{ "generic": { "saveFile": "./guilds.json", "saveIntervalSec": 60, "website": "https://benji7425.github.io", "discordInvite": "https://discord.gg/SSkbwSJ", "defaultDMResponse": "This bot does not have any handling for direct messages. To learn more or get help please visit %s, or join my Discord server here: %s" }, "feedCheckIntervalSec": 30, "commands": { "version": { "command": "version", "description": "Returns the bot version", "syntax": "version", "admin": false }, "help": { "command": "help", "description": "Display information about commands available to you", "syntax": "help", "admin": false }, "addFeed": { "command": "add-feed", "description": "Add an RSS feed to be posted in a channel, with an optional role to tag", "syntax": "add-feed <#channel> [@role]", "admin": true }, "removeFeed": { "command": "remove-feed", "description": "Remove an RSS feed by it's ID", "syntax": "remove-feed ", "admin": true }, "viewFeeds": { "command": "view-feeds", "description": "View a list of configured feeds and their associated details", "syntax": "view-feed", "admin": true } } }