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mirror of https://github.com/ganelson/inform.git synced 2024-04-28 23:29:35 +03:00
inform7/inform7/Tests/Test Problems/_Results_Ideal/PM_UnicodeDeprecated.txt
2022-10-29 12:11:58 +01:00

14 lines
818 B

Inform 7 v10.2.0 has started.
I've now read your source text, which is 7 words long.
I've also read Basic Inform by Graham Nelson, which is 7772 words long.
I've also read English Language by Graham Nelson, which is 2330 words long.
I've also read Standard Rules by Graham Nelson, which is 34310 words long.
Problem__ PM_UnicodeDeprecated
>--> You wrote 'At sigil translates into Unicode as 64' (source text, line 1):
but the sentence 'X translates into Unicode as Y' has been removed from the
Inform language, because it is now redundant. Inform already knows all the
names in the Unicode standard. If you're getting this problem message
because you included the extension 'Unicode Full Character Names' or
'Unicode Character Names', all you need do is to not include it.
Inform 7 has finished.