/* qualities.js Copyright (c) 2015 Bruno Dias Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ 'use strict' /* Quality definition function Meant to be called only once in the main story source file, this definition is passed a spec to define qualities. The spec is an object containing quality groups as objects, which contain qualities that themselves hold definitions. */ var situation = require('./situation.js'), undum = require('undum-commonjs'); var qualities = function (spec) { Object.keys(spec).forEach(function(group) { /* The special "name" and "options" properties are passed on. */ var groupName = (spec[group].name === undefined) ? null : spec[group].name; var groupOpts = (spec[group].options === undefined) ? {} : spec[group].options; undum.game.qualityGroups[group] = new undum.QualityGroup(groupName, groupOpts); Object.keys(spec[group]).forEach(function(quality) { if (quality === "name" || quality === "options") return; undum.game.qualities[quality] = spec[group][quality](group); }); }); }; var qualityShim = { integer: "IntegerQuality", nonZeroInteger: "NonZeroIntegerQuality", numeric: "NumericQuality", fudgeAdjectives: "FudgeAdjectivesQuality", onOff: "OnOffQuality", yesNo: "YesNoQuality" }; Object.keys(qualityShim).forEach(function (key) { qualities[key] = function (title, spec={}) { return function (group) { spec.group = group; return new undum[qualityShim[key]](title, spec); }; }; }); /* WordScaleQuality has a different interface (naughty!) so it has to be defined by hand. */ qualities.wordScale = function (title, words, spec={}) { return function (group) { spec.group = group; return new undum.WordScaleQuality(title, words, spec); }; }; module.exports = qualities;