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### Best with Perl 5.6 or better
# Path to Perl - you may need to check your server admin just in case
# it is different.
# Forum2 Development Overview
# DForum 1.01 (11/02/1999)
# http://www.dansteinman.com/dforum
# Copyright (C) 1998 Dan Steinman
# This version by Ted Hawkins, Forum2.6, January 2003
# http://scriptles.bluwall.com
# Including
# 1) Footer script by Michael Mathews, August 2002
# http://perlcircus.com
# 2) Latest reply to a subject posting
# by Jeff Thomas, December 2002
# http://www.jhthomas.net
# Jeff redid the Original Dforum1 this way at www.roigi.com
# and it has been written into Forum2 as of Version 2.5
# 3) PerlBlog v1.08b by Rio Akasaka, May 2003-May 2005
# Altered Forum2.6 into a customizable and flexible
# weblog.
# http://www.chronicled.org/perlblog
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License (license.txt) for more details.
# filename: weblog-config.pl
# Set-Up Variables
# The document-root environment
$root = "$ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'}";
# This is the default
# $forumdir = "$root/your-path-goes-here"
# The below should work on most servers - check with your Sys Admin to be sure.
$forumdir = "blogdata";
$contentdir = "content";#the path to the txt-content of pages
#################################### EASY CUSTOMIZE ############################
# Customizing your weblog.
# You can change the defaults to reflect your site's design and style.
# If you put quotation marks within the quotation marks, be sure to a \ sign before each.
#################################### Administration ############################
$username = "oreolek"; # Weblog username
$password = "verylongpasswordindeed"; # Weblog password
$adminusername = "administrator"; # Weblog-admin.pl username
$adminpassword = "this_password_has_underscores"; # Weblog-admin.pl password
$code = "write_post"; # Weblog journal page
$ssource="./blogdata"; # Source to your images and JavaScript (omit final slash)
$show="5"; # Number of posts to show
$recent="yes"; # Show recent posts or not
$recentnum="10"; # Number of recent posts to show
$lang="ru"; # Language of weblog
$charset="windows-1251"; # Character set (utf-8 is standard)
$inputwc="email"; # Show website or email on comment box input
#################################### Titles and names ############################
$posted = "<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <EFBFBD> "; # Post title at end of each entry
$description = "<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <EFBFBD><EFBFBD> Perl/CGI"; # Blog description (used for search engines)
$keywords = "PerlBlog, v.1.09"; # Blog keywords (used for search engines)
$subtitle = "Based on the PerlBlog v.1.09"; # Blog subtitle
$author = "Oreolek"; # Blog author (used for search engines)
#################################### Images ############################
$bgimg="../background.gif"; # Blog background image (optional)
$headerimg =""; # Header image (optional, include http)
$footerimg=""; # Footer image (optional, include http)
#################################### Main details ############################
$maincolor ="#ffffff"; # Main weblog entry background color
$bgcolor="#144A64"; # Main weblog background color
$width ="782"; #Blog Width
$jwidth="480px"; # Blog Entry (left column) width
#################################### Header ############################
$height="15px"; #Header Section Height
$paddingtp ="20px"; # Header padding top (how far the title is from the top)
$bgtopcolor ="#FFFFFF"; # Header background color
$paddinglft ="35px"; # Header padding left (how far the title is from the left, keep congruous to paddingr)
#################################### Title ############################
$headertitlefont="Georgia"; # Title (in header area) font
$titlesize="130%"; # Title (in header area) font size
$headertitlecolor="#FFFFFF"; # Title (in header area) font color
$headertitlewg="bold"; # Title (in header area) font weight
#################################### Subtitle ############################
$sheight="10px"; #Subtitle Section Height
$subtitlepaddingtop="2px"; # Subtitle distance from title
$subttfont="Trebuchet MS"; # Subtitle font
$subtitlesize="80%"; # Subtitle font size: the greater the value, the bigger
$subttcolor="#dddddd"; # Subtitle font color
$subttdeco="none"; # Subtitle font decoration: underline or none
$subtitlewg="none"; # Subtitle font weight: bold or none
$subtthfont="Arial"; # Subtitle hover (mouseover) font
$subtthcolor="#dddddd"; # Subtitle hover (mouseover) font color
$subtitlehsize="80%"; # Subtitle hover (mouseover) font size
$subtthdeco="none"; # Subtitle hover (mouseover) font decoration: underline or none
$subtitlehpwg="none"; # Subtitle hover font weight: bold or none
######################### Links, below the subtitle (main, archive, about) ###############
$hheight="150px"; #Header link Section Height
$headerpaddingtop="30px"; # Header link distance from subtitle
$subttfontl="Trebuchet MS"; # Header link font
$subtitlesizel="80%"; # Header link font size: the greater the value, the bigger
$subttcolorl="#dddddd"; # Header link font color
$subttdecol="none"; # Header link font decoration: underline or none
$subtitlewgl="none"; # Header link font weight: bold or none
$subtthfontl="Arial"; # Header link hover (mouseover) font
$subtthcolorl="#dddddd"; # Header link hover (mouseover) font color
$subtitlehsizel="80%"; # Header link hover (mouseover) font size
$subtthdecol="underline"; # Header link hover (mouseover) font decoration: underline or none
$subtitlehpwgl="none"; # Header link hover font weight: bold or none
$brackets="#dddddd"; # Header links brackets color
######################### Journal/Post details ###############
$titlefont="Georgia"; # Journal post title font
$titlecolor="#4F4E46"; # Journal post title font color
$tentrysize="130%"; # Journal post title font size
$bodyfont="Verdana"; # Journal post entry font
$bodycolor="#4F4E46"; # Journal post entry font color
$bodyesize="11px"; # Journal post entry font size
######################### Journal Tag details (what comes after the post) ###############
$tagfont="Verdana"; # Entry tag font
$tagfontsize="11px"; # Entry tag font size
$tagcolor="#4b4b4b"; # Entry tag font color
$tagweight="none"; # Entry tag font weight (bold or none)
######################### Sidebar ###############
$swidth="176px"; # Sidebar Column (right column) width
$direction="left"; # Sidebar left or right?
$paddingr="0px"; # If sidebar is on the left, make value to 0px
$paddingl="35px"; # If sidebar is on the left, make value to 35px
$sectionfont="Trebuchet MS"; # Sidebar Column font
$sectionsize="100%"; # Sidebar Column font size
$sectionclr="#666666"; # Sidebar Column color
$sidebarcolor="#ffffff"; # Sidebar Column background color
$sectiontfont="Trebuchet MS"; # Sidebar titles font
$sectionfsize="11px"; # Sidebar titles font size
$sidefcolor="#4F4E46"; # Sidebar titles font color
$sidefweight="bold"; # Sidebar titles font weight (bold or none)
$sectionlfont="Trebuchet MS"; # Sidebar link font
$sectionls="11px"; # Sidebar link font size
$sectionlc="#aaaaaa"; # Sidebar link font color
$sidefweight="bold"; # Sidebar link font weight (bold or none)
$sectiondecol="none"; # Sidebar link text-decoration (underline or none)
$sectionlfonth="Trebuchet MS"; # Sidebar link hover font
$sectionlsh="11px"; # Sidebar link hover font size
$sectionlch="#88a4bf"; # Sidebar link hover font color
$sidefweighth="bold"; # Sidebar link hover font weight (bold or none)
$sectiondecolh="none"; # Sidebar link hover text-decoration (underline or none)
######################### General link details ###############
$linkcolor="#aaaaaa"; # Link color
$linkdeco="none"; # Link decoration: underline or none
$linkweight="none"; # Link weight: bold or none
$fontsz="70%"; # Link size
$hover="#88a4bf"; # Link hover (mouseover) color
$txtdecohover="none"; # Link hover (mouseover) decoration: underline or none
$fntweight="none"; # Link hover (mouseover) font-weight: bold or none
######################### Image details ###############
$imgborder="#ddd"; # Image border
$imgback="#eee"; # Image background color
$imgpadding="4px"; # Image padding
######################### Input/Comment box form details ###############
$inputborder="#4b4b4b"; # Input form border color
$inputfont="Georgia"; # Input form font
$inputfsize="11px"; # Input form font size
$inputcolor="#333333"; # Input form font color
$inputbg="#ffffff"; # Input form background color
$submitbg="#ffffff"; # Submit button background color
$submitborder="#333333"; # Submit button border color
$submitfontcolor="#4b4b4b"; # Submit button font color
$submitfontsize="12px"; # Submit button font size
$submitfont="Arial"; # Submit button font
######################### Footer ###############
$footerheight="40px"; # Height of footer
$footercolor="#aaaaaa"; # Footer background color
$footertxt="#ffffff"; # Footer text color
$footersize="11px"; # Footer text size
$footerfont="Verdana"; # Footer font family
$footerlinks="#ffffff"; # Footer link color
$footerdecoration="underline"; # Footer link decoration
$footerhover="#000000"; # Footer hover link color
$footerhdecoration="none"; # Footer hover link decoration
######################### Popup comment box ###############
$popup="no"; # Popup comments or not (yes or no)
$cheight="500"; # Popup comment box height
$cwidth="400"; # Popup comments box width
$cpost="yes"; # Popup comments see entry or not (yes or no)
$popccolor="#ffffff"; # Popup comments background color
$pocolor="#4a4a4a"; # Popup comments text color
########################### FURTHER COUSTOMIZATION ###############
# Customizing the pages further can be done, using about.txt for your about page, and footer.txt for your footer.
# The file sidebar.txt can be altered for your blog sidebar content.