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inform7/inform7/Tests/Test Problems/_Results_Ideal/PM_MidTextUnicode.txt
2022-10-29 12:11:58 +01:00

19 lines
1.1 KiB

Inform 7 v10.2.0 has started.
I've now read your source text, which is 26 words long.
I've also read Basic Inform by Graham Nelson, which is 7772 words long.
I've also read English Language by Graham Nelson, which is 2330 words long.
I've also read Standard Rules by Graham Nelson, which is 34310 words long.
Problem__ PM_MidTextUnicode
>--> In the sentence 'admire unicode Greek capital letter lambda' (source
text, line 9), I was expecting to read a unicode character, but instead
found some text that I couldn't understand - 'unicode Greek capital letter
lambda'. Maybe you intended this to produce a Unicode character? Unicode
characters can be written either using their decimal numbers - for
instance, 'Unicode 2041' - or with their standard names - 'Unicode Latin
small ligature oe'. For the full list of those names, see the Unicode
standard version 15.0.0.
I was trying to match this phrase:
admire (unicode greek capital letter lambda - unicode character)
But I didn't recognise 'unicode greek capital letter lambda'.
Inform 7 has finished.