Этот коммит содержится в:
John 2013-07-24 18:17:30 +03:00
родитель 77ae613a53
Коммит f85f1c5597
15 изменённых файлов: 318 добавлений и 20693 удалений

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@ -13,9 +13,12 @@ before_script:
- chmod -R 0777 ./uploads
- chmod -R 0777 ./templates/cache/
- chmod -R 0777 ./templates/compiled/
- cp ./install/*.sql tests/fixtures/sql/
- rm -rf ./install
# install required PHP stuff
- sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-mcrypt php5-xsl php5-xdebug php-apc php5-gd php5-curl php5-intl
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli php5-mysql php5-mcrypt php5-xsl php5-xdebug php-apc php5-gd php5-curl php5-intl mysql-server mysql-client
# launch apache, MySQL and PHPUnit Selenium installers
- ./tests/travis/apache_setup.sh
@ -28,6 +31,7 @@ before_script:
- sleep 5
# get HTML of main page (for debug)
- firefox --version
- wget -S http://livestreet.test -O /dev/null
@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ before_script:
- sleep 5
# download and launch Selenium
- wget -O /tmp/selenium-server-standalone.jar http://selenium.googlecode.com/files/selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar
- wget -O /tmp/selenium-server-standalone.jar http://selenium.dev.stfalcon.com/selenium-server-standalone-latest.jar
- java -jar /tmp/selenium-server-standalone.jar > /dev/null &
- sleep 5

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

Разница между файлами не показана из-за своего большого размера Загрузить разницу

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ abstract class AbstractFixtures
private $aReferences = array();
private $aActivePlugins = array();
* @param Engine $oEngine
* @param array $aReferences
@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ abstract class AbstractFixtures
$this->oEngine = $oEngine;
$this->aReferences = $aReferences;
$this->aActivePlugins = $oEngine->Plugin_GetActivePlugins();
@ -80,8 +83,162 @@ abstract class AbstractFixtures
* @return int
public static function getOrder() {
public static function getOrder()
return 0;
* Get Active Plugins
* @return Active Plugins
protected function getActivePlugins()
return $this->aActivePlugins;
* Create topic with default values
* @param int $iBlogId
* @param int $iUserId
* @param string $sTitle
* @param string $sText
* @param string $sTags
* @param string $sDate
* @param bool $bPublish
* @param bool $bPublishMain
* @param bool $bPublishDraft
* @throws Exception
* @return ModuleTopic_EntityTopic
protected function _createTopic($iBlogId, $iUserId, $sTitle, $sText, $sTags, $sDate, $bPublish = true, $bPublishMain = true, $bPublishDraft = true)
$oTopic = Engine::GetEntity('Topic');
/* @var $oTopic ModuleTopic_EntityTopic */
list($sTextShort, $sTextNew, $sTextCut) = $this->oEngine->Text_Cut($oTopic->getTextSource());
$oTopic->setTextHash(md5($oTopic->getType() . $oTopic->getTextSource() . $oTopic->getTitle()));
//with active plugin l10n added a field topic_lang
if (in_array('l10n', $this->getActivePlugins())) {
// @todo refact this
$bValid = $oTopic->_Validate();
if (!$bValid) {
throw new Exception("Create topic - validation error");
return $oTopic;
* Create user with default values
* @param string $sUserName
* @param string $sPassword
* @param string $sMail
* @param string $sDate
* @return ModuleTopic_EntityUser
protected function _createUser($sUserName, $sPassword, $sMail, $sDate)
$oUser = Engine::GetEntity('User');
return $oUser;
* Create topic comment with default values
* @param object $oTopic
* @param object $oUser
* @param integer $iParentId
* @param string $sText
* @return ModuleComment_EntityComment
protected function _createComment($oTopic, $oUser, $iParentId = null, $sText = 'fixture comment text')
$oComment = Engine::GetEntity('Comment');
$oComment->setDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()));
$oComment = $this->oEngine->Comment_AddComment($oComment);
return $oComment;
* Create Blog Category
* @param string $sTitle
* @param string $sUrl
* @param integer $iSort
* @param integer $iPid
* @throws Exception
* @return ModuleBlog_EntityBlogCategory
protected function _createCategory($sTitle, $sUrl, $iSort = 0, $iPid = null)
$oCategory = Engine::GetEntity('ModuleBlog_EntityBlogCategory');
if ($oCategory->_Validate()) {
$iCategoryId = $this->oEngine->Blog_AddCategory($oCategory);
$oCategory = $this->oEngine->Blog_GetCategoryById($iCategoryId);
return $oCategory;
} else {
throw new Exception("Create category - validation error");

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@ -83,6 +83,19 @@ class LoadFixtures
echo "ExportSQL DATABASE $sDbname -> install_base.sql \n";
// Load dump from geo_base.sql
if(file_exists(Config::Get('path.root.server') . '/tests/fixtures/sql/patch.sql')) {
$result = $this->oEngine->Database_ExportSQL(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/sql/patch.sql');
if (!$result['result']) {
// exception
throw new Exception("DB is not exported with file patch.sql");
return $result['errors'];
echo "ExportSQL DATABASE $sDbname -> patch.sql \n";
// Load dump from patch.sql
$result = $this->oEngine->Database_ExportSQL(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fixtures/sql/geo_base.sql');
if (!$result['result']) {

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ Feature: Test Base comment functionality (!!!SELENIUM NEEDED)
Then I want to login as "admin"
Given I am on homepage
Then I follow "Sony MicroVault Mach USB 3.0 flash drive"
Then I wait "1000"
Given I am on "/blog/3.html"
Then I follow "Add comment"
And I fill in "test comment" for "comment_text"
@ -28,19 +26,10 @@ Feature: Test Base comment functionality (!!!SELENIUM NEEDED)
| value |
| test comment |
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-info" values:
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-author" values:
| value |
| /profile/admin/">admin</a> |
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-actions" values:
| value |
| Reply |
| Delete |
#create subcomment
And I follow "Reply"
Then I wait "1000"
And I fill in "test subcomment" for "comment_text"
And I press "Add"
Then I wait "1000"
Then I should see in element by css "comment_wrapper_id_2" values:
| value |
| test subcomment |

Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Feature: Test Base comment functionality (!!!SELENIUM NEEDED)
Test base functionality of Comments
Scenario: Adding the comment
Given I am on "/login"
Then I want to login as "admin"
Given I am on homepage
Given I am on "/blog/3.html"
Then I follow "Add comment"
And I fill in "test comment" for "comment_text"
And I press "Preview"
Then I wait "2000"
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-preview" values:
| value |
| test comment |
And I press "Add"
Then I wait "1000"
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-content" values:
| value |
| test comment |
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-author" values:
| value |
| /profile/admin/">admin</a> |
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-actions" values:
| value |
| Reply |
| Delete |
Scenario: Reply for comment
Given I am on "/login"
Then I want to login as "admin"
Then I am on "/blog/gadgets/1.html"
Then I should see "fixture comment text"
Then I should see in element by css "content .comment-wrapper .comment-actions" values:
| value |
| Reply |
And I follow "Reply"
Then I wait "1000"
And I fill in "test subcomment" for "comment_text"
#Then print last response
And I press "Add"
Then I wait "1000"
Then I should see in element by css "#comment_content_id_2" values:
| value |
| test subcomment |

tests/fixtures/BlogFixtures.php поставляемый
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@ -4,14 +4,21 @@ require_once(realpath((dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../AbstractFixtures.php"));
class BlogFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
* @return int
public static function getOrder()
return 1;
return 2;
* Create Blog
public function load()
$oUserFirst = $this->getReference('user-golfer');
$oCategory = $this->getReference('blog-category');
/* @var $oBlogGadgets ModuleBlog_EntityBlog */
$oBlogGadgets = Engine::GetEntity('Blog');
@ -22,6 +29,7 @@ class BlogFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
$oBlogGadgets->setDateAdd(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); // @todo freeze

tests/fixtures/CategoryFixtures.php поставляемый Обычный файл
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
require_once(realpath((dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../AbstractFixtures.php"));
class CategoryFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
* @return int
public static function getOrder()
return 1;
* Create Category
public function load()
$oBlogCategory = $this->_createCategory('First category name', 'first_category_url');
$this->addReference('blog-category', $oBlogCategory);

tests/fixtures/CommentFixtures.php поставляемый Обычный файл
Просмотреть файл

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
require_once(realpath((dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../AbstractFixtures.php"));
class CommentFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
* @return int
public static function getOrder()
return 4;
* Create Comment
public function load()
$oUserFirst = $this->getReference('user-golfer');
$oTopic = $this->getReference('topic-toshiba');
$oTopicComment = $this->_createComment($oTopic, $oUserFirst, NULL, 'fixture comment text');
$this->addReference('topic-toshiba-comment', $oTopicComment);

tests/fixtures/TopicFixtures.php поставляемый
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@ -4,13 +4,21 @@ require_once(realpath((dirname(__FILE__)) . "/../AbstractFixtures.php"));
class TopicFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
protected $aActivePlugins = array();
* @return int
public static function getOrder()
return 2;
return 3;
* Create Topics:
* Toshiba unveils 13.3-inch AT330 Android ICS 4.0 tablet,
* iPad 3 rumored to come this March with quad-core chip and 4G LTE,
* Sony MicroVault Mach USB 3.0 flash drive,
* Draft Topic
public function load()
$oUserFirst = $this->getReference('user-golfer');
@ -34,55 +42,11 @@ class TopicFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
'Want more speeds and better protection for your data? The Sony MicroVault Mach flash USB 3.0 drive is what you need. It offers the USB 3.0 interface that delivers data at super high speeds of up to 5Gbps. Its also backward compatible with USB 2.0.',
'sony, flash, gadget', '2012-10-21 2:30:40');
$this->addReference('topic-sony', $oTopicSony);
* Create topic with default values
* @param int $iBlogId
* @param int $iUserId
* @param string $sTitle
* @param string $sText
* @param string $sTags
* @param string $sDate
* @return ModuleTopic_EntityTopic
private function _createTopic($iBlogId, $iUserId, $sTitle, $sText, $sTags, $sDate)
$this->aActivePlugins = $this->oEngine->Plugin_GetActivePlugins();
$oTopic = Engine::GetEntity('Topic');
/* @var $oTopic ModuleTopic_EntityTopic */
list($sTextShort, $sTextNew, $sTextCut) = $this->oEngine->Text_Cut($oTopic->getTextSource());
$oTopic->setTextHash(md5($oTopic->getType() . $oTopic->getTextSource() . $oTopic->getTitle()));
//with active plugin l10n added a field topic_lang
if (in_array('l10n', $this->aActivePlugins)) {
// @todo refact this
return $oTopic;
$oTopicDraft = $this->_createTopic($oPersonalBlogGolfer->getBlogId(), $oUserFirst->getId(),
'Draft Topic',
'draft text draft text draft text draft text draft text draft text draft text',
'sony, ipad', '2012-10-21 2:40:50', false);
$this->addReference('topic-draft', $oTopicDraft);

tests/fixtures/UserFixtures.php поставляемый
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@ -37,31 +37,4 @@ class UserFixtures extends AbstractFixtures
* Create user with default values
* @param string $sUserName
* @param string $sPassword
* @param string $sMail
* @param string $sDate
* @return ModuleTopic_EntityUser
private function _createUser($sUserName, $sPassword,$sMail,$sDate)
$oUser = Engine::GetEntity('User');
return $oUser;

tests/fixtures/sql/geo_base.sql поставляемый
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@ -1 +0,0 @@

tests/fixtures/sql/sql.sql поставляемый
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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
mysql -u root -e 'CREATE DATABASE social_test;'
mysql -u root -B social_test < ./tests/fixtures/sql/sql.sql
mysql -u root -B social_test < ./tests/fixtures/sql/geo_base.sql
mysql -u root -B social_test < ./tests/fixtures/sql/patch.sql