALL \?CCL22 PRINTI "You walk up the steps and into the building. Inside, it" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL22: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-THE-BLACK-MUSEUM \?CND1 PRINTI "You return to the ground floor. It" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL19: PRINTI "It" ?CND1: PRINTI " looks just like any other government building - drab and worn. The door to the street is to the west, and you see some steps leading down." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-THE-BLACK-MUSEUM,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CND1 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \?CCL7 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-SCOTLAND-YARD \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?DOWN RTRUE ?CCL7: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?EXIT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-THE-BLACK-MUSEUM \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?UP RTRUE ?CND1: FSET TH-BLIGH-BOAT,FL-SEEN EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \FALSE PRINTI "This is the Black Museum, where the Yard keeps relics and mementos of famous crimes." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "Along one wall is a full-size rowboat with a small sign attached to it." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-NEW-OXFORD-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL5 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-CHEAPSIDE,RM-ST-GILES-CIRCUS \?CCL8 PRINTI "The quality of the neighborhood seems to be " EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-ST-GILES-CIRCUS \?CCL11 PRINTI "deteriorating" JUMP ?CND9 ?CCL11: PRINTI "improving" ?CND9: PRINTI " as you" ICALL1 RT-DRIVE-WALK-MSG? EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-ST-GILES-CIRCUS \?CCL14 PRINTI "eastward" JUMP ?CND12 ?CCL14: PRINTI "westward" ?CND12: PRINTI " along" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL8: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-COVENT-GARDEN \?CCL16 PRINTI "You leave Covent Garden and enter" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL16: PRINTI "The cab stops in" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "in" ?CND1: PRINTI " New Oxford Street." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-COVENT-GARDEN,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-ENTERED \?CCL3 ICALL SOUNDS,S-CROWD,S-START JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 ICALL SOUNDS,S-CROWD,S-STOP ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL9 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL9: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " Covent Garden, which is the central market for all of London. Everywhere you look there are stalls packed with produce from the English countryside." CRLF CRLF CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL12 PRINTI "Despite the hour, the" JUMP ?CND10 ?CCL12: PRINTI "The" ?CND10: PRINTI " open-air market is crowded with housewives who are shopping for fruits and vegetables." CRLF IN? CH-ELIZA-DOOLITTLE,RM-COVENT-GARDEN \?CND13 CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL17 PRINTI "After looking around for a few moments, you" JUMP ?CND15 ?CCL17: PRINTI "You" ?CND15: PRINTI " see a crowd of women gathered around a girl who has collapsed on the ground. Her lifeless hand clutches a bunch of flowers." CRLF ?CND13: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \FALSE FSET CH-ELIZA-DOOLITTLE,FL-SEEN FSET CH-HOUSEWIVES,FL-SEEN FSET TH-ELIZAS-FLOWERS,FL-SEEN FSET TH-ELIZAS-MOUTH,FL-SEEN RTRUE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-THE-STRAND,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL5 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND3 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You are lingering in" ?CND3: PRINTI " the Strand, which is the heart of London's theatre district" CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,3 \?CCL8 EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 PRINTI ", and fight your way through" JUMP ?CND9 ?CCL11: PRINTI ", and you are enjoying being in the midst of" ?CND9: PRINTI " the crowds of happy theatre goers" JUMP ?CND6 ?CCL8: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1,2 \?CND6 PRINTC 46 CRLF CRLF PRINTI "Crowds are gathering in front of the theatres, trying to select a show to see later in the day" ?CND6: PRINTI ". Streets lead off to the north, east, and southwest." CRLF CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \FALSE CRLF PRINTI "As you" ICALL1 RT-DRIVE-WALK-MSG? PRINTI "through the fog, the empty streets seem haunted by the ghosts of actors from years gone by." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-FLEET-STREET,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "Fleet Street is the centre of London's thriving newspaper industry" CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL5 PRINTI ". The presses roar all night, turning out papers that will be delivered by train around the country the next day." CRLF JUMP ?CND3 ?CCL5: PRINTI ", and it is crowded with the thousands of people who put out the nation's newspapers." CRLF ?CND3: CRLF PRINTI "A street leads off to the west, and there is a passage south to the Embankment." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-THE-EMBANKMENT,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-THAMES-ONE \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?NORTH RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 PRINTI "You arrive at" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL11: PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "on" ?CND1: PRINTI " the Victoria Embankment, on the left bank of the Thames. " CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,1 \?CCL14 PRINTI "The early morning mist clings to the water and muffles the sounds of the river." JUMP ?CND12 ?CCL14: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,2 \?CCL16 PRINTI "The river is crowded with pleasure boats here for the Jubilee." JUMP ?CND12 ?CCL16: CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,3 \?CCL18 PRINTI "The river looks quiet and peaceful in the fading light." JUMP ?CND12 ?CCL18: PRINTI "The river is barely visible through the thick fog." ?CND12: CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \FALSE FSET TH-BOAT,FL-SEEN FSET TH-OAR-1,FL-SEEN FSET TH-OAR-LOCK,FL-SEEN CRLF PRINTR "There is an incredibly old rowboat here. It's got one empty oarlock, and it probably leaks, but it looks as if it might float." .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-UPPER-THAMES-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "Upper Thames Street runs east and west between the Embankment and Lower Thames Street." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-PINCHIN-LANE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-SHERMANS-HOUSE \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-CHEAPSIDE \?CCL14 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL14: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-SHERMANS-HOUSE \?CCL16 PRINTI "You emerge from Sherman's shop into" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL16: PRINTI "The cab stops in" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL11: PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "in" ?CND1: PRINTI " Pinchin Lane, a dingy little alley that runs" EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-CHEAPSIDE \?CCL19 PRINTI " south from" JUMP ?CND17 ?CCL19: PRINTI " north to" ?CND17: PRINTI " Cheapside." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "To the west is the entrance to " EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 /?CTR21 FSET? RM-SHERMANS-HOUSE,FL-SEEN /?CCL22 ?CTR21: PRINTI "what looks like a pet shop" JUMP ?CND20 ?CCL22: PRINTI "Sherman's shop" ?CND20: PRINTC 46 CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY ZERO? STACK \?CCL27 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-SHERMANS-HOUSE /?CCL27 PRINTI " Despite the hour, you see a light shining inside." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL27: CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-CHEAPSIDE,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \FALSE PRINTI "This is a ramshackle part of town, with dark alleys leading off the main street, which continues east and west. Pinchin Lane leads off to the south." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-BANK-OF-ENGLAND,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CND1 ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \?CCL7 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-THREADNEEDLE-ST \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?NORTH RTRUE ?CCL7: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?EXIT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-BANK-OF-ENGLAND \?CCL13 ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?SOUTH RTRUE ?CCL13: EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-BANK-VAULT \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CND1: FSET LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR,FL-SEEN FSET TH-DIAL,FL-SEEN EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \FALSE PRINTI "The bank has the eerie silence that normally crowded places have when no one is there. The door to the vault is set into the west wall." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-BANK-VAULT,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK \?CCL3 EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESCFCN \?CCL6 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-BANK-OF-ENGLAND \?CCL9 FSET? LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR,FL-OPENED \?CCL12 ICALL2 RT-AC-RM-BANK-VAULT,K-M-DESC-3 ICALL2 RT-DESCRIBE-PLACE-CONTENTS,RM-BANK-VAULT RTRUE ?CCL12: PRINTI "It's a huge, reinforced-steel door that's set firmly into the wall." CRLF CRLF PRINTR "In the middle of the door you see a big shiny dial." ?CCL9: ICALL2 RT-AC-RM-BANK-VAULT,K-M-DESC-3 ICALL2 RT-DESCRIBE-PLACE-CONTENTS,RM-BANK-VAULT RTRUE ?CCL6: ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE ZERO? GL-NOW-PRSI? \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \?CCL18 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-BANK-OF-ENGLAND \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?WEST RTRUE ?CCL18: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?EXIT \?CCL22 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-BANK-VAULT \FALSE ICALL2 RT-DO-WALK,P?EAST RTRUE ?CCL22: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?LOOK-INSIDE,V?SEARCH \?CCL26 FSET? LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR,FL-OPENED \?CCL29 ICALL RT-CYOU-MSG,STR?665,STR?666 PRINTI "row upon row of " ICALL2 DPRINT,TH-BOXES PRINTR "." ?CCL29: ICALL2 RT-CTHEO-PRINT,LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR PRINTR " is closed." ?CCL26: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?UNLOCK \?CCL31 FSET? LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR,FL-OPENED \?CCL34 ICALL2 RT-CTHEO-PRINT,LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR PRINTR " is already opened." ?CCL34: PRINT K-HOW-TO-MSG CRLF RTRUE ?CCL31: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?OPEN \?CCL36 FSET? LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR,FL-OPENED \?CCL39 PRINTR "The vault door is already open." ?CCL39: FSET? TH-DIAL,FL-LOCKED \?CCL41 PRINTR "The vault door is locked." ?CCL41: FSET LG-BANK-VAULT-DOOR,FL-OPENED PRINTR "The vault door swings open." ?CCL36: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?SHOOT \FALSE PRINT K-RICOCHET-MSG CRLF RTRUE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-BOXES,FL-SEEN FSET TH-BOX-LOCK,FL-SEEN FSET TH-SAFETY-DEPOSIT-BOX,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL46 PRINTI "Upon entering, you" JUMP ?CND44 ?CCL46: PRINTI "You" ?CND44: PRINTI " see rows and rows of safety deposit boxes." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-KING-WILLIAM-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "King William Street runs northwest to southeast, from Threadneedle Street to Monument." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-MONUMENT,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \?CCL3 PRINTI "The intersection is dominated by the Monument, a huge obelisk that commemorates the Great Fire of London. On the side of the monument is a plaque." CRLF RFALSE ?CCL3: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESCFCN \?CCL5 PRINTR "It's a huge obelisk designed by Christopher Wren that towers 202 feet in the air." ?CCL5: ZERO? CONTEXT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?ENTER \?CCL9 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-MONUMENT \FALSE PRINTI "You can't go inside " ICALL1 RT-THEO-PRINT PRINTR "." ?CCL9: EQUAL? GL-PRSA,V?EXIT \FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-CUR,RM-MONUMENT \FALSE PRINTI "You're not in " ICALL1 RT-THEO-PRINT PRINTR "." .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-LOWER-THAMES-ST,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL5 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND1: PRINTI " Lower Thames Street. Roads lead off in many directions, some more savory than others. There is a set of particularly slovenly stairs leading down to an alley that runs alongside the river." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-TOWER-ENTRANCE,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2,K-M-DESC-3 \FALSE PRINTI "You are" ICALL1 RT-IN-VEHICLE-MSG PRINTI "outside the entrance to the Tower of London. Next to the entrance there is a sign." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-SOUTH-AISLE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-POPE-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL7 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the South Aisle of the Nave. " EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CND8 PRINTI "In the gloom, you bump into one of the tombs. " ?CND8: PRINTI "There is an exit to the southeast and a door set into the south wall." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-JERICHO-PARLOUR,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL5 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-SOUTH-AISLE \?CCL8 PRINTI "From the vastness of the Nave, you pass into" JUMP ?CND6 ?CCL8: PRINTI "You leave the Chamber for" ?CND6: PRINTI " the more intimate" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You are in the" ?CND1: PRINTI " Jericho Parlour" EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-JERUSALEM-CHAMBER \?CCL11 PRINTC 46 CRLF JUMP ?CND9 ?CCL11: PRINTI ", which is the anteroom to the famous Jerusalem Chamber just to the west." CRLF ?CND9: CRLF PRINTI "The exit to the Nave is to the north." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-JERUSALEM-CHAMBER,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL5 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND3 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You are standing in" ?CND3: PRINTI " the Jerusalem Chamber, one of the oldest parts of the Abbey. In contrast to the cold and forbidding stone elsewhere in the Abbey, this room is panelled in oak and cedar. Just inside the entrance you see a small sign." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-NORTH-CLOISTER,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL5 FSET TH-PACKET-OF-PAPER,FL-SEEN FSET TH-CRAYON,FL-SEEN FSET TH-RUBBINGS,FL-SEEN PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL5: PRINTI "You are now in" ?CND1: PRINTI " the North Cloister, which is the brass-rubbing centre of the abbey. On the walls are completed rubbings that others have made." EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL8 PRINTR " Someone has left a pacquet of paper and a rubbing crayon here." ?CCL8: CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-SOUTH-TRANSEPT,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-DICKENS-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL7 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the South " PRINT K-TRANSEPT-MSG CRLF CRLF PRINT K-SHAFT-OF-LIGHT-MSG CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-NORTH-TRANSEPT,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-PITT-TOMB,FL-SEEN FSET TH-FIGURES,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL7 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the North " PRINT K-TRANSEPT-MSG CRLF CRLF PRINT K-SHAFT-OF-LIGHT-MSG CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-POETS-CORNER,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-CHAUCER-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL7 PRINTI "You walk into" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the hushed, secluded part of the Abbey known as Poets' Corner. The monuments here are dedicated to Britain's literary giants. The oldest of the tombs is that of Geoffrey Chaucer, who died in the year 1400." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-SOUTH-AMBULATORY,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINT K-AMBULATORY-MSG CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-SANCTUARY,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-ANNE-OF-CLEVES-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL7 PRINTI "You walk into" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the Sanctuary. This is where the actual Coronation Ceremony takes place whenever a new monarch is crowned. A modest tomb is near the south wall." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-NORTH-AMBULATORY,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINT K-AMBULATORY-MSG CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-CONFESSOR-CHAPEL,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-EDWARD-TOMB,FL-SEEN FSET TH-HENRY-V-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: PRINTI "The Confessor Chapel is dominated by the tomb of the founder of the Abbey, although there are several other tombs here. It is this chapel that first gave Westminster the name ""Burial place of kings.""" CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-SOUTH-CHAPEL-AISLE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-MARY-QUEEN-OF-SCOTS-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: PRINTI "The South Chapel Aisle is the final resting place of Mary, Queen of Scots." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-NORTH-CHAPEL-AISLE,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-ELIZABETH-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL7 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL7: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the North Chapel Aisle. There is a very large tomb here." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-INNOCENTS-CORNER,CONTEXT CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND1 FSET TH-LITTLE-PRINCES-TOMB,FL-SEEN ?CND1: PRINTI "This is Innocents' corner, the traditional burial site of royalty who die in infancy. There are several tombs here." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-AC-RM-DRAWBRIDGE,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-ENTERED \?CCL3 SET 'ALLOW-IN-TOWER,FALSE-VALUE RFALSE ?CCL3: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL7 PRINTI "So far, so good. No one has challenged your right to be here. Maybe the Tower has been left unguarded." JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL7: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL9 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-TOWER-ENTRANCE \?CCL12 PRINTI "You walk back up onto the drawbridge." JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL12: PRINTI "Stung by the guard's rejection, you retrace your steps to the drawbridge." JUMP ?CND1 ?CCL9: PRINTI "You are standing on the drawbridge to the Tower of London." ?CND1: CRLF CRLF PRINTI "To the east you see the Byward Tower, and to the west is the Tower Entrance." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-BYWARD-TOWER,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND5 FSET CH-TOWER-GUARD,FL-SEEN FSET LG-RAVENS,FL-SEEN PRINTI "Your luck runs out. " ?CND5: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CND9 PRINTI "A costumed Yeoman of the Guard steps forward to challenge you." CRLF ?CND9: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND11 PRINTI "You are standing in the Byward Tower, which was built by Edward I in the thirteenth century to control access to the fortress. A burly Beefeater stands in your path." CRLF ?CND11: CRLF PRINTI "A few of the Tower's famous ravens are perched here, watching your every move." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-OUTER-WARD,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "This is the Outer Ward. From here you can go north, south, or west." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "A few of the Tower's famous ravens are perched here, watching your every move." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-BLOODY-TOWER,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL9 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL9: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the Bloody Tower where, allegedly, the ""Little Princes in the Tower"" met their death. One exit leads north. The other leads south." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-WAKEFIELD-TOWER,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-TOWER-GREEN \?CCL9 EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CND5 PRINTI "You leave the" CALL1 RT-TIME-OF-DAY EQUAL? STACK,0,1,3 \?CND12 PRINTI " gloom of the" ?CND12: PRINTI " Tower Green for the gloom of the Wakefield Tower." JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL9: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CND5 PRINTI "You descend the stairs into the ground floor of the Wakefield Tower." ?CND5: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-3 \?CND16 PRINTI "You see only the thick stone walls of the Wakefield Tower." ?CND16: CRLF CRLF PRINTI "There is a dark stone staircase leading up, and the only other exit is to the northwest." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-JEWEL-ROOM,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL9 PRINTI "The stairs take you up to" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL9: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND5: PRINTI " the Jewel Room of the Tower of London. The case that once held the Regalia is twisted and smashed" EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CCL12 FSET TH-MACE,FL-SEEN FSET TH-JEWEL-CASE,FL-SEEN PRINTR ", and the weapon that the thief used is lying on the ground nearby." ?CCL12: PRINTC 46 CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-DUNGEON,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL9 PRINTI "You inch your way down the dark stairs and arrive" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL9: PRINTI "You are" ?CND5: PRINTI " in the oldest part of the Tower, the Dungeon." CRLF EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \FALSE FSET TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-SEEN ICALL SOUNDS,S-ARMOR,S-INIT CRLF PRINTR "The room has been converted into museum space, and prominently featured is a man-size suit of armour." .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-TORTURE-ROOM,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL9 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND7 ?CCL9: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND7: PRINTI " the torture room below the Bowyer Tower. Around the walls are hung various instruments of torture. The stairs leading up are the only way out." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-WHITE-TOWER,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "This is the White Tower, which was started by William the Conqueror in 1078. Exits lead out and down." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-TOWER-GREEN,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE PRINTI "You are on Tower Green, which is at the centre of the Tower of London. Entrances to various towers lie to the northeast, east, southeast, and south. A few ravens are strolling around the green, eyeing you with interest." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-BOWYER-TOWER,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND5 FSET TH-BUNG,FL-SEEN FSET TH-BUTT-OF-MALMSEY,FL-SEEN FSET TH-MALMSEY,FL-SEEN ?CND5: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 PRINTI "You enter" JUMP ?CND9 ?CCL11: PRINTI "You are in" ?CND9: PRINTI " the Bowyer Tower. It was in this room that the Duke of Clarence was drowned in a Butt of Malmsey in 1478. The keg still stands over in the corner." CRLF CRLF PRINTI "Exits lead out and down." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-INSIDE-TRAITORS-GATE,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1 \?CND5 FSET TH-PORTCULLIS-CHAIN,FL-SEEN ?CND5: EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL11 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-OUTSIDE-TRAITORS-GATE \?CCL14 PRINTI "You pass under the portcullis" JUMP ?CND12 ?CCL14: PRINTI "You walk south from the Outer Ward" ?CND12: PRINTI " and find yourself" JUMP ?CND9 ?CCL11: PRINTI "You are" ?CND9: PRINTI " just north of Traitors Gate. The portcullis is " FSET? LG-PORTCULLIS-DOOR,FL-OPENED \?CCL17 PRINTI "up" JUMP ?CND15 ?CCL17: PRINTI "down" ?CND15: PRINTI ". From the wall near the portcullis hangs a chain, and perched on top of the wall are some ravens." CRLF RFALSE .FUNCT RT-DF-RM-OUTSIDE-TRAITORS-GATE,CONTEXT EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-EXIT \?CND1 FSET? TH-SUIT-OF-ARMOUR,FL-WORN \?CND1 ICALL2 SOUNDS,S-ARMOR ?CND1: CALL2 RT-DESCFCN-CONTEXT,CONTEXT ZERO? STACK /FALSE EQUAL? CONTEXT,K-M-DESC-1,K-M-DESC-2 \?CCL9 EQUAL? GL-PLACE-PRV,RM-INSIDE-TRAITORS-GATE \?CCL12 PRINTI "You pass under the portcullis" JUMP ?CND10 ?CCL12: PRINTI "You leave the boat" ?CND10: PRINTI " and find yourself" JUMP ?CND5 ?CCL9: PRINTI "You are" ?CND5: PRINTI " just south of Traitors Gate, through which condemned prisoners were brought in to the Tower prior to being executed. The massive iron portcullis is " FSET? LG-PORTCULLIS-DOOR,FL-OPENED \?CCL15 PRINTI "up" JUMP ?CND13 ?CCL15: PRINTI "down" ?CND13: PRINTC 46 CRLF RFALSE .ENDI