const Command = require("../command.js"); const Util = require("../util.js"); module.exports = new Command({ name: "reset", description: "Reset all data for this Discord server. WARNING: YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR SETTINGS!", syntax: "reset", admin: true, invoke }); function invoke({ guildData, client, message }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { /* this is a very hacky way of doing this, but when using .resolve() the guildData object gets saved back to the database straight away, meaning it'd be deleted and instnantly re-created. Using .reject means that .save doesn't get called by the parent. Very hacky but works. */ Util.ask(client,, message.member, "Are you sure you want to delete all the data for this server? (yes/no)") .then(response => { if (response.toLowerCase() === "yes") guildData .delete() .then(() => reject("Data for this server successfully deleted")); else reject("Guild data was not deleted"); }); // .then(() => resolve("Data for this server successfully deleted")) // .catch(() => reject("Error deleting data for this server")); }); }