# copyright (c) Alexander Yakovlev 2015. # This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. # To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 situation = require('raconteur') undum = require('undum-commonjs') oneOf = require('raconteur/lib/oneOf.js') qualities = require('raconteur/lib/qualities.js') undumloc = require("./translations/ru.coffee").language undum.language["ru"] = undumloc undumloc = require("./translations/en.coffee").language undum.language["en"] = undumloc $ = require("jquery") require('jquery-ui/slider'); Array.prototype.oneOf = () -> oneOf.apply(null, this) md = require('markdown-it') markdown = new md({ typographer: true, html: true }) undum.game.id = "7a1aba32-f0fd-4e3b-ba5a-59e3fa9e6012" undum.game.version = "3.3" a = require('raconteur/lib/elements.js').a way_to = (content, ref) -> a(content).class('way').ref(ref) textlink = (content, ref) -> a(content).once().writer(ref) textcycle = (content, ref) -> a(content).replacer(ref).class("cycle").id(ref).toString() writemd = (system, text) -> if typeof text is Function text = text() system.write(markdown.render(text)) situation "start", content: () -> return "start".l()(this.writers.smell) choices: ["#start"], writers: smell: textcycle("пахнет сладким мёдом", "look") look: textcycle("смотрит вдаль, о чём-то задумавшись", "touch") touch: textcycle("крепко обнимает меня, впиваясь ногтями в плечо", "smell") is_visited = (situation) -> situations = undum.game.situations[situation] if situations return Boolean situations.visited return 0 # Volume from 0 to 1 get_volume = () -> return ($('#slider').slider('value') - 1) / 100