Demonstration page

This is a demonstration of Smalkil LESS CSS Framework.

This is not a complete coverage, but merely enough to understand the style.


How it's done

The page has its own LESS stylesheet, which compiles into CSS one.

Its style imports Smalkil styles; moreover, Smalkil provides number of functions and mixins to use in custom styles.

Smaller heading

This heading was small, wasn't it? Well, that's because there's not much text here.

Small heading

This was the smallest heading possible.

And now for a poem. Ahem.

The merry-go-round goes 'round and 'round,
The children laughed and laughed and laughed,
So many were going 'round and 'round,
That the merry-go-round collapsed.

Please send your correspondence to:

S. Holmes
221B Baker St.
London, England
pre keeps
      ur spaces
code does not
tt is just a usual paragraph with monospaced font

test 'It's too ridiculous!' cried Alice, losing all her patience this time. 'You ought to have a wooden horse on wheels, that you ought!'

'Does that kind go smoothly?' the Knight asked in a tone of great interest, clasping his arms round the horse's neck as he spoke, just in time to save himself from tumbling off again.

'Much more smoothly than a live horse,' Alice said, with a little scream of laughter, in spite of all she could do to prevent it.

'I'll get one,' the Knight said thoughtfully to himself. 'One or two—several.'

There was a short silence after this, and then the Knight went on again. 'I'm a great hand at inventing things. Now, I daresay you noticed, that last time you picked me up, that I was looking rather thoughtful?'

'You WERE a little grave,' said Alice.

'Well, just then I was inventing a new way of getting over a gate—would you like to hear it?'

'Very much indeed,' Alice said politely.

'I'll tell you how I came to think of it,' said the Knight. 'You see, I said to myself, "The only difficulty is with the feet: the HEAD is high enough already." Now, first I put my head on the top of the gate—then I stand on my head—then the feet are high enough, you see—then I'm over, you see.'

'Yes, I suppose you'd be over when that was done,' Alice said thoughtfully: 'but don't you think it would be rather hard?'

'I haven't tried it yet,' the Knight said, gravely: 'so I can't tell for certain—but I'm afraid it WOULD be a little hard.'

This is a nested column from TV Tropes

A great many things happen on television that have happened at least once to someone in the world.

Does that kind go smoothly?

Still, nobody cares. And that's pretty much how television works.

This is another nested column (also Tropes)

Don't say you've never whacked your TV or computer when it failed. A good whack can actually be a useful temporary fix. Also used as a last resort fix (as in, nothing else works and the only option is losing the data) to get a non-solid-state hard drive to work long enough to retrieve data from it.

And now for something completely different.


Don't forget to buy:

Still, the order was in place, and there was nothing I could do to change it:

  1. Shirt
  2. Trousers
  3. Socks
  4. Boots
    1. Left boot
    2. Right boot
definition, n.
A definition is a statement that explains the meaning.
gmina, n.
The gmina is the principal unit of administrative division of Poland at its lowest uniform level. It is often translated as "commune" or "municipality." (Wikipedia)
shipwreck, n.
sunken ship
a fictional character in the G.I. Joe universe
A simple table
Round Flat
Sphere Square
Table with THEAD, TFOOT and TBODY
Cool Hot
Arctic Circle Havana
Chuck Norris Emily Blunt

That's all folks!