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2011-04-22 18:32:32 +07:00

45 lines
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error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/src/common.php');
// set some options
$opts = array(
// storage type, follow types supported
// PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_FILE - use file operations(fread, fseek) for dictionary access, this is very slow...
// PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_SHM - load dictionary in shared memory(using shmop php extension), this is preferred mode
// PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_MEM - load dict to memory each time when phpMorphy intialized, this useful when shmop ext. not activated. Speed same as for PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_SHM type
// Extend graminfo for getAllFormsWithGramInfo method call
'with_gramtab' => false,
// Enable prediction by suffix
'predict_by_suffix' => true,
// Enable prediction by prefix
'predict_by_db' => true
// Path to directory where dictionaries located
$dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/dicts';
// Create descriptor for dictionary located in $dir directory with russian language
$dict_bundle = new phpMorphy_FilesBundle($dir, 'rus');
// Create phpMorphy instance
try {
$morphy = new phpMorphy($dict_bundle, $opts);
} catch(phpMorphy_Exception $e) {
die('Error occured while creating phpMorphy instance: ' . $e->getMessage());
if (!isset($argv[1])) die("Error: no argument given - exit\n");
#$word = iconv("UTF-8", "CP1251", $argv[1]);
$word = mb_convert_case($argv[1], MB_CASE_UPPER, "UTF-8");
$all_forms = $morphy->getAllForms($word);
if(false === $all_forms) {
die("Error: can`t find or predict \"$word\"\n");
echo implode(', ', $all_forms) . "\n";