Schloss Parserhof is a room. "Begun by Mad King Ludwig in 1878, this grand foyer was projected to be the antechamber to a long series of exotic chambers in which the Austrian monarch could have parser antics performed before his eyes. Build on a north-south spinal passage, it has been found monotonous by some architectural critics." [Note that there is no Test me with... here; instead, a separate command script is provided for this test case, so that the UNDO command can be used in the course of tests. The intention is that each test or set of tests should be in its own room, each south of the previous one.] Section 1 - Discard UNDO Testing The Discard UNDO Testing Place is a room south of the Schloss. The bottle is here. The bottle can be broken or unbroken. The description of the bottle is "It's [if the bottle is broken]broken[else]unbroken[end if]." Instead of attacking the unbroken bottle: say "Smash!"; now the bottle is broken.