Jack Phoenix 8762715a91 Allow star rating to be used outside of the page which has the <vote type=1 /> tag
This ability was removed in version 2.4 (r108076) in favor of using the
wgArticleId JS global, but doing so essentially broke things like the
ImageRating extension, which rely on knowing a "remote" page's ID since
wgArticleId is obviously 0 for special: pages.

Change-Id: I644cbd57c11114758f229ca052c51328513e59a1
2015-05-14 03:59:17 +03:00

203 lines
5.5 KiB

* JavaScript functions for Vote extension.
* TODO: Should refactor this into a jQuery widget.
* The widget should get a PageID in its constructor so it can work on any page
* for any page and with multiple instances per page.
* @constructor
* @author Jack Phoenix <>
* @author Daniel A. R. Werner < >
var VoteNY = function VoteNY() {
this.MaxRating = 5;
this.clearRatingTimer = null;
this.voted_new = []; = 0;
this.last_id = 0;
this.imagePath = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/VoteNY/images/';
* Called when voting through the green square voting box
* @param TheVote
* @param PageID Integer: internal ID number of the current article
this.clickVote = function( TheVote, PageID ) {
mw.util.wikiScript(), {
action: 'ajax',
rs: 'wfVoteClick',
rsargs: [ TheVote, PageID ]
).done( function( data ) {
$( '#PollVotes' ).html( ( data || '0' ) );
$( '#Answer' ).html(
'<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="vote-unvote-link">' +
mediaWiki.msg( 'voteny-unvote-link' ) + '</a>'
} );
* Called when removing your vote through the green square voting box
* @param PageID Integer: internal ID number of the current article
* @param mk Mixed: random token
this.unVote = function( PageID ) {
mw.util.wikiScript(), {
action: 'ajax',
rs: 'wfVoteDelete',
rsargs: [ PageID ]
).done( function( data ) {
$( '#PollVotes' ).html( ( data || '0' ) );
$( '#Answer' ).html(
'<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="vote-vote-link">' +
mediaWiki.msg( 'voteny-link' ) + '</a>'
} );
* Called when adding a vote after a user has clicked the yellow voting stars
* @param PageID Integer: internal ID number of the current article
* @param id Integer: ID of the current rating star
* @param action Integer: controls which AJAX function will be called
this.clickVoteStars = function( TheVote, PageID, id, action ) {
this.voted_new[id] = TheVote;
var rsfun;
if ( action == 3 ) {
rsfun = 'wfVoteStars';
if ( action == 5 ) {
rsfun = 'wfVoteStarsMulti';
mw.util.wikiScript(), {
action: 'ajax',
rs: rsfun,
rsargs: [ TheVote, PageID ]
).done( function( data ) {
$( '#rating_' + id ).html( data );
} );
* Called when removing your vote through the yellow voting stars
* @param PageID Integer: internal ID number of the current article
* @param id Integer: ID of the current rating star
this.unVoteStars = function( PageID, id ) {
mw.util.wikiScript(), {
action: 'ajax',
rs: 'wfVoteStarsDelete',
rsargs: [ PageID ]
).done( function( data ) {
$( '#rating_' + id ).html( data );
} );
this.startClearRating = function( id, rating, voted ) {
var voteNY = this;
this.clearRatingTimer = setTimeout( function() {
voteNY.clearRating( id, 0, rating, voted );
}, 200 );
this.clearRating = function( id, num, prev_rating, voted ) {
if ( this.voted_new[id] ) {
voted = this.voted_new[id];
for ( var x = 1; x <= this.MaxRating; x++ ) {
var star_on, old_rating;
if ( voted ) {
star_on = 'voted';
old_rating = voted;
} else {
star_on = 'on';
old_rating = prev_rating;
var ratingElement = $( '#rating_' + id + '_' + x );
if ( !num && old_rating >= x ) {
ratingElement.attr( 'src', this.imagePath + 'star_' + star_on + '.gif' );
} else {
ratingElement.attr( 'src', this.imagePath + 'star_off.gif' );
this.updateRating = function( id, num, prev_rating ) {
if ( this.clearRatingTimer && this.last_id == id ) {
clearTimeout( this.clearRatingTimer );
this.clearRating( id, num, prev_rating );
for ( var x = 1; x <= num; x++ ) {
$( '#rating_' + id + '_' + x ).attr( 'src', this.imagePath + 'star_voted.gif' );
this.last_id = id;
// TODO: Make event handlers part of a widget as described in the VoteNY's TODO and reduce this
// code to instantiating such a widget for the current wiki page if required.
$( function() {
var vote = new VoteNY();
// Green voting box's link
$( '.vote-action' ).on( 'click', '> a', function( event ) {
if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'vote-unvote-link' ) ) {
vote.unVote( mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' ) );
} else {
vote.clickVote( 1, mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' ) );
} );
// Rating stars
// Note: this uses $( 'body' ).on( 'actionName', 'selector'
// instead of $( 'selector' ).actionName so that the hover effects work
// correctly even *after* you've voted (say, if you wanted to change your
// vote with the star ratings without reloading the page).
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.vote-rating-star', function() {
var that = $( this );
vote.clickVoteStars( 'vote-the-vote' ),
$( this ).data( 'page-id' ), 'vote-id' ), 'vote-action' )
} ).on( 'mouseover', '.vote-rating-star', function() {
var that = $( this );
vote.updateRating( 'vote-id' ), 'vote-the-vote' ), 'vote-rating' )
} ).on( 'mouseout', '.vote-rating-star', function() {
var that = $( this );
vote.startClearRating( 'vote-id' ), 'vote-rating' ), 'vote-voted' )
} );
// Remove vote (rating stars)
$( 'body' ).on( 'click', '.vote-remove-stars-link', function() {
$( this ).data( 'page-id' ),
$( this ).data( 'vote-id' )
} );
} );