# inkjs boilerplate This is my boilerplate for web games in [Ink](https://github.com/inkle/ink) language. This version does not require you to be well versed in web development; if you know what npm is, I recommend using my [advanced repo](https://code.oreolek.ru/oreolek/inkjs-linux) To start working: 1. compile `game/game.ink` to JSON with inklecate 2. Put `game.ink.json` to `inkjs` folder 3. Run a web server in inkjs folder (anything will do; if you don't have one, I recommend [Mongoose](https://mongoose.ws/) - just put it in that folder and run) 4. Open `http://localhost/index.html` - this is your game, you can package this ### Screenshot ![Screenshot](./screenshot.png) ### Features * Autosaving (with a restart button) * Keyboard support (press 1-9 to select 1th-9th choices, 0 to choose 10th) * Great game performance (all JS is ~200Kb in size with Inkjs runtime) * Mobile-ready layout * You don't need to install anything to edit this (you will need a web server or game hosting to view the edits though) * Color scheme is editable and you don't need to know CSS ### Browser compatibility Firefox 60+, Chrome 60+, Safari 12+, iOS 12+