function room_scene(self) return true; end function par(space,...) local i, res local a = {...}; for i = 1, stead.table.maxn(a) do if type(a[i]) == 'string' then if res == nil then res = "" end res = res..a[i]; end end return res; end stead.par = par word_simple = function(word) return obj{ nam = '', _word = word, _enabled = true, dsc = function(this) value = "" if (this._enabled == true) then value = this._word else value = string.rep("█",string.len(this._word)/2) end return "{".. value .."}" end, act = function(this) this._enabled = not this._enabled return true end } end sentence = function(...) value = obj{ nam = '', dsc = '', obj = {} } size = table.maxn(arg) for i,v in ipairs(arg) do if (i > 1 and v ~= 'comma' and v ~= 'question' and v ~= 'colon' and v ~= 'dot' and v ~= 'exclamation' and v ~= 'space') then table.insert(value.obj,'space') end table.insert(value.obj,v) if (i == size) then table.insert(value.obj,'space') end end return value end newline = vobj("^^", "^^") space = vobj(" ", " ") dash = vobj("--", "--") comma = vobj(",", ",") dot = vobj(".", ".") exclamation = vobj("!", "!") question = vobj("?", "?") colon = vobj(":", ":") signed = vobj(" ", txtr("Проверено: цензор ███████████^^"))