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2016-10-01 07:37:54 +03:00
# Contribution Guide #
First of all, thank for your contribution! I can't manage this whole thing
alone, and I welcome pull requests. To make sure that we're all on the same
page, here are some guidelines to follow for submitting pull requests for this
## Ensure that everything you link to is free (as in freedom) ##
This is highly important - this list *only* contains freedom-respecting things!
If you are sending a pull request linking to code, ensure it is licensed under a
[freedom-respecting license][1]; if you are linking to assets of any kind, make
sure that [they are the same][2]. For games, be especially careful that they are
## Indicate the license for anything you add clearly ##
Ensure that you use the correct name for the license (as per [this][1]
or [this][2]), and indicate any further restrictions clearly. Also check if the
license is in use already - if it is, don't create another link to it.
## Maintain alphabetical order within sections ##
Pretty self-explanatory, really. Numbers are considered to be higher-ordered
than anything else, and otherwise, lex order.
2016-10-20 03:09:19 +03:00
## Give a clear commit message ##
2016-10-01 07:37:54 +03:00
2016-10-20 03:09:19 +03:00
The commit message should state clearly *what* you did (adding, removing,
clarifying, etc.), with *what* (usually by giving the name of the entry), in the
present continuous tense (i.e. 'adding' not 'added').
2016-10-01 07:37:54 +03:00