(NOTE: IF YOU TYPE NOTHING, AND JUST HIT RETURN) "I beg your pardon?" (NOTE: IF YOU TYPE A PERIOD AND THEN A RETURN WITH NO WORDS) "I can't help your clumsiness." (NOTE: IF YOU TYPE >OOPS SOMETHING AND THE SOMETHING WAS IN A QUOTE) "Sorry, you can't correct mistakes in quoted text." (NOTE: IF YOU TYPE ">OOPS WORD1 WORD2") "Warning: only the first word after OOPS is used." (NOTE: IF YOU TYPE "OOPS" AFTER YOU DIDN'T MISSPELL SOMETHING) "There was no word to replace!" (NOTE: IF YOU TYPE "OOPS" AFTER AN INCOMPLETE INPUT GAME) "It's difficult to repeat fragments." (NOTE: IF YOU TYPE "AGAIN" AFTER A BAD SENTENCE INPUT) "That would just repeat a mistake." "That sentence was not understood." "There were too many nouns in that sentence." "Please consult your manual for the correct way to talk to other people or creatures." >LOOK AT THING "The word is not in the story's vocabulary of understanding." >LOOK AT THE DIG (NOTE: DIG IS RECOGNIZED ONLY AS A VERB) "You used the word "dig" in a way that I don't understand." >DOG THE TROLL "There was no verb in that sentence!" "That sentence isn't recognized by the story." >WHO IS TROLL "That question can't be answered." >TROLL, LOOK AT THE BUTTON """I don't understand! What are you referring to?""" >LOOK AT THE RED "There seems to be a noun missing in that sentence!" "It's too dark to see!" >DROP SWORD "You don't have that!" "You don't have the SWORD." >READ THE LEAFLET (taking the leaflet first) The leaflet says... ect. >LOOK AT THE RED It's not clear what you're referring to." >LOOK AT THE SWORD AND LAMP You can't use multiple direct objects with "look." >HIT THE TROLL WITH SWORD AND KNIFE You can't use multiple indirect objects with "hit."