benji7425 80c8f6accd Update data deletion to require a reset command instead of guildDelete
guildDelete apparently gets called whenever Discord has an outage - we don't want to delete server data whenever there is a temporary outage!
2018-01-27 00:03:51 +00:00

102 lines
3.8 KiB

const CoreUtil = require("./util.js");
const Camo = require("camo");
const CronJob = require("cron").CronJob;
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const HandleGuildMessage = require("./handle-guild-message.js");
// @ts-ignore
const InternalConfig = require("./internal-config.json");
const RequireAll = require("require-all");
let database;
module.exports = class Client extends Discord.Client {
* Construct a new Discord.Client with some added functionality
* @param {string} token bot token
* @param {string} commandsDir location of dir containing commands .js files
* @param {*} guildDataModel GuildData model to be used for app; must extend BaseGuildData
constructor(token, commandsDir, guildDataModel) {
messageCacheMaxSize: 16,
disabledEvents: InternalConfig.disabledEvents
this._token = token;
this.commandsDir = commandsDir;
this.guildDataModel = guildDataModel;
this.commands = RequireAll(this.commandsDir);
this.on("ready", this._onReady);
this.on("message", this._onMessage);
this.on("debug", this._onDebug);
this.on("guildCreate", this._onGuildCreate);
process.on("uncaughtException", err => this._onUnhandledException(this, err));
_onReady() {
this.user.setGame(InternalConfig.website.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ""));
CoreUtil.dateLog(`Registered bot ${this.user.username}`);
_onMessage(message) {
if (message.channel.type === "text" && message.member)
HandleGuildMessage(this, message, this.commands);
_onDebug(info) {
info = info.replace(/Authenticated using token [^ ]+/, "Authenticated using token [redacted]");
if (!InternalConfig.debugIgnores.some(x => info.startsWith(x)))
_onGuildCreate(guild) {
CoreUtil.dateLog(`Added to guild ${guild.name}`);
_onUnhandledException(client, err) {
CoreUtil.dateError("Unhandled exception!\n", err);
CoreUtil.dateLog("Destroying existing client...");
client.destroy().then(() => {
CoreUtil.dateLog("Client destroyed, recreating...");
setTimeout(() => client.login(client._token), InternalConfig.reconnectTimeout);
bootstrap() {
Camo.connect(InternalConfig.dbConnectionString).then(db => {
database = db;
const dbProtocol = InternalConfig.dbConnectionString.match(/^(.+):\/\//)[1];
CoreUtil.dateLog(`Database protocol: ${dbProtocol}`);
if (dbProtocol === "nedb") {
CoreUtil.dateLog(`Seting up NeDB collection compaction cron job; schedule: ${InternalConfig.neDBCompactionSchedule}`);
new CronJob(InternalConfig.neDBCompactionSchedule, compactNeDBCollections, null, true);
removeDeletedGuilds() {
this.guildDataModel.find().then(guildDatas => {
for (let guildData of guildDatas)
if (!this.guilds.get(guildData.guildID))
function compactNeDBCollections() {
/*I realise it is a bit of a cheat to just access _collections in this manner, but in the absence of
camo actually having any kind of solution for this it's the easiest method I could come up with.
Maybe at some point in future I should fork camo and add this feature. The compaction function is NeDB only
and camo is designed to work with both NeDB and MongoDB, which is presumably why it doesn't alraedy exist */
for (let collectionName of Object.keys(database._collections))