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mirror of https://github.com/Oreolek/ifhub-skin.git synced 2024-04-28 15:19:27 +03:00
Alexander Yakovlev 735f245107
Реагировать только на событие click
Должно починить работу на мобильниках
2019-04-29 16:35:10 +07:00

145 lines
4.9 KiB

* Инициализации модулей
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2
* @author Alexander Yakovlev <keloero@oreolek.ru>
$(".search-icon").on('click', function(){
$('.spoiler-title').on('click', function(){
return false;
/* --- https://github.com/stationer/DetailsShim/blob/master/details-shim.js --- */
* Enable proper operation of <details> tags in unsupportive browsers
* @param Details details element to shim
* @returns {boolean} false on error
function details_shim(Details) {
// For backward compatibility, if no DOM Element is sent, call init()
if (!Details || !('nodeType' in Details) || !('tagName' in Details)) {
return details_shim.init();
var Summary;
// If we were passed a details tag, find its summary tag
if ('details' == Details.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
// Assume first found summary tag is the corresponding summary tag
Summary = Details.getElementsByTagName('summary')[0];
// If we were passed a summary tag, find its details tag
} else if (!!Details.parentNode
&& 'summary' == Details.tagName.toLowerCase()
) {
Summary = Details;
Details = Summary.parentNode;
} else {
// An invalid parameter was passed for Details
return false;
// If the details tag is natively supported or already shimmed
if ('boolean' == typeof Details.open) {
// If native, remove custom classes
if (!Details.getAttribute('data-open')) {
Details.className = Details.className
.replace(/\bdetails_shim_open\b|\bdetails_shim_closed\b/g, ' ');
return false;
// Set initial class according to `open` attribute
var state = Details.outerHTML
// OR older firefox doesn't have .outerHTML
|| new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(Details);
state = state.substring(0, state.indexOf('>'));
// Read: There is an open attribute, and it's not explicitly empty
state = (-1 != state.indexOf('open') && -1 == state.indexOf('open=""'))
? 'open'
: 'closed'
Details.setAttribute('data-open', state);
Details.className += ' details_shim_' + state;
// Add onclick handler to toggle visibility class
? Summary.addEventListener('click', function() { details_shim.toggle(Details); })
: Summary.attachEvent && Summary.attachEvent('onclick', function() { details_shim.toggle(Details); })
Object.defineProperty(Details, 'open', {
get: function() {
return 'open' == this.getAttribute('data-open');
set: function(state) {
details_shim.toggle(this, state);
// wrap text nodes in span to expose them to css
for (var j = 0; j < Details.childNodes.length; j++) {
if (Details.childNodes[j].nodeType == 3
&& /[^\s]/.test(Details.childNodes[j].data)
) {
var span = document.createElement('span');
var text = Details.childNodes[j];
Details.insertBefore(span, text);
} // details_shim()
* Toggle the open state of specified <details> tag
* @param Details The <details> tag to toggle
* @param state Optional override state
details_shim.toggle = function(Details, state) {
// If state was not passed, seek current state
if ('undefined' === typeof state) {
// new state
state = Details.getAttribute('data-open') == 'open'
? 'closed'
: 'open'
} else {
// Sanitize the input, expect boolean, force string
// Expecting boolean means even 'closed' will result in an open
// This is the behavior of the natively supportive browsers
state = !!state ? 'open' : 'closed';
Details.setAttribute('data-open', state);
// replace previous open/close class
Details.className = Details.className
.replace(/\bdetails_shim_open\b|\bdetails_shim_closed\b/g, ' ')
+ ' details_shim_' + state;
* Run details_shim() on each details tag
details_shim.init = function() {
// Because <details> must include a <summary>,
// collecting <summary> tags collects *valid* <details> tags
var Summaries = document.getElementsByTagName('summary');
for (var i = 0; i < Summaries.length; i++) {
// Run details_shim.init() when the page loads
? window.addEventListener('load', details_shim.init, false)
: window.attachEvent && window.attachEvent('onload', details_shim.init)