browserSync = require('browser-sync') gulp = require('gulp') gutil = require('gulp-util') coffee = require("gulp-coffee") sass = require('gulp-sass') uglify = require('gulp-uglify-es').default zip = require('gulp-zip') concat = require('gulp-concat') rename = require('gulp-rename') CSON = require 'cson' fs = require 'fs' glob = require 'glob' reload = browserSync.reload html = (target, debug) -> return () -> sources = [ 'html/index.html' 'html/ru.html' ] #if (debug) # sources.push('html/test.html') gulp.src(sources) .pipe(gulp.dest(target)) #gulp.src(['game/gamepad.min.js']).pipe(gulp.dest(target+"/game")) gulp.src(['node_modules/salet/lib/index.min.js']) .pipe(rename('salet.min.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest(target+"/game")) # Images img = (target) -> return () -> return gulp.src(['img/*.png', 'img/*.jpeg', 'img/*.jpg']).pipe(gulp.dest(target)) # Audio assets audio = (target) -> return () -> return gulp.src(['audio/*.mp3']).pipe(gulp.dest(target)) gulp.task('html', html('./build', true)) gulp.task('img', img('./build/img')) gulp.task('audio', audio('./build/audio')) # SCSS styles gulp.task('sass', () -> gulp.src('sass/main.scss') .pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}).on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/css')) ) # Autotests gulp.task('tests', () -> gulp.src('test/*.js') .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/test/')) ) gulp.task('concatCoffee', () -> cson('./build') gulp.src([ #procgen './build/game/' # language './game/language/' './game/language/' # Improv './game/improv/' './game/improv/' './game/improv/' ## additional functions "./lib/" "./lib/" "./lib/" ## the actual game './game/' './game/' ]).pipe(concat('./')) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/game')) ) cson = (target) -> sourcedir = "game/procgen/en/": "en" "game/procgen/ru/": "ru" outtext = "procgendata = {}\n" for sdir, lang of sourcedir files = glob.sync(sdir+'*.cson') spec = {} for file in files data = CSON.parseCSONFile(file) if not data.groups? data.groups = [] if data.phrases? data.groups.push({ tags: [], phrases: data.phrases }) data.phrases = null key = file.substr(0, file.lastIndexOf('.')) || file key = key.replace(sdir, '') spec[key] = data source = CSON.stringify(spec).split("\n") out = "" for line in source out += " "+line+"\n" source = "procgendata.#{lang} = {\n"+out+"}\n" outtext += source fs.writeFileSync(target+'/game/', outtext) gulp.task('html', html('./build', true)) gulp.task('coffee', ['concatCoffee'], () -> gulp.src('./build/game/') .pipe(coffee({bare: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./build/game/')) ) gulp.task('build', [ 'html', 'img', 'sass', 'coffee', 'audio', 'tests' ]) gulp.task('serve', ['build'], () -> browserSync({ server: { baseDir: 'build' } online: true browser: [] ghostMode: false }) sassListener = () -> reload('./build/css/main.css')['./html/*.html'], ['html'])['./sass/*.scss'], ['sass'])['./img/*.png', './img/*.jpeg', './img/*.jpg'], ['img'])[ './game/*.coffee' './game/translations/*.cson' ], ['coffee'])['./build/css/main.css'], sassListener) ['./build/game/bundle.js', './build/img/*', './build/index.html'], browserSync.reload) ) gulp.task('html-dist', html('./dist', false)) gulp.task('img-dist', img('./dist/img')) gulp.task('audio-dist', audio('./dist/audio')) gulp.task('legal-dist', () -> return gulp.src(['LICENSE.txt']) .pipe(gulp.dest("./dist")) ) gulp.task('sass-dist', () -> return gulp.src('./sass/main.scss') .pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'})) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/css')) ) gulp.task('coffee-dist', ['concatCoffee'], () -> gulp.src('./build/game/', {sourcemaps: false}) .pipe(coffee()) .pipe(uglify()) .on('error', gutil.log) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/game/')) ) gulp.task('dist', [ 'html-dist' 'img-dist' 'sass-dist' 'coffee-dist' 'audio-dist' 'legal-dist' ]) gulp.task('zip', ['dist'], () -> return gulp.src('dist/**') .pipe(zip('')) .pipe(gulp.dest('.')) )