Update core client to support mongodb in addition to nedb

This commit is contained in:
benji7425 2018-01-25 23:02:39 +00:00
parent 559a61828d
commit f7c00f898c
2 changed files with 16 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const HandleGuildMessage = require("./handle-guild-message.js");
const InternalConfig = require("./internal-config.json");
const RequireAll = require("require-all");
let neDB;
let database;
module.exports = class Client extends Discord.Client {
@ -74,9 +74,16 @@ module.exports = class Client extends Discord.Client {
bootstrap() {
Camo.connect("nedb://guilds-data").then(db => {
neDB = db;
new CronJob(InternalConfig.dbCompactionSchedule, compactCollections, null, true);
Camo.connect(InternalConfig.dbConnectionString).then(db => {
database = db;
const dbProtocol = InternalConfig.dbConnectionString.match(/^(.+):\/\//)[1];
CoreUtil.dateLog(`Database protocol: ${dbProtocol}`);
if (dbProtocol === "nedb") {
CoreUtil.dateLog(`Seting up NeDB collection compaction cron job; schedule: ${InternalConfig.neDBCompactionSchedule}`);
new CronJob(InternalConfig.neDBCompactionSchedule, compactNeDBCollections, null, true);
@ -92,11 +99,11 @@ module.exports = class Client extends Discord.Client {
function compactCollections() {
function compactNeDBCollections() {
/*I realise it is a bit of a cheat to just access _collections in this manner, but in the absence of
camo actually having any kind of solution for this it's the easiest method I could come up with.
Maybe at some point in future I should fork camo and add this feature. The compaction function is NeDB only
and camo is designed to work with both NeDB and MongoDB, which is presumably why it doesn't alraedy exist */
for (let collectionName of Object.keys(neDB._collections))
for (let collectionName of Object.keys(database._collections))

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"dbCompactionSchedule": "0 * * * * *",
"dbConnectionString": "nedb://guilds-data",
"neDBCompactionSchedule": "0 * * * * *",
"restartSchedule": "0 0 0 * * *",
"restartTimeout": 5000,
"website": "https://benji7425.github.io",