//node imports const Util = require("util"); //external lib imports const Discord = require("discord.js"); //component imports const Config = require("./internal-config.json"); //generic lib configuration const ParentPackageJSON = require("../package.json"); //used to provide some info about the bot /** * Handle a direct message to the bot * @param {*} coreClient Core.Client * @param {*} message Discord.Message */ function handleDirectMessage(coreClient, message) { message.reply(Util.format(Config.defaultDMResponse, Config.website, Config.discordInvite)); } /** * * @param {*} coreClient Core.Client * @param {*} message Discord.Message * @param {*[]} guildsData GuildData[] */ function handleTextMessage(coreClient, message, guildsData) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const isCommand = message.content.startsWith(message.guild.me.toString()); let guildData = guildsData[message.guild.id]; if (!guildData) guildData = guildsData[message.guild.id] = new coreClient.guildDataModel({ id: message.guild.id }); if (!isCommand) return coreClient.implementations.onTextMessage(message, guildData).then(msg => resolve(msg)); Object.assign(coreClient.commands, Config.commands); const userIsAdmin = message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR"); const botName = "@" + (message.guild.me.nickname || coreClient.actual.user.username); const { command, commandProp, params, expectedParamCount } = getCommandDetails(message, coreClient.commands, userIsAdmin) || { command: null, commandProp: null, params: null, expectedParamCount: null }; const invoke = coreClient.implementations[commandProp]; if (!command || !params || isNaN(expectedParamCount)) return reject(`'${message.content.split(" ")[1]}' is not a recognised command`); if (command === Config.commands.version) resolve(`${ParentPackageJSON.name} v${ParentPackageJSON.version}`); else if (command === Config.commands.help) message.channel.send(createHelpEmbed(botName, coreClient.commands, userIsAdmin)); else { if (invoke && params.length >= expectedParamCount) invoke({ command, params: params, guildData, botName, message, coreClient }) .then(msg => resolve(msg)) .catch(err => reject(err)); else reject(`Incorrect syntax!\n**Expected:** *${botName} ${command.syntax}*\n**Need help?** *${botName} ${coreClient.commands.help.command}*`); } }); } /** * Determine details about a command invoked via a message * @param {*} message Discord.Message * @param {*[]} commands commands array (probably from commands.json) * @param {boolean} userIsAdmin whether the user is an admin */ function getCommandDetails(message, commands, userIsAdmin) { const splitMessage = message.content.toLowerCase().split(/ +/); const commandStr = splitMessage[1]; const commandProp = Object.keys(commands).find(x => commands[x].command.toLowerCase() === commandStr); const command = commands[commandProp]; if (!command || (command.admin && !userIsAdmin)) return; const params = splitMessage.slice(2, splitMessage.length); const expectedParamCount = command.syntax.split(/ +/).length - 1; let finalisedParams; if (params.length > expectedParamCount) finalisedParams = params.slice(0, expectedParamCount - 1).concat([params.slice(expectedParamCount - 1, params.length).join(" ")]); else finalisedParams = params; return { command, commandProp, params: finalisedParams, expectedParamCount }; } /** * Create a help embed for available commands * @param {string} name name of the bot * @param {*[]} commands commands array * @param {boolean} userIsAdmin whether the user is admin */ function createHelpEmbed(name, commands, userIsAdmin) { const commandsArr = Object.keys(commands).map(x => commands[x]).filter(x => userIsAdmin || !x.admin); const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed().setTitle(`__Help__ for ${(ParentPackageJSON.name + "").replace("discord-bot-", "")}`); commandsArr.forEach(command => { embed.addField(command.command, `${command.description}\n**Usage:** *${name} ${command.syntax}*${userIsAdmin && command.admin ? "\n***Admin only***" : ""}`); }); embed.addField("__Need more help?__", `[Visit my website](${Config.website}) or [Join my Discord](${Config.discordInvite})`, true); return { embed }; } module.exports = { handleDirectMessage, handleTextMessage };