
132 lines
3.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// @ts-ignore
const Config = require("../config.json");
2017-12-08 02:29:16 +02:00
const { promisify } = require("util");
const Camo = require("camo");
const Core = require("../../discord-bot-core");
const DiscordUtil = require("../../discord-bot-core").util;
const GetUrls = require("get-urls");
const Url = require("url");
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
// @ts-ignore
const readFeed = url => promisify(require("feed-read"))(url);
const resolveDns = promisify(require("dns").resolve);
module.exports = class FeedData extends Core.BaseEmbeddedData {
2017-12-07 03:35:00 +02:00
constructor() {
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
this.feedID = "";
this.url = "";
this.channelID = "";
this.roleID = "";
this.cachedLinks = [];
this.maxCacheSize = 100;
// @ts-ignore
feedID: String,
url: String,
channelID: String,
roleID: String,
cachedLinks: [String],
maxCacheSize: Number
2017-12-07 03:35:00 +02:00
2017-10-02 02:41:55 +03:00
2017-12-07 03:35:00 +02:00
cache(...elements) {
const newArticles = elements
.map(el => normaliseUrl(el))
.filter(el => this.cachedLinks.indexOf(el) === -1);
Array.prototype.push.apply(this.cachedLinks, newArticles);
this.cachedLinks.splice(0, this.cachedLinks.length - this.maxCacheSize); //seeing as new links come in at the end of the array, we need to remove the old links from the beginning
return elements.length > 0;
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
updatePastPostedLinks(guild) {
const channel = guild.channels.get(this.channelID);
if (!channel)
return Promise.reject("Channel not found!");
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
channel.fetchMessages({ limit: 100 })
.then(messages => {
/* we want to push the links in oldest first, but discord.js returns messages newest first, so we need to reverse them
* discord.js returns a map, and maps don't have .reverse methods, hence needing to spread the elements into an array first */
[...messages.values()].reverse().forEach(m => this.cache(...GetUrls(m.content)));
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
fetchLatest(guild) {
const dnsPromise = resolveDns(Url.parse(this.url).host).then(() => this._doFetchRSS(guild));
dnsPromise.catch(err => DiscordUtil.dateDebugError("Connection error: Can't resolve host", err.message || err));
return dnsPromise;
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
toString() {
const blacklist = ["cachedLinks", "maxCacheSize"];
return `\`\`\`JavaScript\n ${JSON.stringify(this, (k, v) => !blacklist.find(x => x === k) ? v : undefined, "\t")} \`\`\``;
_doFetchRSS(guild) {
const feedPromise = readFeed(this.url).then(articles => this._processLatestArticle(guild, articles));
feedPromise.catch(err => DiscordUtil.dateDebugError([`Error reading feed ${this.url}`, err]));
return feedPromise;
_processLatestArticle(guild, articles) {
if (articles.length === 0 || !articles[0].link)
return false;
const latest = normaliseUrl(articles[0].link);
if (this.cachedLinks.indexOf(latest) > -1)
return false;
const channel = guild.channels.get(this.channelID),
role = guild.roles.get(this.roleID);
channel.send((role || "") + formatPost(articles[0]))
.catch(err => DiscordUtil.dateDebugError(`Error posting in ${channel.id}: ${err.message || err}`));
return true;
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
function formatPost(article) {
let message = "";
if (article.title) message += `\n**${article.title}**`;
if (article.content) message += article.content.length > Config.charLimit ? "\nArticle content too long for a single Discord message!" : `\n${article.content}`;
if (article.link) message += `\n\n${normaliseUrl(article.link)}`;
return message;
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
function normaliseUrl(url) {
url = url.replace("https://", "http://"); //hacky way to treat http and https the same
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
const parsedUrl = Url.parse(url);
if (parsedUrl.host && parsedUrl.host.includes("youtube.com")) {
const videoIDParam = (parsedUrl.query || "").split("&").find(x => x.startsWith("v="));
if (videoIDParam) {
const videoID = videoIDParam.substring(videoIDParam.indexOf("=") + 1, videoIDParam.length);
url = "http://youtu.be/" + videoID;
2017-09-09 22:26:04 +03:00
return url;