Combined ZIL Compiler Ver 2.0 (MIM) ----------------------------------- Input file: SS:ZORK1.ZIL.26 Compiling routine: V-VERBOSE Compiling routine: V-BRIEF Compiling routine: V-SUPER-BRIEF Compiling routine: V-INVENTORY Compiling routine: FINISH Compiling routine: V-QUIT Compiling routine: V-RESTART Compiling routine: V-RESTORE Compiling routine: V-SAVE Compiling routine: V-SCRIPT Compiling routine: V-UNSCRIPT Compiling routine: V-$ID Compiling routine: V-VERSION Compiling routine: V-VERIFY Compiling routine: V-COMMAND-FILE Compiling routine: V-RANDOM Compiling routine: V-RECORD Compiling routine: V-UNRECORD Compiling routine: V-ADVENT Compiling routine: V-ALARM Compiling routine: V-ANSWER Compiling routine: V-ATTACK Compiling routine: V-BACK Compiling routine: V-BLAST Compiling routine: PRE-BOARD Compiling routine: V-BOARD Compiling routine: V-BREATHE Compiling routine: V-BRUSH Compiling routine: V-BUG Compiling routine: TELL-NO-PRSI Compiling routine: PRE-BURN Compiling routine: V-BURN Compiling routine: V-CHOMP Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-DOWN Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-FOO Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-ON Compiling routine: V-CLIMB-UP Compiling routine: V-CLOSE Compiling routine: V-COMMAND Compiling routine: V-COUNT Compiling routine: V-CROSS Compiling routine: V-CURSES Compiling routine: V-CUT Compiling routine: V-DEFLATE Compiling routine: V-DIG Compiling routine: V-DISEMBARK Compiling routine: V-DISENCHANT Compiling routine: V-DRINK Compiling routine: V-DRINK-FROM Compiling routine: PRE-DROP Compiling routine: V-DROP Compiling routine: V-EAT Compiling routine: HIT-SPOT Compiling routine: V-ECHO Compiling routine: V-ENCHANT Compiling routine: REMOVE-CAREFULLY Compiling routine: V-ENTER Compiling routine: V-EXAMINE Compiling routine: V-EXIT Compiling routine: V-EXORCISE Compiling routine: PRE-FILL Compiling routine: V-FILL Compiling routine: V-FIND Compiling routine: V-FOLLOW Compiling routine: V-FROBOZZ Compiling routine: PRE-GIVE Compiling routine: V-GIVE Compiling routine: V-HATCH Compiling routine: V-HELLO Compiling routine: V-HINTS-OFF Compiling routine: V-INCANT Compiling routine: V-INFLATE Compiling routine: V-KICK Compiling routine: V-KISS Compiling routine: V-KNOCK Compiling routine: V-LAMP-OFF Compiling routine: V-LAMP-ON Compiling routine: V-LAUNCH Compiling routine: V-LEAN-ON Compiling routine: V-LEAP Compiling routine: V-LEAVE Compiling routine: V-LISTEN Compiling routine: V-LOCK Compiling routine: V-LOOK Compiling routine: V-LOOK-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-LOOK-INSIDE Compiling routine: V-LOOK-ON Compiling routine: V-LOOK-UNDER Compiling routine: V-LOWER Compiling routine: V-MAKE Compiling routine: V-MELT Compiling routine: PRE-MOVE Compiling routine: V-MOVE Compiling routine: V-MUMBLE Compiling routine: PRE-MUNG Compiling routine: V-MUNG Compiling routine: V-ODYSSEUS Compiling routine: V-OIL Compiling routine: V-OPEN Compiling routine: V-OVERBOARD Compiling routine: V-NO Compiling routine: V-PICK Compiling routine: V-PLAY Compiling routine: V-PLUG Compiling routine: V-POUR-ON Compiling routine: V-PRAY Compiling routine: V-PUMP Compiling routine: V-PUSH Compiling routine: V-PUSH-TO Compiling routine: PRE-PUT Compiling routine: V-PUT Compiling routine: V-PUT-BEHIND Compiling routine: V-PUT-ON Compiling routine: V-PUT-UNDER Compiling routine: V-RAISE Compiling routine: V-RAPE Compiling routine: PRE-READ Compiling routine: V-READ Compiling routine: V-READ-PAGE Compiling routine: V-REPENT Compiling routine: V-REPLY Compiling routine: V-RING Compiling routine: V-RUB Compiling routine: V-SAY Compiling routine: V-SEARCH Compiling routine: V-SEND Compiling routine: PRE-SGIVE Compiling routine: V-SGIVE Compiling routine: V-SHAKE Compiling routine: SHAKE-LOOP Compiling routine: V-SKIP Compiling routine: V-SMELL Compiling routine: V-SPIN Compiling routine: V-SPRAY Compiling routine: V-SQUEEZE Compiling routine: V-SSPRAY Compiling routine: V-STAB Compiling routine: V-STAND Compiling routine: V-STAY Compiling routine: V-STRIKE Compiling routine: V-SWIM Compiling routine: V-SWING Compiling routine: PRE-TAKE Compiling routine: V-TAKE Compiling routine: V-TELL Compiling routine: V-THROUGH Compiling routine: V-THROW Compiling routine: V-THROW-OFF Compiling routine: V-TIE Compiling routine: V-TIE-UP Compiling routine: V-TREASURE Compiling routine: PRE-TURN Compiling routine: V-TURN Compiling routine: V-UNLOCK Compiling routine: V-UNTIE Compiling routine: V-WAIT Compiling routine: V-WALK Compiling routine: V-WALK-AROUND Compiling routine: V-WALK-TO Compiling routine: V-WAVE Compiling routine: V-WEAR Compiling routine: V-WIN Compiling routine: V-WIND Compiling routine: V-WISH Compiling routine: V-YES Compiling routine: V-YELL Compiling routine: V-ZORK Compiling routine: V-FIRST-LOOK Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-ROOM Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-OBJECTS Compiling routine: DESCRIBE-OBJECT Compiling routine: PRINT-CONTENTS Compiling routine: PRINT-CONT Compiling routine: FIRSTER Compiling routine: SEE-INSIDE? Compiling routine: SCORE-UPD Compiling routine: SCORE-OBJ Compiling routine: YES? Compiling routine: ITAKE Compiling routine: IDROP Compiling routine: CCOUNT Compiling routine: WEIGHT Compiling routine: HACK-HACK Compiling routine: NO-GO-TELL Compiling routine: GOTO Compiling routine: LKP Compiling routine: DO-WALK Compiling routine: GLOBAL-IN? Compiling routine: FIND-IN Compiling routine: HELD? Compiling routine: OTHER-SIDE Compiling routine: MUNG-ROOM Compiling routine: THIS-IS-IT Vocabulary: 692 Prepositions: 18 ABOUT AROUND AWAY DOWN FROM OFF OUT TO UP ACROSS AT BEHIND FOR IN ON OVER UNDER WITH Real globals: 162 ABOVE-GROUND HINTS P-NCN AGAIN-DIR HINTS-OFF P-NOT-HERE AGAIN-LEXV HO-HUM P-NUMBER ALWAYS-LIT HOST P-OCLAUSE BASE-SCORE HOUSE-AROUND P-OFLAG BAT-DROPS HS P-ONEOBJ BDIGS IN-HOUSE-AROUND P-OTBL BEACH-DIG INDENTS P-OVTBL BUOY-FLAG JUMPLOSS P-PRSI C-DEMONS KITCHEN-WINDOW-FLAG P-PRSO C-INTS LAMP-TABLE P-SLOCBITS C-TABLE LIGHT-SHAFT P-SYNTAX CAGE-TOP LINE-TABLE P-TABLE CANDLE-TABLE LIT P-VTBL CHAPT-NUM LLD-FLAG P-WALK-DIR CLOCK-WAIT LOAD-ALLOWED P-WON COFFIN-CURE LOAD-MAX P-XADJ COLUMN-TABLE LOUD-FLAG P-XNAM CUR-POS LOUD-RUNS PLAYER CYCLOMAD LOW-TIDE PRSA CYCLOPS-FLAG LUCKY PRSI CYCLOPS-MELEE MAGIC-FLAG PRSO CYCLOWRATH MATCH-COUNT QUEST-NUM DEAD MIRROR-MUNG QUOTE-FLAG DEATHS MOVES RAINBOW-FLAG DEF1 OHERE RESERVE-LEXV DEF1-RES OLD-LEN RESERVE-PTR DEF2-RES OOPS-INBUF RIVER-LAUNCH DEF2A OOPS-TABLE RIVER-NEXT DEF2B P-AADJ RIVER-SPEEDS DEF3-RES P-ACLAUSE ROBBER-C-DESC DEF3A P-ACT ROBBER-U-DESC DEF3B P-ADJ RUG-MOVED DEF3C P-ADVERB SCORE DEFLATE P-ANAM SCORE-MAX DESC-OBJECT P-AND SING-SONG DIROUT-TBL P-BUTS SPRAYED? DOME-FLAG P-CCTBL SUPER-BRIEF DROWNINGS P-CONT SWIMYUKS DUMMY P-DIR THIEF-ENGROSSED EGG-SOLVE P-DIRECTION THIEF-HERE EMPTY-HANDED P-END-ON-PREP THIEF-MELEE FALSE-FLAG P-GETFLAGS TROLL-FLAG FOREST-AROUND P-GWIMBIT TROLL-MELEE FUMBLE-NUMBER P-INBUF VERBOSE FUMBLE-PROB P-IT-OBJECT VILLAINS GATE-FLAG P-ITBL WATER-LEVEL GATES-OPEN P-LEN WHEEEEE GRATE-REVEALED P-LEXV WIDTH GRUNLOCK P-MATCHLEN WINNER HELLOS P-MERGE WON-FLAG HERE P-MERGED XB HERO-MELEE P-MULT XC HINT-WARNING P-NAM YUKS Objects: 260 ADVENTURER GAS-ROOM PAINTING ADVERTISEMENT GATE PATH ALTAR GHOSTS PATHOBJ ARAGAIN-FALLS GLOBAL-OBJECTS PEDESTAL ATLANTIS-ROOM GLOBAL-WATER POT-OF-GOLD ATTIC GRANITE-WALL PRAYER ATTIC-TABLE GRATE PUMP AXE GRATING-CLEARING PUNCTURED-BOAT BAG-OF-COINS GRATING-ROOM PUTTY BAR GROUND RAILING BARROW GRUE RAINBOW BARROW-DOOR GUIDE RAISED-BASKET BAT GUNK RED-BUTTON BAT-ROOM HANDS RESERVOIR BAUBLE HOT-BELL RESERVOIR-NORTH BELL IN-STREAM RESERVOIR-SOUTH BLESSINGS INFLATABLE-BOAT RIVER BLUE-BUTTON INFLATED-BOAT RIVER-1 BOARD INTDIR RIVER-2 BOARDED-WINDOW INTNUM RIVER-3 BOAT-LABEL IT RIVER-4 BODIES JADE RIVER-5 BOLT KEYS ROOMS BONES KITCHEN ROPE BOOK KITCHEN-TABLE ROUND-ROOM BOTTLE KITCHEN-WINDOW RUG BRACELET KNIFE RUSTY-KNIFE BROKEN-CANARY LADDER SAILOR BROKEN-EGG LADDER-BOTTOM SAND BROKEN-LAMP LADDER-TOP SANDWICH-BAG BROWN-BUTTON LAKE SANDY-BEACH BUBBLE LAMP SANDY-CAVE BUOY LAND-OF-LIVING-DEAD SCARAB BURNED-OUT-LANTERN LARGE-BAG SCEPTRE CANARY LEAK SCREWDRIVER CANDLES LEAVES SHAFT-ROOM CANYON-BOTTOM LIVING-ROOM SHORE CANYON-VIEW LOCAL-GLOBALS SHOVEL CELLAR LOUD-ROOM SKULL CHAIN LOWER-SHAFT SLIDE CHALICE LOWERED-BASKET SLIDE-ROOM CHASM LUNCH SMALL-CAVE CHASM-ROOM LUNGS SMELLY-ROOM CHIMNEY MACHINE SONGBIRD CLEARING MACHINE-ROOM SOUTH-OF-HOUSE CLIFF-MIDDLE MACHINE-SWITCH SOUTH-TEMPLE CLIMBABLE-CLIFF MAILBOX SQUEEKY-ROOM COAL MAINTENANCE-ROOM STAIRS COFFIN MAP STILETTO COLD-PASSAGE MATCH STONE-BARROW CONTROL-PANEL MAZE-1 STRANGE-PASSAGE CRACK MAZE-10 STREAM CYCLOPS MAZE-11 STREAM-VIEW CYCLOPS-ROOM MAZE-12 STUDIO DAM MAZE-13 SWORD DAM-BASE MAZE-14 TEETH DAM-LOBBY MAZE-15 THIEF DAM-ROOM MAZE-2 TIMBER-ROOM DAMP-CAVE MAZE-3 TIMBERS DEAD-END-1 MAZE-4 TINY-CAVE DEAD-END-2 MAZE-5 TOOL-CHEST DEAD-END-3 MAZE-6 TORCH DEAD-END-4 MAZE-7 TORCH-ROOM DEAD-END-5 MAZE-8 TRAP-DOOR DEEP-CANYON MAZE-9 TREASURE-ROOM DIAMOND ME TREE DOME MINE-1 TRIDENT DOME-ROOM MINE-2 TROLL DOOR-P MINE-3 TROLL-ROOM EAST-OF-CHASM MINE-4 TROPHY-CASE EAST-OF-HOUSE MINE-ENTRANCE TRUNK EGG MIRROR-1 TUBE EGYPT-ROOM MIRROR-2 TWISTING-PASSAGE EMERALD MIRROR-ROOM-1 UP-A-TREE END-OF-RAINBOW MIRROR-ROOM-2 WALL ENGRAVINGS MOUNTAIN-RANGE WATER ENGRAVINGS-CAVE MOUNTAINS WEST-OF-HOUSE ENTRANCE-TO-HADES NAILS WHITE-CLIFF EW-PASSAGE NARROW-PASSAGE WHITE-CLIFFS-NORTH FOREST NEST WHITE-CLIFFS-SOUTH FOREST-1 NORTH-OF-HOUSE WHITE-HOUSE FOREST-2 NORTH-TEMPLE WINDING-PASSAGE FOREST-3 NOT-HERE-OBJECT WOODEN-DOOR FRONT-DOOR NS-PASSAGE WRENCH GALLERY ON-RAINBOW YELLOW-BUTTON GARLIC OWNERS-MANUAL ZORKMID GAS PAINT Properties: 29 P?ACTION P?DESCFCN P?IN P?NW P?STRENGTH P?UP P?ADJECTIVE P?DOWN P?LAND P?OUT P?SW P?VALUE P?ADVFCN P?EAST P?LDESC P?SE P?SYNONYM P?VTYPE P?CAPACITY P?FDESC P?NE P?SIZE P?TEXT P?WEST P?CONTFCN P?GLOBAL P?NORTH P?SOUTH P?TVALUE Flags: 33 ACTORBIT FIGHTBIT MAZEBIT RLANDBIT TAKEBIT VEHBIT BURNBIT FLAMEBIT NDESCBIT RMUNGBIT TOOLBIT WEAPONBIT CLIMBBIT FOODBIT NONLANDBIT SACREDBIT TOUCHBIT WEARBIT CONTBIT INVISIBLE ONBIT SEARCHBIT TRANSBIT DOORBIT KLUDGEBIT OPENBIT STAGGERED TRYTAKEBIT DRINKBIT LIGHTBIT READBIT SURFACEBIT TURNBIT