const FileSystem = require("fs"); const Discord = require("discord.js"); const JsonFile = require("jsonfile"); const RequireAll = require("require-all"); const CoreUtil = require("./Util.js"); const HandleMessage = require("./HandleMessage.js"); // @ts-ignore const InternalConfig = require("./internal-config.json"); module.exports = class Client extends Discord.Client { /** * @param {*} token * @param {*} dataFile * @param {*} commandsDir * @param {*} guildDataModel */ constructor(token, dataFile, commandsDir, guildDataModel) { super(); this._token = token; this.dataFile = dataFile; this.commandsDir = commandsDir; this.guildDataModel = guildDataModel; this.commands = RequireAll(this.commandsDir); this.guildsData = FileSystem.existsSync(this.dataFile) ? this.fromJSON(JsonFile.readFileSync(this.dataFile)) : {}; this.on("ready", this.onReady); this.on("message", this.onMessage); this.on("debug", this.onDebug); this.on("guildCreate", this.onGuildCreate); this.on("guildDelete", this.onGuildDelete); process.on("uncaughtException", err => this.onUnhandledException(this, err)); } bootstrap() { this.beforeLogin(); this.login(this._token); } beforeLogin() { setInterval(() => this.writeFile(), InternalConfig.saveIntervalSec * 1000); this.emit("beforeLogin"); } onReady() { this.user.setGame(^https?:\/\//, "")); CoreUtil.dateLog(`Registered bot ${this.user.username}`); for (let guildID of Object.keys(this.guildsData)) if (!this.guilds.get(guildID)) delete this.guildsData[guildID]; } onMessage(message) { if ( === "text" && message.member) { if (!this.guildsData[]) this.guildsData[] = new this.guildDataModel({ id: }); HandleMessage(this, message, this.commands, this.guildsData[]); } } onDebug(info) { info = info.replace(/Authenticated using token [^ ]+/, "Authenticated using token [redacted]"); if (!InternalConfig.debugIgnores.some(x => info.startsWith(x))) CoreUtil.dateDebug(info); } onGuildCreate(guild) { CoreUtil.dateLog(`Added to guild ${}`); } onGuildDelete(guild) { CoreUtil.dateLog(`Removed from guild ${}, removing data for this guild`); delete this.guildsData[]; this.writeFile(); } onUnhandledException(client, err) { CoreUtil.dateError(err); CoreUtil.dateLog("Destroying existing client..."); client.destroy().then(() => { CoreUtil.dateLog("Client destroyed, recreating..."); setTimeout(() => client.login(client._token), InternalConfig.reconnectTimeout); }); } writeFile() { JsonFile.writeFile( this.dataFile, this.guildsData, err => { if (err) CoreUtil.dateError(`Error writing data file! ${err.message || err}`); }); } fromJSON(json) { const guildsData = Object.keys(json); guildsData.forEach(guildID => { json[guildID] = new this.guildDataModel(json[guildID]); }); return json; } };