{% extends "base.html" %} {% block page_title %} A Journal for Text-based Gaming {% endblock %} {% block page_content %}

Imaginary Realities is a journal focusing on text-based gaming, from mudding and roguelikes, to interactive fiction and beyond.

Our goal is to publish issues every couple of months, where we collect together relevant articles written by people from the community, for the enjoyment and education of other people in the community.

If you are interested in contributing an article, please get in touch!


{% for article in tp.sections.latest_issue.issue_articles %} {% endfor %}

{% for issue in tp.sections.back_issues.issues %} {% endfor %}
{{issue.volume_text}} {{issue.publication_year_text}}

Or check out the older issues from the previous period of publication which ended in 2001.


{% if tp.sections.recent_comments.is_enabled %} {% for entry in tp.sections.recent_comments.entries %} {% endfor %}
{{entry.user_name}} ({{entry.age_string}} ago): {{entry.text}}
{% else %} {{tp.sections.recent_comments.content}} {% endif %}
{% endblock %}