# Features - Posts latest link from RSS feed into specified Discord channel - Doesn't post the link if it has already been posted in last 100 messages - Configurable polling interval # Planned features - Addition of user-defined URLs to match as 'sent' (ie if a user posts a youtu.be link, the bot will still post a youtube.com link, even if they point to the same palce - I would like to add a setting whereby you can specify alternate hosts to match) Feel free to contact me with suggestions and feature requests - if you need a new feature, just let me know and I will see what I can do! (No promises though :p) # Installation 1. Make sure you have nodejs (v6+) and npm installed 2. Clone repo or download zip and extract somewhere 3. Open a terminal in cloned/extracted folder 4. Run `npm install` and wait for it to finish 5. Edit *config.json* to include your RSS feed and channel ID 6. Create *botConfig.json* to include your bot token: `{ "token": "abc123blahblahblahyourtokengoeshere" }` 7. Run `node feed-bot.js`