local type = type local kbdru = { ["q"] = "й", ["w"] = "ц", ["e"] = "у", ["r"] = "к", ["t"] = "е", ["y"] = "н", ["u"] = "г", ["i"] = "ш", ["o"] = "щ", ["p"] = "з", ["["] = "х", ["]"] = "ъ", ["a"] = "ф", ["s"] = "ы", ["d"] = "в", ["f"] = "а", ["g"] = "п", ["h"] = "р", ["j"] = "о", ["k"] = "л", ["l"] = "д", [";"] = "ж", ["'"] = "э", ["z"] = "я", ["x"] = "ч", ["c"] = "с", ["v"] = "м", ["b"] = "и", ["n"] = "т", ["m"] = "ь", [","] = "б", ["."] = "ю", ["`"] = "ё", ["/"] = ".", shifted = { ["q"] = "Й", ["w"] = "Ц", ["e"] = "У", ["r"] = "К", ["t"] = "Е", ["y"] = "Н", ["u"] = "Г", ["i"] = "Ш", ["o"] = "Щ", ["p"] = "З", ["["] = "Х", ["]"] = "Ъ", ["a"] = "Ф", ["s"] = "Ы", ["d"] = "В", ["f"] = "А", ["g"] = "П", ["h"] = "Р", ["j"] = "О", ["k"] = "Л", ["l"] = "Д", [";"] = "Ж", ["'"] = "Э", ["z"] = "Я", ["x"] = "Ч", ["c"] = "С", ["v"] = "М", ["b"] = "И", ["n"] = "Т", ["m"] = "Ь", [","] = "Б", ["."] = "Ю", ["`"] = "Ё", ["1"] = "!", ["2"] = "@", ["3"] = "#", ["4"] = ";", ["5"] = "%", ["6"] = ":", ["7"] = "?", ["8"] = "*", ["9"] = "(", ["0"] = ")", ["-"] = "_", ["="] = "+", ["/"] = ",", } } local toupper = { ["й"] = "Й", ["ц"] = "Ц", ["у"] = "У", ["к"] = "К", ["е"] = "Е", ["н"] = "Н", ["г"] = "Г", ["ш"] = "Ш", ["щ"] = "Щ", ["з"] = "З", ["х"] = "Х", ["ъ"] = "Ъ", ["ф"] = "Ф", ["ы"] = "Ы", ["в"] = "В", ["а"] = "А", ["п"] = "П", ["р"] = "Р", ["о"] = "О", ["л"] = "Л", ["д"] = "Д", ["ж"] = "Ж", ["э"] = "Э", ["я"] = "Я", ["ч"] = "Ч", ["с"] = "С", ["м"] = "М", ["и"] = "И", ["т"] = "Т", ["ь"] = "Ь", ["б"] = "Б", ["ю"] = "Ю", ["ё"] = "Ё", } local function lower(str) if type(str) ~= 'string' then return str end str = str:lower() for k, v in pairs(toupper) do str = str:gsub(v, k) end return str end local function upper(str) if type(str) ~= 'string' then return str end str = str:upper(); for k, v in pairs(toupper) do str = str:gsub(k, v) end return str end local function is_cap(str) if type(str) ~= 'string' then return false end local s, e for _, v in pairs(toupper) do if not s and str:find("^"..v) then s = true end if not e and str:find(v.."$") then e = true end if not s and str:find("^[A-Z]") then s = true end if not e and str:find("[A-Z]$") then e = true end end return s, e end local function cap(str) if type(str) ~= 'string' then return str end if str:find("^[a-z]") then str = str:gsub("^.", function(v) return v:upper() end) return str end for k, v in pairs(toupper) do local s = str:gsub("^"..k, v) if s ~= str then return s end end return str end local lang local function norm(str) if type(str) ~= 'string' then return str end if not lang.yo then str = str:gsub("ё", "е"):gsub("Ё", "Е") end return str end local vowels = { ["у"] = true, ["е"] = true, ["ы"] = true, ["а"] = true, ["о"] = true, ["и"] = true, ["ю"] = true, ["ё"] = true, ["э"] = true, ["я"] = true, } local function is_vowel(l) l = lower(l); return vowels[l] end local gram_tt = { ["ИНФИНИТИВ"] = true; ["КР_ПРИЛ"] = true; ["КР_ПРИЧАСТИЕ"] = true; ["Г"] = true; } local function flex_filter(v) local an = v.an if an["им"] then return true end if an["рд"] or an["дт"] or an["тв"] or an["пр"] or an["вн"] then return false end if an["0"] then return true end return gram_tt[an.t] end local function gram_info(a) local t = { } if a['мр'] then t.gen = 'male' elseif a['жр'] then t.gen = 'female' elseif a['ср'] then t.gen = 'neuter' else t.gen = 'any' end if a['мн'] then t.num = 'singular' elseif a['ед'] then t.num = 'plural' else t.num = 'any' end if a['буд'] then t.time = 'future' elseif a['прш'] then t.time = 'past' elseif a['нст'] then t.time = 'present' else t.time = 'any' end if a['1л'] then t.face = 'first' elseif a['2л'] then t.face = 'second' elseif a['3л'] then t.face = 'third' else t.face = 'any' end return t end local function __gram_compat(g1, g2, time) if g1.gen ~= g2.gen and g1.gen ~= 'any' and g2.gen ~= 'any' then return false end if not time then if g1.num ~= g2.num and g1.num ~= 'any' and g2.num ~= 'any' then return false end end if g1.time ~= g2.time and g1.time ~= 'any' and g2.time ~= 'any' then return false end if g1.face ~= g2.face and g1.face ~= 'any' and g2.face ~= 'any' then return false end return true end local function gram_eq(a, b) if not a or not b then return true end if a == 'ИНФИНИТИВ' or b == 'ИНФИНИТИВ' then return b == a or b == 'Г' or a == 'Г' end if a == 'КР_ПРИЛ' or b == 'КР_ПРИЛ' then return b == a -- or b == 'П' end if a == 'КР_ПРИЧАСТИЕ' or b == 'КР_ПРИЧАСТИЕ' then return b == a end if a == 'ПРИЧАСТИЕ' or b == 'ПРИЧАСТИЕ' then return b == a end if a == 'Г' or b == 'Г' then return a == b end return true end local function gram_compat(base, aa, bb) if not gram_eq(base.t, aa.t) then return false end -- local a, b = aa.t, bb.t local g1, g2 = gram_info(aa), gram_info(bb) if bb.noun then if not base['им'] then return false end local g0 = gram_info(base) if not __gram_compat(g0, g1, true) then return false end if not __gram_compat(g0, g2, true) then return false end end return __gram_compat(g1, g2) end local function gram_norm(an) local a = {} local g = {} for _, v in ipairs(an) do a[v] = true table.insert(g, v) end if not a['1л'] and not a['2л'] and not a['3л'] then table.insert(g, '3л') end return g end local function gram_score(an, g) local score = 0 g = gram_norm(g) if an["фам"] then score = score - 0.1 end if an["арх"] then score = score - 0.1 end for _, vv in ipairs(g or {}) do if vv:sub(1, 1) == '~' then vv = vv:sub(2) if an[vv] then score = score - 1 elseif an.t == vv then score = score - 10 end else if an[vv] then score = score + 1 elseif an.t == vv then score = score + 10 end end end return score end lang = { yo = false, kbd = kbdru, norm = norm, upper = upper, lower = lower, cap = cap, is_cap = is_cap, is_vowel = is_vowel, flex_filter = flex_filter, gram_compat = gram_compat, gram_score = gram_score, gram_t = { noun = 'С', nom = 'им', live = 'од', nonlive = 'но', neuter = 'ср', male = 'мр', female = 'жр', plural = 'мн', proper = 'имя', surname = 'фам', first = '1л', second = '2л', third = '3л', }; dict = { ["ведро/ср,но,С"] = { "ведро/им", "вёдра/им,мн", "ведро/вн", "вёдра/вн,мн", "ведра/рд", "вёдер/рд,мн", "ведру/дт", "ведрам/дт,мн", "ведром/тв", "вёдрами/тв,мн", "ведре/пр", "вёдрах/пр,мн", }, ["деревья/ср,но,мн,С"] = { "деревья/им"; "деревья/вн"; "деревьев/рд"; "деревьями/тв"; "деревьях/пр"; "деревьям/дт"; }; ["дерево/ср,но,С"] = { "дерево/им", "деревья/им,мн"; "дерево/вн", "деревья/вн,мн"; "дерева/рд", "деревьев/рд,мн"; "деревом/тв", "деревьями/тв,мн"; "дереве/пр", "деревьях/пр,мн"; "дереву/пр", "деревьям/дт,мн"; }; ["огонь/мр,но,С"] = { "огонь/им", "огни/им,мн", "огонь/вн", "огни/вн,мн", "огня/рд", "огней/рд,мн", "огню/дт", "огням/дт,мн", "огнём/тв", "огнями/тв,мн", "огне/пр", "огнях/пр,мн", }; ["цветы/мн,мр,но,С"] = { -- цветки "цветы/им", "цветы/вн", "цветов/рд", "цветам/дт", "цветами/тв", "цветах/пр", }; ["хлам/пр,2"] = "хламе"; ["клевер/пр"] = "клевере"; ["песок/пр,2"] = "песке"; }; } return lang