
22 lines
601 B

<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
class Multilang_URL extends Kohana_URL {
* We don't trim the right slashes
public static function site($uri = '', $protocol = NULL, $index = TRUE)
// Chop off possible scheme, host, port, user and pass parts
$path = preg_replace('~^[-a-z0-9+.]++://[^/]++/?~', '', ltrim($uri, '/'));
if ( ! UTF8::is_ascii($path))
// Encode all non-ASCII characters, as per RFC 1738
$path = preg_replace('~([^/]+)~e', 'rawurlencode("$1")', $path);
// Concat the URL
return URL::base($protocol, $index).$path;