{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Aaron Wright ", "David Pean " ] }, "apihelp-voteny-description": "VoteNY API module", "apihelp-voteny-param-what": "Action to take; valid values are 'vote' (green voting box), 'multi' (voting stars) or 'delete' (delete a previously given vote)", "apihelp-voteny-param-pageId": "Page ID of the page where the voting box/stars is/are", "apihelp-voteny-param-voteValue": "Numerical vote value between 1 and 5", "apihelp-voteny-param-type": "Set this to 'stars' to call the voting stars (VoteStars PHP class), otherwise the green vote box (Vote PHP class) is used", "apihelp-voteny-example-1": "Cast a vote for the page which has the ID number 666", "apihelp-voteny-example-2": "Delete your vote from the page which has the ID number 666", "apihelp-voteny-example-3": "Cast a vote (3 stars out of 5) for the page which has the ID number 666", "apihelp-voteny-example-4": "Delete your vote from the page which has the ID number 666 which is using the star rating", "apihelp-voteny-example-5": "Cast a vote (4 stars out of 5) for the page which has the ID number 666, deleting your previous vote, if any", "voteny-desc": "JavaScript-based voting with the <vote> tag", "voteny-link": "Vote", "voteny-unvote-link": "unvote", "voteny-community-score": "community {{PLURAL:$2|score|scores}}: $1", "voteny-ratings": "{{PLURAL:$1|one rating|$1 ratings}}", "voteny-remove": "remove", "voteny-gave-this": "you gave this a $1", "voteny-votes": "{{PLURAL:$1|one vote|$1 votes}}", "topratings": "Top rated pages", "topratings-no-pages": "No top rated pages.", "right-voteny": "Vote pages" }