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<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die ('No direct script access.');
* Base class for access controlled Sprig Models
* @see http://github.com/banks/aacl
* @package AACL
* @uses Auth
* @uses Sprig
* @author Paul Banks
* @copyright (c) Paul Banks 2010
* @license MIT
abstract class Sprig_AACL extends Sprig implements AACL_Resource
* AACL_Resource::acl_id() implementation
* @return string
public function acl_id()
// Create unique id from primary key if it is set
if (is_array($this->_primary_key))
$id = '';
foreach ($this->_primary_key as $name)
$id .= (string) $this->$name;
$id = (string) $this->{$this->_primary_key};
if ( ! empty($id))
$id = '.'.$id;
// Model namespace, model name, pk
return 'm:'.strtolower($this->_model).$id;
* AACL_Resource::acl_actions() implementation
* @param bool $return_current [optional]
* @return mixed
public function acl_actions($return_current = FALSE)
if ($return_current)
// We don't know anything about what the user intends to do with us!
return NULL;
// Return default model actions
return array('create', 'read', 'update', 'delete');
* AACL_Resource::acl_conditions() implementation
* @param Model_User $user [optional] logged in user model
* @param object $condition [optional] condition to test
* @return mixed
public function acl_conditions(Model_User $user = NULL, $condition = NULL)
if (is_null($user) AND is_null($condition))
// We have no conditions - they will be model specific
return array();
// We have no conditions so this test should fail!
return FALSE;
* AACL_Resource::acl_instance() implementation
* Note that the object instance returned should not be used for anything except querying the acl_* methods
* @param string Class name of object required
* @return Object
public static function acl_instance($class_name)
$model_name = strtolower(substr($class_name, 6));
return Sprig::factory($model_name);
} // End Sprig_AACL