
2759 lines
51 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "externals.h"
#include "internals.h"
2009-09-05 10:18:15 +03:00
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL_ttf.h>
#include <SDL_mutex.h>
#include "SDL_rotozoom.h"
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
#include "SDL_gfxBlitFunc.h"
#include "SDL_anigif.h"
#define Surf(p) ((SDL_Surface *)p)
static SDL_Surface *screen = NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
static struct {
const char *name;
unsigned long val;
} cnames[] = {
{"aliceblue", 0xf0f8ff},
{"antiquewhite", 0xfaebd7},
{"aqua", 0x00ffff},
{"aquamarine", 0x7fffd4},
{"azure", 0xf0ffff},
{"beige", 0xf5f5dc},
{"bisque", 0xffe4c4},
{"black", 0x000000},
{"blanchedalmond", 0xffebcd},
{"blue", 0x0000ff},
{"blueviolet", 0x8a2be2},
{"brown", 0xa52a2a},
{"burlywood", 0xdeb887},
{"cadetblue", 0x5f9ea0},
{"chartreuse", 0x7fff00},
{"chocolate", 0xd2691e},
{"coral", 0xff7f50},
{"cornflowerblue", 0x6495ed},
{"cornsilk", 0xfff8dc},
{"crimson", 0xdc143c},
{"cyan", 0x00ffff},
{"darkblue", 0x00008b},
{"darkcyan", 0x008b8b},
{"darkgoldenrod", 0xb8860b},
{"darkgray", 0xa9a9a9},
{"darkgreen", 0x006400},
{"darkkhaki", 0xbdb76b},
{"darkmagenta", 0x8b008b},
{"darkolivegreen", 0x556b2f},
{"darkorange", 0xff8c00},
{"darkorchid", 0x9932cc},
{"darkred", 0x8b0000},
{"darksalmon", 0xe9967a},
{"darkseagreen", 0x8fbc8f},
{"darkslateblue", 0x483d8b},
{"darkslategray", 0x2f4f4f},
{"darkturquoise", 0x00ced1},
{"darkviolet", 0x9400d3},
{"deeppink", 0xff1493},
{"deepskyblue", 0x00bfff},
{"dimgray", 0x696969},
{"dodgerblue", 0x1e90ff},
{"feldspar", 0xd19275},
{"firebrick", 0xb22222},
{"floralwhite", 0xfffaf0},
{"forestgreen", 0x228b22},
{"fuchsia", 0xff00ff},
{"gainsboro", 0xdcdcdc},
{"ghostwhite", 0xf8f8ff},
{"gold", 0xffd700},
{"goldenrod", 0xdaa520},
{"gray", 0x808080},
{"green", 0x008000},
{"greenyellow", 0xadff2f},
{"honeydew", 0xf0fff0},
{"hotpink", 0xff69b4},
{"indianred", 0xcd5c5c},
{"indigo", 0x4b0082},
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
{"ivory", 0xfffff0},
{"khaki", 0xf0e68c},
{"lavender", 0xe6e6fa},
{"lavenderblush", 0xfff0f5},
{"lawngreen", 0x7cfc00},
{"lemonchiffon", 0xfffacd},
{"lightblue", 0xadd8e6},
{"lightcoral", 0xf08080},
{"lightcyan", 0xe0ffff},
{"lightgoldenrodyellow", 0xfafad2},
{"lightgrey", 0xd3d3d3},
{"lightgreen", 0x90ee90},
{"lightpink", 0xffb6c1},
{"lightsalmon", 0xffa07a},
{"lightseagreen", 0x20b2aa},
{"lightskyblue", 0x87cefa},
{"lightslateblue", 0x8470ff},
{"lightslategray", 0x778899},
{"lightsteelblue", 0xb0c4de},
{"lightyellow", 0xffffe0},
{"lime", 0x00ff00},
{"limegreen", 0x32cd32},
{"linen", 0xfaf0e6},
{"magenta", 0xff00ff},
{"maroon", 0x800000},
{"mediumaquamarine", 0x66cdaa},
{"mediumblue", 0x0000cd},
{"mediumorchid", 0xba55d3},
{"mediumpurple", 0x9370d8},
{"mediumseagreen", 0x3cb371},
{"mediumslateblue", 0x7b68ee},
{"mediumspringgreen", 0x00fa9a},
{"mediumturquoise", 0x48d1cc},
{"mediumvioletred", 0xc71585},
{"midnightblue", 0x191970},
{"mintcream", 0xf5fffa},
{"mistyrose", 0xffe4e1},
{"moccasin", 0xffe4b5},
{"navajowhite", 0xffdead},
{"navy", 0x000080},
{"oldlace", 0xfdf5e6},
{"olive", 0x808000},
{"olivedrab", 0x6b8e23},
{"orange", 0xffa500},
{"orangered", 0xff4500},
{"orchid", 0xda70d6},
{"palegoldenrod", 0xeee8aa},
{"palegreen", 0x98fb98},
{"paleturquoise", 0xafeeee},
{"palevioletred", 0xd87093},
{"papayawhip", 0xffefd5},
{"peachpuff", 0xffdab9},
{"peru", 0xcd853f},
{"pink", 0xffc0cb},
{"plum", 0xdda0dd},
{"powderblue", 0xb0e0e6},
{"purple", 0x800080},
{"red", 0xff0000},
{"rosybrown", 0xbc8f8f},
{"royalblue", 0x4169e1},
{"saddlebrown", 0x8b4513},
{"salmon", 0xfa8072},
{"sandybrown", 0xf4a460},
{"seagreen", 0x2e8b57},
{"seashell", 0xfff5ee},
{"sienna", 0xa0522d},
{"silver", 0xc0c0c0},
{"skyblue", 0x87ceeb},
{"slateblue", 0x6a5acd},
{"slategray", 0x708090},
{"snow", 0xfffafa},
{"springgreen", 0x00ff7f},
{"steelblue", 0x4682b4},
{"tan", 0xd2b48c},
{"teal", 0x008080},
{"thistle", 0xd8bfd8},
{"tomato", 0xff6347},
{"turquoise", 0x40e0d0},
{"violet", 0xee82ee},
{"violetred", 0xd02090},
{"wheat", 0xf5deb3},
{"white", 0xffffff},
{"whitesmoke", 0xf5f5f5},
{"yellow", 0xffff00},
{"yellowgreen", 0x9acd32},
{NULL, 0x0},
int gfx_parse_color (
const char *spec,
color_t *def)
int n, i;
int r, g, b;
char c;
if (!spec)
return -1;
n = strlen (spec);
if (*spec == '#') {
if (n != 3 && n != 6 && n != 9 && n != 12)
return -1;
n /= 3;
g = b = 0;
do {
r = g;
g = b;
b = 0;
for (i = n; --i >= 0; ) {
c = *spec++;
b <<= 4;
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
b |= c - '0';
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
b |= c - ('A' - 10);
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
b |= c - ('a' - 10);
else return (0);
} while (*spec != '\0');
n <<= 2;
// n = 16 - n;
if (def) {
def->r = r;
def->g = g;
def->b = b;
return 0;
for (i=0; cnames[i].name; i++) {
if (!strcmp(cnames[i].name, spec)) {
if (def) {
def->r = (cnames[i].val & 0xff0000) >> 16;
def->g = (cnames[i].val & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
def->b = (cnames[i].val & 0x0000ff);
return 0;
return -1;
struct _anigif_t;
struct _anigif_t {
struct _anigif_t *next;
struct _anigif_t *prev;
int cur_frame;
int nr_frames;
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
int loop;
int x;
int y;
int drawn;
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
int active;
int delay;
img_t bg;
SDL_Rect clip;
AG_Frame frames[0];
typedef struct _anigif_t *anigif_t;
static anigif_t anim_gifs = NULL;
static anigif_t anigif_find(anigif_t g)
anigif_t p;
for (p = anim_gifs; p; p = p->next) {
if (p == g)
return p;
return NULL;
extern int timer_counter;
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
static void anigif_disposal(anigif_t g)
SDL_Rect dest;
2009-10-02 17:13:37 +03:00
SDL_Rect clip;
img_t *img = NULL;
AG_Frame *frame;
frame = &g->frames[g->cur_frame];
2009-10-02 17:13:37 +03:00
SDL_GetClipRect(screen, &clip);
dest.x = g->x;
dest.y = g->y;
switch (frame->disposal) {
case AG_DISPOSE_NONE: /* just show next frame */
img = g->bg;
dest.w = Surf(img)->w;
dest.h = Surf(img)->h;
if (g->cur_frame) {
img = (img_t*)(g->frames[g->cur_frame - 1].surface);
dest.w = g->frames[g->cur_frame - 1].surface->w;
dest.h = g->frames[g->cur_frame - 1].surface->h;
dest.x += g->frames[g->cur_frame - 1].x;
dest.y += g->frames[g->cur_frame - 1].y;
SDL_SetClipRect(screen, &g->clip);
if (img) { /* draw bg */
SDL_BlitSurface(Surf(img), NULL, screen, &dest);
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
SDL_SetClipRect(screen, &clip);
static void anigif_frame(anigif_t g)
SDL_Rect dest;
SDL_Rect clip;
AG_Frame *frame;
frame = &g->frames[g->cur_frame];
SDL_GetClipRect(screen, &clip);
dest.x = g->x + frame->x;
dest.y = g->y + frame->y;
dest.w = frame->surface->w;
dest.h = frame->surface->h;
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
SDL_SetClipRect(screen, &g->clip);
SDL_BlitSurface(frame->surface, NULL, screen, &dest);
g->delay = timer_counter;
2009-10-02 17:13:37 +03:00
SDL_SetClipRect(screen, &clip);
static anigif_t is_anigif(img_t img)
anigif_t p;
for (p = anim_gifs; p; p = p->next) {
if (p->frames[0].surface == img)
return p;
return NULL;
static anigif_t anigif_add(anigif_t g)
anigif_t p;
p = anigif_find(g);
if (p) {
return p;
if (!anim_gifs) {
anim_gifs = g;
g->next = NULL;
g->prev = NULL;
return g;
for (p = anim_gifs; p && p->next; p = p->next);
p->next = g;
g->next = NULL;
g->prev = p;
return g;
static anigif_t anigif_del(anigif_t g)
2009-11-07 20:45:11 +02:00
if (g->prev == NULL)
anim_gifs = g->next;
2009-11-07 20:45:11 +02:00
g->prev->next = g->next;
if (g->next)
g->next->prev = g->prev;
return g;
static void anigif_free(anigif_t g)
AG_FreeSurfaces(g->frames, g->nr_frames);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_free_image(img_t p)
anigif_t ag;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!p)
if ((ag = is_anigif(p))) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
SDL_FreeSurface((SDL_Surface *)p);
int gfx_img_w(img_t pixmap)
if (!pixmap)
return 0;
return Surf(pixmap)->w;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
int gfx_img_h(img_t pixmap)
if (!pixmap)
return 0;
return Surf(pixmap)->h;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_noclip(void)
SDL_SetClipRect(screen, NULL);
2009-11-29 17:15:38 +02:00
void gfx_getclip(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h)
SDL_Rect clip;
if (!screen)
SDL_GetClipRect(screen, &clip);
if (x)
*x = clip.x;
if (y)
*y = clip.y;
if (w)
*w = clip.w;
if (h)
*h = clip.h;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_clip(int x, int y, int w, int h)
SDL_Rect src;
src.x = x;
src.y = y;
src.w = w;
src.h = h;
SDL_SetClipRect(screen, &src);
img_t gfx_new(int w, int h)
SDL_Surface *dst;
if (!screen) {
2009-10-24 18:57:08 +03:00
Uint32 rmask, gmask, bmask, amask;
rmask = 0xff000000;
gmask = 0x00ff0000;
bmask = 0x0000ff00;
amask = 0x000000ff;
rmask = 0x000000ff;
gmask = 0x0000ff00;
bmask = 0x00ff0000;
amask = 0xff000000;
dst = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h,
2009-10-24 18:57:08 +03:00
} else {
dst = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, w, h,
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return dst;
void gfx_img_fill(img_t img, int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t col)
SDL_Rect dest;
dest.x = x;
dest.y = y;
dest.w = w;
dest.h = h;
SDL_FillRect(img, &dest, SDL_MapRGB(((SDL_Surface*)img)->format, col.r, col.g, col.b));
2009-10-05 20:05:54 +03:00
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_fill(int x, int y, int w, int h, color_t col)
gfx_img_fill(screen, x, y, w, h, col);
img_t gfx_screen(img_t nscreen)
img_t img;
if (nscreen) {
img = screen;
screen = nscreen;
return img;
return screen;
img_t gfx_grab_screen(int x, int y, int w, int h)
SDL_Rect dst, src;
2009-09-05 13:55:11 +03:00
SDL_Surface *img = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(screen->flags, w, h, screen->format->BitsPerPixel,
screen->format->Rmask, screen->format->Gmask, screen->format->Bmask, screen->format->Amask);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!img)
return NULL;
src.x = x;
src.y = y;
src.w = w;
src.h = h;
dst.x = 0;
dst.y = 0;
dst.w = w;
dst.h = h;
SDL_BlitSurface(screen, &src, img, &dst);
return img;
2009-11-10 21:13:43 +02:00
img_t gfx_display_alpha(img_t src)
SDL_Surface* res;
if (!src)
return NULL;
if (!screen)
return src;
res = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(Surf(src));
return res;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
img_t gfx_alpha_img(img_t src, int alpha)
Uint32 *ptr;
Uint32 col;
int size;
SDL_Surface *img = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha((SDL_Surface*)src);
if (!img)
return NULL;
ptr = (Uint32*)img->pixels;
size = img->w * img->h;
while (size --) {
Uint8 r, g, b, a;
col = *ptr;
SDL_GetRGBA(col, img->format, &r, &g, &b, &a);
col = SDL_MapRGBA(img->format, r, g, b, a * alpha / 255);
*ptr = col;
ptr ++;
return img;
void gfx_set_alpha(img_t src, int alpha)
SDL_SetAlpha((SDL_Surface *)src, SDL_SRCALPHA | SDL_RLEACCEL, alpha);
img_t gfx_combine(img_t src, img_t dst)
img_t new;
new = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(dst);
if (!new)
return NULL;
SDL_BlitSurface((SDL_Surface *)src, NULL, (SDL_Surface *)new, NULL);
return new;
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
static img_t _gfx_load_image(char *filename)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
SDL_Surface *img;
int nr = 0;
2009-10-06 15:15:03 +03:00
if (strstr(filename,".gif") || strstr(filename,".GIF"))
nr = AG_LoadGIF(filename, NULL, 0, NULL);
2009-11-07 20:50:17 +02:00
if (nr > 1) { /* anigif logic */
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
int loop = 0;
anigif_t agif = malloc(sizeof(struct _anigif_t) + nr * sizeof(AG_Frame));
2009-10-03 08:14:37 +03:00
if (!agif)
return NULL;
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
memset(agif, 0, sizeof(struct _anigif_t) + nr * sizeof(AG_Frame));
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
AG_LoadGIF(filename, agif->frames, nr, &loop);
2009-10-03 08:14:37 +03:00
AG_NormalizeSurfacesToDisplayFormat( agif->frames, nr);
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
agif->loop = loop;
agif->nr_frames = nr;
return agif->frames[0].surface;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
img = IMG_Load(filename);
if (!img) {
fprintf(stderr, "File not found: '%s'\n", filename);
return NULL;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
return img;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
/* x.png;a.png@1,2;b.png@3,4 */
static img_t _gfx_load_combined_image(char *filename)
char *str;
char *p, *ep;
img_t base = NULL, img = NULL;
p = str = strdup(filename);
if (!str)
return NULL;
ep = p + strcspn(p, ";");
if (*ep != ';')
goto err; /* first image is a base image */
*ep = 0;
base = _gfx_load_image(p);
2009-11-10 21:13:43 +02:00
if (!base)
goto err;
base = gfx_display_alpha(base);
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
if (!base)
goto err;
p = ep + 1;
while (*p) {
2009-11-11 08:09:10 +02:00
int x = 0, y = 0, c = 0;
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
SDL_Rect to;
ep = p + strcspn(p, ";@");
if (*ep == '@') {
*ep = 0; ep ++;
2009-11-11 08:09:10 +02:00
if (*ep == 'c') {
c = 1;
ep ++;
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
sscanf(ep, "%d,%d", &x, &y);
ep += strcspn(ep, ";");
if (*ep)
ep ++;
} else if (*ep == ';') {
*ep = 0; ep ++;
} else if (*ep) {
goto err;
img = _gfx_load_image(p);
2009-11-10 21:13:43 +02:00
if (img)
img = gfx_display_alpha(img);
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
if (img) {
to.x = x; to.y = y;
2009-11-11 08:09:10 +02:00
if (c) {
to.x -= gfx_img_w(img) / 2;
to.y -= gfx_img_h(img) / 2;
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
to.w = to.h = 0;
SDL_gfxBlitRGBA(img, NULL, base, &to);
p = ep;
return base;
return NULL;
img_t gfx_load_image(char *filename)
img_t img = NULL;
if (!filename)
return NULL;
2009-12-06 17:28:17 +02:00
/* if (!access(filename, R_OK)) */
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
img = _gfx_load_image(filename);
2009-12-06 17:28:17 +02:00
if (!img)
2009-11-10 15:16:59 +02:00
img = _gfx_load_combined_image(filename);
return img;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_draw_bg(img_t p, int x, int y, int width, int height)
SDL_Surface *pixbuf = (SDL_Surface *)p;
SDL_Rect dest, src;
src.x = x;
src.y = y;
src.w = width;
src.h = height;
dest.x = x;
dest.y = y;
dest.w = width;
dest.h = height;
SDL_BlitSurface(pixbuf, &src, screen, &dest);
void gfx_draw_from(img_t p, int x, int y, int xx, int yy, int width, int height)
SDL_Surface *pixbuf = (SDL_Surface *)p;
SDL_Rect dest, src;
src.x = x;
src.y = y;
src.w = width;
src.h = height;
dest.x = xx;
dest.y = yy;
dest.w = width;
dest.h = height;
SDL_BlitSurface(pixbuf, &src, screen, &dest);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_draw(img_t p, int x, int y)
anigif_t ag;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
SDL_Surface *pixbuf = (SDL_Surface *)p;
SDL_Rect dest;
dest.x = x;
dest.y = y;
dest.w = pixbuf->w;
dest.h = pixbuf->h;
ag = is_anigif(pixbuf);
if (ag) {
SDL_Rect clip;
SDL_GetClipRect(screen, &clip);
ag->clip = clip;
ag->x = x;
ag->y = y;
2009-10-02 20:55:28 +03:00
ag->drawn = 1;
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
ag->active = 1;
ag->bg = gfx_grab_screen(x, y, dest.w, dest.h);
2009-10-03 08:14:37 +03:00
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
SDL_BlitSurface(pixbuf, NULL, screen, &dest);
void gfx_stop_gif(img_t p)
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
anigif_t ag;
ag = is_anigif(p);
if (ag)
ag->active = 0;
void gfx_dispose_gif(img_t p)
anigif_t ag;
ag = is_anigif(p);
if (ag)
ag->drawn = 0;
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
void gfx_start_gif(img_t p)
anigif_t ag;
ag = is_anigif(p);
if (ag)
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
ag->active = 1;
int gfx_frame_gif(img_t img)
anigif_t ag;
ag = is_anigif(img);
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
if (!ag)
return 0;
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
if (!ag->drawn || !ag->active)
return 0;
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
if (ag->loop == -1)
return 0;
if ((timer_counter - ag->delay) < (ag->frames[ag->cur_frame].delay / HZ))
return 0;
2009-10-04 08:21:52 +03:00
2009-10-04 15:37:57 +03:00
if (ag->cur_frame != ag->nr_frames - 1 || ag->loop > 1 || !ag->loop)
2009-10-04 08:21:52 +03:00
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
ag->cur_frame ++;
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
if (ag->cur_frame >= ag->nr_frames) {
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
if (!ag->loop || ag->loop > 1)
ag->cur_frame = 0;
ag->cur_frame --; /* last one */
if (ag->loop) {
ag->loop --;
if (!ag->loop)
ag->loop = -1; /* disabled */
2009-10-02 20:18:09 +03:00
if (ag->loop != -1)
return 1;
2009-10-02 21:08:24 +03:00
void gfx_update_gif(img_t img)
anigif_t ag;
ag = is_anigif(img);
if (!ag)
2009-10-03 08:52:07 +03:00
if (!ag->drawn || !ag->active)
2009-10-02 21:08:24 +03:00
gfx_update(ag->x, ag->y, gfx_img_w(img), gfx_img_h(img));
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_draw_wh(img_t p, int x, int y, int w, int h)
SDL_Surface *pixbuf = (SDL_Surface *)p;
SDL_Rect dest, src;
src.x = 0;
src.y = 0;
src.w = w;
src.h = h;
dest.x = x;
dest.y = y;
dest.w = w;
dest.h = h;
SDL_BlitSurface(pixbuf, &src, screen, &dest);
static SDL_Color bgcol = { .r = 0, .g = 0, .b = 0 };
void gfx_bg(color_t col)
bgcol.r = col.r;
bgcol.g = col.g;
bgcol.b = col.b;
void gfx_clear(int x, int y, int w, int h)
SDL_Rect dest;
dest.x = x;
dest.y = y;
dest.w = w;
dest.h = h;
SDL_FillRect(screen, &dest, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, bgcol.r, bgcol.g, bgcol.b));
int gfx_width;
int gfx_height;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
static SDL_Rect** vid_modes = NULL;
static SDL_Rect m640x480 = { .w = 640, .h = 480 };
static SDL_Rect m800x480 = { .w = 800, .h = 480 };
static SDL_Rect m800x600 = { .w = 800, .h = 600 };
static SDL_Rect m1024x768 = { .w = 1024, .h = 768 };
static SDL_Rect m1280x800 = { .w = 1280, .h = 800 };
static SDL_Rect* std_modes[] = { &m640x480, &m800x480, &m800x600, &m1024x768, &m1280x800, NULL };
int gfx_modes(void)
int i = 0;
SDL_Rect** modes;
if (modes == (SDL_Rect**)0)/* no modes */
return 0;
if (modes == (SDL_Rect**)-1) {
vid_modes = std_modes;
return 5;
for (i = 0; modes[i]; ++i);
vid_modes = modes;
return i;
int gfx_get_mode(int n, int *w, int *h)
if (!vid_modes)
if (!vid_modes || !vid_modes[n])
return -1;
if (w)
*w = vid_modes[n]->w;
if (h)
*h = vid_modes[n]->h;
return 0;
int gfx_prev_mode(int *w, int *h)
int ww, hh, i = 0;
if (!w || !h)
return -1;
while ((*w != -1 && *h != -1) &&
!gfx_get_mode(i, &ww, &hh)) {
if (ww == *w && hh == *h)
i ++;
if (*w == -1 || *h == -1)
i = gfx_modes();
if (!i)
return -1;
i --;
if (gfx_get_mode(i, &ww, &hh))
return -1;
*w = ww; *h = hh;
return 0;
int gfx_next_mode(int *w, int *h)
int ww, hh, i = 0;
if (!w || !h)
return -1;
while ((*w != -1 && *h != -1) &&
!gfx_get_mode(i, &ww, &hh)) {
i ++;
if (ww == *w && hh == *h)
if (gfx_get_mode(i, &ww, &hh))
return -1;
*w = ww; *h = hh;
return 0;
int gfx_set_mode(int w, int h, int fs)
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
gfx_width = w;
gfx_height = h;
2009-08-28 19:36:10 +03:00
#ifndef MAEMO
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(gfx_width, gfx_height, 32, SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_HWSURFACE | ( ( fs ) ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0 ) );
if (screen == NULL) /* ok, fallback to anyformat */
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(gfx_width, gfx_height, 32, SDL_ANYFORMAT | SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_HWSURFACE | ( ( fs ) ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0 ) );
2009-08-28 19:36:10 +03:00
screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(gfx_width, gfx_height, 16, SDL_DOUBLEBUF | SDL_HWSURFACE | ( ( fs ) ? SDL_FULLSCREEN : 0 ) );
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (screen == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set %dx%d video: %s\n", w, h, SDL_GetError());
return -1;
gfx_clear(0, 0, gfx_width, gfx_height);
return 0;
static SDL_Surface *icon = NULL;
2009-09-10 20:07:32 +03:00
int gfx_video_init(void)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
char title[4096];
strcpy( title, "INSTEAD SDL - " );
strcat( title, VERSION );
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (TTF_Init()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't init TTF subsystem.\n");
return -1;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
SDL_WM_SetCaption( title, title );
#ifndef ICON_PATH
#define ICON_PATH "./icon"
icon = IMG_Load( ICON_PATH"/sdl_instead.png" );
if ( icon ) {
SDL_WM_SetIcon( icon, NULL );
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return 0;
void gfx_flip(void)
void gfx_update(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
// SDL_Flip(screen);
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
w += x;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
h += y;
if (w < 0 || h < 0)
if (x >= gfx_width || y >= gfx_height)
if (x + w > gfx_width) {
w = gfx_width - x;
if (y + h > gfx_height) {
h = gfx_height - y;
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, x, y, w, h);
2009-09-10 20:07:32 +03:00
void gfx_video_done(void)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (icon)
2009-10-24 18:57:08 +03:00
screen = NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
img_t gfx_scale(img_t src, float xscale, float yscale)
anigif_t ag;
if ((ag = is_anigif(Surf(src)))) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < ag->nr_frames; i ++) {
SDL_Surface *s = zoomSurface(ag->frames[i].surface, xscale, yscale, 1);
if (i)
ag->frames[i].surface = s;
ag->frames[i].x = (float)(ag->frames[i].x) * xscale;
ag->frames[i].y = (float)(ag->frames[i].y) * yscale;
return ag->frames[0].surface;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
return (img_t)zoomSurface((SDL_Surface *)src, xscale, yscale, 1);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
fnt_t fnt_load(const char *fname, int size)
TTF_Font *fn;
fn = TTF_OpenFont(fname, size);
return (fnt_t) fn;
2009-11-09 19:13:49 +02:00
int fnt_height(fnt_t fn)
if (!fn)
return 0;
return TTF_FontHeight((TTF_Font *)(fn));
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void fnt_free(fnt_t fnt)
if (!fnt)
TTF_CloseFont((TTF_Font *)fnt);
void txt_draw(fnt_t fnt, const char *txt, int x, int y, color_t col)
SDL_Color fgcol = { .r = col.r, .g = col.g, .b = col.b };
SDL_Surface *s = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended((TTF_Font *)fnt,
txt, fgcol);
gfx_draw(s, x, y);
void txt_size(fnt_t fnt, const char *txt, int *w, int *h)
int ww, hh;
TTF_SizeUTF8((TTF_Font *)fnt, txt, &ww, &hh);
if (w)
*w = ww;
if (h)
*h = hh;
struct word;
struct line;
struct xref;
struct word {
int style;
int x;
int w;
int unbrake;
char *word;
img_t img;
struct word *next; /* in line */
struct line *line;
struct xref *xref;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
SDL_Surface *prerend;
2009-12-12 17:13:45 +02:00
SDL_Surface *hlprerend;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct word *word_new(const char *str)
struct word *w;
w = malloc(sizeof(struct word));
if (!w)
return NULL;
w->word = strdup(str);
w->next = NULL;
w->x = 0;
w->w = 0;
w->line = NULL;
w->xref = NULL;
w->style = 0;
w->img = NULL;
w->unbrake = 0;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
w->prerend = NULL;
2009-12-12 17:13:45 +02:00
w->hlprerend = NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return w;
void word_free(struct word *word)
if (!word)
// if (word->img)
// gfx_free_image(word->img);
if (word->word)
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (word->prerend)
2009-12-12 17:13:45 +02:00
if (word->hlprerend)
word->hlprerend = word->prerend = NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct line {
int y;
int h;
int w;
int num;
int align;
int pos;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct word *words;
struct line *next;
struct line *prev;
struct layout *layout;
struct line *line_new(void)
struct line *l;
l = malloc(sizeof(struct line));
if (!l)
return NULL;
l->words = NULL;
l->next = NULL;
l->prev = NULL;
l->w = 0;
l->y = 0;
l->h = 0;
l->num = 0;
l->layout = NULL;
l->align = 0;
l->pos = 0;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return l;
void line_justify(struct line *line, int width)
int x = 0;
struct word *w;
int sp, spm, lw = 0;
int lnum = 0;
if (!line || line->num <= 1 /*|| width <= line->w*/)
w = line->words;
while (w) {
lw += w->w;
if (!w->unbrake)
lnum ++;
w = w->next;
if (lnum <=1 )
w = line->words;
sp = (width - lw) / (lnum - 1);
spm = (width - lw) % (lnum - 1);
while (w) {
w->x = x;
if (w->next && w->next->unbrake)
x += w->w;
else {
x += w->w + sp + ((spm)?1:0);
if (spm)
spm --;
w = w->next;
void line_right(struct line *line, int width)
struct word *w;
2009-09-07 17:53:52 +03:00
int sp;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!line || line->num == 0)
2009-09-07 17:53:52 +03:00
sp = width - line->w;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
w = line->words;
while (w) {
w->x += sp;
w = w->next;
void line_center(struct line *line, int width)
struct word *w;
int sp;
if (!line || line->num == 0)
sp = (width - line->w)/2;
w = line->words;
while (w) {
w->x += sp;
w = w->next;
void line_align(struct line *line, int width, int style, int nl)
if (style == ALIGN_JUSTIFY) {
if (nl)
return line_justify(line, width);
if (style == ALIGN_CENTER)
return line_center(line, width);
if (style == ALIGN_LEFT)
if (style == ALIGN_RIGHT)
return line_right(line, width);
void line_free(struct line *line)
struct word *w;
if (!line)
w = line->words;
while (w) {
struct word *ow = w;
w = w->next;
void line_add_word(struct line *l, struct word *word)
struct word *w = l->words;
l->num ++;
word->line = l;
if (!l->words) {
l->words = word;
while (w->next)
w = w->next;
w->next = word;
struct image;
struct image {
struct image *next;
char *name;
img_t image;
int free_it;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct image *image_new(const char *name, img_t img)
struct image *g = malloc(sizeof(struct image));
if (!g)
return NULL;
g->image = img;
g->name = strdup(name);
g->next = NULL;
g->free_it = 0;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return g;
void image_free(struct image *image)
if (!image)
if (image->name)
if (image->free_it)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct textbox;
struct layout {
fnt_t fn;
color_t col;
color_t lcol;
color_t acol;
struct image *images;
struct xref *xrefs;
struct line *lines;
struct textbox *box;
int w;
int h;
int align;
2009-09-07 17:27:34 +03:00
int saved_align;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
int style;
int lstyle;
struct word_list {
struct word_list *next;
struct word *word;
struct xref {
struct xref *next;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
struct xref *prev;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct word **words;
struct layout *layout;
char *link;
int num;
int active;
struct textbox {
struct layout *lay;
struct line *line;
int off;
int w;
int h;
struct xref *xref_new(char *link)
struct xref *p;
p = malloc(sizeof(struct xref));
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (link)
p->link = strdup(link);
p->link = NULL;
p->num = 0;
p->layout = NULL;
p->next = NULL;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
p->prev = NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
p->active = 0;
p->words = NULL;
return p;
void xref_add_word(struct xref *xref, struct word *word)
xref->words = realloc(xref->words, (xref->num + 1) * sizeof(struct word*));
xref->words[xref->num ++] = word;
word->xref = xref;
void xref_free(struct xref *xref)
if (xref->link)
if (xref->words)
void layout_add_line(struct layout *layout, struct line *line)
struct line *l = layout->lines;
line->layout = layout;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
// if (line->w > layout->w)
// layout->w = line->w;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!l) {
layout->lines = line;
line->prev = NULL;
while (l->next)
l = l->next;
l->next = line;
line->prev = l;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
struct image *_layout_lookup_image(struct layout *layout, const char *name)
struct image *g = layout->images;
for (g = layout->images; g; g = g->next) {
if (!strcmp(g->name, name))
return g;
return NULL;
img_t txt_layout_images(layout_t lay, void **v)
2009-10-04 15:37:57 +03:00
struct image **g = (struct image **)v;
struct layout *layout = (struct layout *)lay;
if (!layout)
return NULL;
2009-10-04 15:37:57 +03:00
if (!*g)
*g = layout->images;
*g = (*g)->next;
if (!*g)
return NULL;
return (*g)->image;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void layout_add_image(struct layout *layout, struct image *image)
struct image *g = layout->images;
if (!g) {
layout->images = image;
while (g->next)
g = g->next;
g->next = image;
img_t layout_lookup_image(struct layout *layout, char *name)
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
struct image *g = _layout_lookup_image(layout, name);
return (g)?g->image: NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void layout_add_xref(struct layout *layout, struct xref *xref)
struct xref *x = layout->xrefs;
xref->layout = layout;
if (!x) {
layout->xrefs = xref;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
xref->prev = NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
while (x->next)
x = x->next;
x->next = xref;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
xref->prev = x;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct layout *layout_new(fnt_t fn, int w, int h)
struct layout *l;
l = malloc(sizeof(struct layout));
if (!l)
return NULL;
l->lines = NULL;
l->images = NULL;
l->w = w;
l->h = h;
l->fn = fn;
l->align = ALIGN_JUSTIFY;
l->style = 0;
l->lstyle = 0;
l->xrefs = NULL;
l->col = gfx_col(0, 0, 0);
l->lcol = gfx_col(0, 0, 255);
l->acol = gfx_col(255, 0, 0);
l->box = NULL;
return l;
void txt_layout_size(layout_t lay, int *w, int *h)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout *)lay;
if (w)
*w = layout->w;
if (h)
*h = layout->h;
int txt_layout_add_img(layout_t lay, const char *name, img_t img)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout *)lay;
struct image *image;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
image = _layout_lookup_image(layout, name);
if (image) { /* overwrite */
image->image = img;
return 0;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
image = image_new(name, img);
if (!image)
return -1;
layout_add_image(layout, image);
return 0;
void _txt_layout_free(layout_t lay)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout *)lay;
struct line *l;
struct image *g;
struct xref *x;
if (!layout)
l = layout->lines;
while (l) {
struct line *ol = l;
l = l->next;
x = layout->xrefs;
while (x) {
struct xref *ox = x;
x = x->next;
g = layout->images;
while (g) {
struct image *og = g;
g = g->next;
layout->images = NULL;
layout->xrefs = NULL;
layout->lines = NULL;
void txt_layout_free(layout_t lay)
#define TOKEN_NONE 0
#define TOKEN_A 1
#define TOKEN_B 2
#define TOKEN_I 4
#define TOKEN_U 8
#define TOKEN_C 0x10
#define TOKEN_R 0x20
#define TOKEN_J 0x40
#define TOKEN_L 0x80
#define TOKEN_CLOSE 0x2000
#define TOKEN(x) (x & 0xff)
int get_token(const char *ptr, char **eptr, char **val, int *sp)
char *ep, *p;
int closing = 0;
*eptr = NULL;
p = (char*)ptr;
ptr += strspn(ptr, " \t");
if (sp) {
*sp = 0;
if (p != ptr)
*sp = 1;
if (val)
*val = NULL;
if (!*ptr)
return 0;
if (*ptr != '<')
return 0;
ptr ++;
if (*ptr == '/') {
closing = 1;
if (!ptr[1] || ptr[2] != '>')
return 0;
ptr ++;
switch (*ptr) {
case 'a':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] != ':') {
return 0;
ptr += 2;
ep = (char*)ptr + strcspn(ptr, ">");
if (*ep != '>') {
return 0;
if (val) {
p = malloc(ep - ptr + 1);
if (!p)
return 0;
memcpy(p, ptr, ep - ptr);
p[ep - ptr] = 0;
*val = p;
*eptr = ep + 1;
return TOKEN_A;
case 'b':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] == '>') {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
return TOKEN_B;
case 'i':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] == '>') {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
return TOKEN_I;
case 'u':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] == '>') {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
return TOKEN_U;
case 'c':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] == '>') {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
return TOKEN_C;
case 'r':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] == '>') {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
return TOKEN_R;
case 'j':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] == '>') {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
return TOKEN_J;
case 'l':
if (closing) {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
if (ptr[1] == '>') {
*eptr = (char*)ptr + 2;
return TOKEN_L;
return 0;
static int is_delim(int c)
switch(c) {
case '.':
case ',':
case ':':
case '!':
case '+':
2009-11-05 08:05:14 +02:00
case '-':
case '?':
case '/':
return 1;
return 0;
static int word_img(const char *p, char **eptr)
int len = 0;
if (eptr)
*eptr = (char*)p;
if (!p)
return 0;
if (p[0] != '<' || p[1] != 'g' || p[2] != ':')
return 0;
p += 3;
len = strcspn(p, ">");
if (p[len] != '>')
return 0;
if (eptr)
*eptr = (char*)p + len + 1;
return len + 1;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
static const char *lookup_token_or_sp(const char *ptr)
char *eptr;
const char *p = ptr;
while (*p) {
2009-11-05 08:05:14 +02:00
p += strcspn(p, " .,:!+-?/<\t\n");
if (*p != '<' ) {
2009-11-05 07:33:46 +02:00
while (is_delim(*p))
p ++;
2009-11-05 07:33:46 +02:00
/* if (is_delim(*p))
p ++; */
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return p;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!get_token(p, &eptr, NULL, NULL)) {
if (word_img(p, &eptr)) {
2009-11-07 20:08:17 +02:00
if (p == ptr) /* first one */
p = eptr;
return p;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
p ++;
return p;
return ptr;
#define BREAK_NONE 0
#define BREAK_SPACE 1
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
static char *get_word(const char *ptr, char **eptr, int *sp)
const char *ep;
char *o;
size_t sz;
*eptr = NULL;
o = (char*)ptr;
ptr += strspn(ptr, " \t");
if (sp) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (o != ptr)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!*ptr)
return NULL;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
ep = lookup_token_or_sp(ptr);
// ep += strcspn(ep, " \t\n");
sz = ep - ptr;
o = malloc(sz + 1);
memcpy(o, ptr, sz);
o[sz] = 0;
sz = word_img(ptr, eptr);
if (sz)
return o;
*eptr = (char*)ep;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return o;
void layout_debug(struct layout *layout)
struct line *line;
struct word *word;
line = layout->lines;
while (line) {
printf("%d of %d)", line->y, line->num);
word = line->words;
while (word) {
printf("%d)%s ", word->x, word->word);
word = word->next;
line = line->next;
void txt_layout_color(layout_t lay, color_t fg)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
layout->col = fg;
void txt_layout_link_color(layout_t lay, color_t link)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
layout->lcol = link;
void txt_layout_active_color(layout_t lay, color_t link)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
layout->acol = link;
void txt_layout_link_style(layout_t lay, int style)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
layout->lstyle = style;
2009-12-13 09:20:00 +02:00
static void word_render(struct layout *layout, struct word *word, int x, int y)
2009-12-12 17:13:45 +02:00
SDL_Surface *s;
SDL_Color fgcol = { .r = layout->col.r, .g = layout->col.g, .b = layout->col.b };
SDL_Color lcol = { .r = layout->lcol.r, .g = layout->lcol.g, .b = layout->lcol.b };
SDL_Color acol = { .r = layout->acol.r, .g = layout->acol.g, .b = layout->acol.b };
if (word->xref && !word->style)
TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), layout->lstyle);
TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), word->style);
if (!word->xref) {
if (!word->prerend)
word->prerend = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), word->word, fgcol);
s = word->prerend;
} else if (word->xref->active) {
if (!word->hlprerend)
word->hlprerend = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), word->word, acol);
s = word->hlprerend;
} else {
if (!word->prerend)
word->prerend = TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), word->word, lcol);
s = word->prerend;
if (!s)
gfx_draw(s, x, y);
void xref_update(xref_t pxref, int x, int y, clear_fn clear, update_fn update)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
int i;
struct xref *xref = (struct xref*)pxref;
struct layout *layout;
struct word *word;
if (!xref)
layout = xref->layout;
if (layout->box) {
gfx_clip(x, y, layout->box->w, layout->box->h);
y -= (layout->box)->off;
for (i = 0; i < xref->num; i ++) {
int yy;
struct line *line;
word = xref->words[i];
line = word->line;
if (word->img)
yy = (line->h - gfx_img_h(word->img)) / 2;
2009-11-09 19:13:49 +02:00
yy = (line->h - fnt_height(layout->fn)) / 2; // TODO
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (clear) {
if (word->img)
clear(x + word->x, y + line->y + yy, gfx_img_w(word->img), gfx_img_h(word->img));
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-11-10 21:19:05 +02:00
clear(x + word->x, y + line->y/* + yy*/, word->w, line->h);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (word->img) {
gfx_draw(word->img, x + word->x, y + line->y + yy);
update(x + word->x, y + line->y + yy, gfx_img_w(word->img), gfx_img_h(word->img));
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-12-13 09:20:00 +02:00
word_render(layout, word, x + word->x, y + yy + line->y);
update(x + word->x, y + line->y + yy, word->w, line->h);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void txt_layout_draw_ex(layout_t lay, struct line *line, int x, int y, int off, int height, clear_fn clear)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
// struct line *line;
struct word *word;
// line = layout->lines;
// gfx_clip(x, y, layout->w, layout->h);
if (!line)
line = layout->lines;
for (; line; line= line->next) {
int yy;
if ((line->y + line->h) < off)
if (line->y - off > height)
for (word = line->words; word; word = word->next ) {
if (clear && !word->xref)
if (word->img)
yy = (line->h - gfx_img_h(word->img)) / 2;
2009-11-09 19:13:49 +02:00
yy = (line->h - fnt_height(layout->fn)) / 2; // TODO
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (clear) {
if (word->img)
clear(x + word->x, y + line->y + yy, gfx_img_w(word->img), gfx_img_h(word->img));
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-11-10 21:19:05 +02:00
clear(x + word->x, y + line->y/* + yy*/, word->w, line->h);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (word->img) {
2009-11-07 20:08:17 +02:00
yy = (line->h - gfx_img_h(word->img)) / 2;
gfx_draw(word->img, x + word->x, y + line->y + yy);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-12-13 09:20:00 +02:00
word_render(layout, word, x + word->x, y + yy + line->y);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
// gfx_noclip();
void txt_layout_draw(layout_t lay, int x, int y)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
txt_layout_draw_ex(lay, NULL, x, y, 0, layout->h, 0);
textbox_t txt_box(int w, int h)
struct textbox *box;
box = malloc(sizeof(struct textbox));
if (!box)
return NULL;
box->lay = NULL; //(struct layout*)lay;
box->w = w;
box->h = h;
box->off = 0;
box->line = NULL; //(box->lay)->lines;
return box;
void txt_box_norm(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
struct line *line;
2009-11-24 09:48:47 +02:00
int off = box->off;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!box->lay)
2009-11-29 10:10:07 +02:00
box->line = box->lay->lines;
for (line = box->line; line; line = line->next) {
2009-11-24 09:48:47 +02:00
if (off < line->h)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-11-24 09:48:47 +02:00
off -= line->h;
2009-11-29 10:10:07 +02:00
box->line = line;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
layout_t txt_box_layout(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
return box->lay;
void txt_box_set(textbox_t tbox, layout_t lay)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
box->lay = (struct layout*)lay;
box->off = 0;
if (lay)
box->lay->box = box;
void txt_box_resize(textbox_t tbox, int w, int h)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
box->w = w;
box->h = h;
void txt_box_size(textbox_t tbox, int *w, int *h)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (!tbox)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (w)
*w = box->w;
if (h)
*h = box->h;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
void txt_box_scroll_next(textbox_t tbox, int disp)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-11-12 13:42:40 +02:00
int off, h;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
struct line *line = box->line;
if (!line)
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
2009-11-12 13:42:40 +02:00
txt_layout_real_size(box->lay, NULL, &h);
if (h - box->off < box->h)
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
2009-11-12 13:42:40 +02:00
off = h - box->off - box->h;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (disp > off)
disp = off;
off = box->off - line->y; /* offset from cur line */
off += disp; /* needed offset */
while (line->next && off > line->h) {
off -= line->h;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
line = line->next;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
box->line = line;
box->off = line->y + off;
void txt_box_scroll_prev(textbox_t tbox, int disp)
int off;
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
struct line *line = box->line;
if (!line)
off = box->off - line->y; /* offset from cur line */
off -= disp; /* offset from current line */
while (line->prev && off < 0) {
line = line->prev;
off += line->h;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
box->line = line;
box->off = line->y + off;
if (box->off <0)
box->off = 0;
void txt_box_scroll(textbox_t tbox, int disp)
if (disp >0)
return txt_box_scroll_next(tbox, disp);
else if (disp <0)
return txt_box_scroll_prev(tbox, -disp);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void txt_box_next_line(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
struct line *line = box->line;
if (!line)
// txt_box_norm(tbox);
if (box->lay->h - box->off < box->h)
line = line->next;
if (line) {
box->off = line->y;
box->line = line;
void txt_box_prev_line(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
struct line *line = box->line;
if (!line)
line = line->prev;
if (line) {
box->line = line;
box->off = line->y;
} else
box->off = 0;
int txt_box_off(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
return box->off;
void txt_box_next(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
struct line *line = box->line;
if (!line)
for (; line; line = line->next) {
if ((line->y + line->h - box->off) >= box->h)
if (line) {
box->off += (line->y - box->off);
box->line = line;
void txt_box_prev(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
struct layout *lay = box->lay;
struct line *line = box->line;
if (!line)
for (; line; line = line->prev) {
if ((box->off - line->y) >= box->h)
if (!line) {
box->off = 0;
box->line = lay->lines;
box->off = line->y;
box->line = line;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
xref_t txt_box_xrefs(textbox_t tbox)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox*)tbox;
struct xref *xref = NULL;
struct word *word = NULL;
struct line *line;
for (line = box->line; line; line = line->next) {
if (line->y < box->off)
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
continue; /* too high */
2009-09-05 13:32:25 +03:00
if (line->y + line->h > box->h + box->off)
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
break; /* bottom */
for (word = line->words; word; word = word->next) {
xref = word->xref;
if (!xref)
return xref;
return xref;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
xref_t txt_box_xref(textbox_t tbox, int x, int y)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox*)tbox;
struct xref *xref = NULL;
struct word *word = NULL;
struct line *line;
y += box->off;
if (x < 0)
return NULL;
if (y < 0)
return NULL;
if (x >= box->w)
return NULL;
for (line = box->line; line; line = line->next) {
if (y < line->y)
if (y > line->y + line->h)
for (word = line->words; word; word = word->next) {
if (x < word->x)
xref = word->xref;
if (!xref)
if (x < word->x + word->w)
if (word->next && word->next->xref == xref && x < word->next->x + word->next->w)
if (word && xref) {
return xref;
return NULL;
void txt_box_free(textbox_t tbox)
img_t txt_box_render(textbox_t tbox)
SDL_Surface *old_screen;
img_t dst;
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
dst = gfx_new(box->w, box->h);
if (!dst)
return NULL;
old_screen = screen;
screen = (SDL_Surface*)dst;
gfx_clear(0, 0, box->w, box->h);
// gfx_clip(0, 0, box->w, box->h);
// printf("line: %d\n", box->line->y);
txt_layout_draw_ex(box->lay, box->line, 0, - box->off, box->off, box->h, NULL);
// gfx_noclip();
screen = old_screen;
return dst;
void txt_box_draw(textbox_t tbox, int x, int y)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
gfx_clip(x, y, box->w, box->h);
// printf("line: %d\n", box->line->y);
txt_layout_draw_ex(box->lay, box->line, x, y - box->off, box->off, box->h, NULL);
void txt_box_update_links(textbox_t tbox, int x, int y, clear_fn clear)
struct textbox *box = (struct textbox *)tbox;
gfx_clip(x, y, box->w, box->h);
// printf("line: %d\n", box->line->y);
txt_layout_draw_ex(box->lay, box->line, x, y - box->off, box->off, box->h, clear);
void txt_layout_update_links(layout_t layout, int x, int y, clear_fn clear)
struct layout *lay = (struct layout *)layout;
// gfx_clip(x, y, box->w, box->h);
// printf("line: %d\n", box->line->y);
txt_layout_draw_ex(lay, lay->lines, x, y, 0, lay->h, clear);
// gfx_noclip();
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
img_t get_img(struct layout *layout, char *p)
int len;
img_t img;
len = word_img(p, NULL);
if (!len)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return NULL;
p += 3;
p[len - 1] = 0;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
img = layout_lookup_image(layout, p);
if (!img && (img = gfx_load_image(p))) {
2009-10-24 18:57:08 +03:00
struct image *image;
theme_img_scale(&img); /* bad style, no gfx layer :( */
image = image_new(p, img);
if (!image) {
img = NULL;
} else {
layout_add_image(layout, image);
image->free_it = 1; /* free on layout destroy */
p[len - 1] = '>';
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return img;
char *process_token(char *ptr, struct layout *layout, struct line *line, struct xref **xref, int *sp)
int token;
char *val = NULL;
int bit = 0;
int al = 0;
char *eptr;
token = get_token(ptr, &eptr, &val, sp);
if (!token)
return NULL;
if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_B)
else if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_I)
else if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_U)
if (bit) {
if (token & TOKEN_CLOSE)
layout->style &= ~bit;
layout->style |= bit;
goto out;
if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_L)
else if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_R)
else if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_C)
else if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_J)
if (al) {
2009-09-07 17:27:34 +03:00
if (token & TOKEN_CLOSE) {
layout->align = layout->saved_align;
} else {
layout->saved_align = layout->align;
layout->align = al;
line->align = al;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
goto out;
if (TOKEN(token) == TOKEN_A) {
if (token & TOKEN_CLOSE) {
if (*xref)
layout_add_xref(layout, *xref);
*xref = NULL;
} else {
if (*xref) {
eptr = NULL;
goto out;
*xref = xref_new(val);
if (val)
return eptr;
// TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), style);
int get_unbrakable_len(struct layout *layout, const char *ptr)
int w = 0;
int ww = 0;
char *p, *eptr;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
while (ptr && *ptr) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
int sp, sp2 = 0;
while (get_token(ptr, &eptr, NULL, &sp)) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (sp)
sp2 ++;
ptr = eptr;
if (sp2)
return w;
p = get_word(ptr, &eptr, &sp);
if (!p)
return w;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
2009-11-07 21:48:32 +02:00
if (sp || !*p || word_img(p, NULL)) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return w;
2009-11-07 20:08:17 +02:00
2009-11-07 21:48:32 +02:00
TTF_SizeUTF8((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), p, &ww, NULL);
2009-11-07 20:08:17 +02:00
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
ptr = eptr;
w += ww;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!*p)
ptr ++;
else if (is_delim(*(ptr - 1))) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return w;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
int txt_layout_pos2off(layout_t lay, int pos)
int off = 0;
struct line *line;
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
if (!layout)
return 0;
for (line = layout->lines; line && (line->pos <= pos); line = line->next) {
off = line->y;
return off;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void _txt_layout_add(layout_t lay, char *txt)
int sp = 0;
int saved_style;
struct line *line, *lastline = NULL;
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
char *p, *eptr;
char *ptr = txt;
struct xref *xref = NULL;
int w, h, nl = 0;
int spw;
img_t img = NULL;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (!layout || !layout->fn)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
saved_style = layout->style;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), 0);
TTF_SizeUTF8((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), " ", &spw, &h);
for (line = layout->lines; line; line = line->next) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
lastline = line;
lastline->pos = 0;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!lastline) {
line = line_new();
if (!line)
goto err;
line->h = h;
line->align = layout->align;
} else {
line = lastline;
while (ptr && *ptr) {
struct word *word;
int sp2, addlen;
eptr = process_token(ptr, layout, line, &xref, &sp2);
if (eptr) {
ptr = eptr;
if (xref && layout->style == saved_style)
TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), layout->lstyle);
TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), layout->style);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!ptr || !*ptr)
if (sp2)
sp = -1;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (sp == -1) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
p = get_word(ptr, &eptr, NULL);
sp = 1;
} else
p = get_word(ptr, &eptr, &sp);
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (!p)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
addlen = get_unbrakable_len(layout, eptr);
img = get_img(layout, p);
if (img) {
w = gfx_img_w(img);
h = gfx_img_h(img);
} else {
TTF_SizeUTF8((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), p, &w, &h);
nl = !*p;
2009-11-07 21:48:32 +02:00
if ((line->num && (line->w + ((sp && line->w)?spw:0) + w + addlen) > layout->w) || nl) {
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
struct line *ol = line;
if ((layout->h) && (line->y + line->h) >= layout->h)
if (line != lastline) {
layout_add_line(layout, line);
line_align(line, layout->w, line->align, nl);
line = line_new();
if (!line) {
goto err;
line->align = layout->align;
line->h = h;
line->y = ol->y + ol->h;
if (nl) {
ptr = eptr + 1;
// ptr = eptr;
line->pos = (int)(ptr - txt);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (h > line->h)
line->h = h;
word = word_new(p);
if (!word) {
goto err;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
if (!sp && line->num)
word->unbrake = 1;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
word->style = layout->style;
if (line->w && !word->unbrake)
line->w += spw;
word->w = w;
word->x = line->w;
word->img = img;
// if (line->w)
// w += spw;
line_add_word(line, word);
if (xref)
xref_add_word(xref, word);
line->w += w;
if (nl)
eptr ++;
ptr = eptr;
if (layout->h == 0)
layout->h = line->y + line->h;
// if (line->num) {
if (line != lastline)
layout_add_line(layout, line);
line_align(line, layout->w, line->align, nl);
// } else
// line_free(line);
if (xref)
layout_add_xref(layout, xref);
// layout->align = align;
// layout_debug(layout);
// fnt_draw_layout(layout, 300, 100, gfx_col(255,255,255));
// TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), saved_style);
layout->style = saved_style;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
// TTF_SetFontStyle((TTF_Font *)(layout->fn), saved_style);
// layout->style = saved_style;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void txt_layout_add(layout_t lay, char *txt)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
if (layout)
layout->h = 0;
_txt_layout_add(lay, txt);
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
xref_t xref_next(xref_t x)
if (!x)
return NULL;
return ((struct xref*)x)->next;
xref_t xref_prev(xref_t x)
if (!x)
return NULL;
return ((struct xref*)x)->prev;
xref_t txt_layout_xrefs(layout_t lay)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
if (!layout)
return NULL;
return layout->xrefs;
int xref_position(xref_t x, int *xc, int *yc)
int i;
int w = 0;
2009-09-09 18:58:47 +03:00
struct line *line = NULL;
struct word *word = NULL;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
struct xref *xref = (struct xref*)x;
if (!xref || !xref->num)
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < xref->num; i ++) {
word = xref->words[i];
w += word->w;
w = w/2;
for (i = 0; i < xref->num; i ++) {
word = xref->words[i];
line = word->line;
w -= word->w;
if (w < 0)
2009-09-09 18:58:47 +03:00
if (!line || !word)
return -1;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
if (xc)
*xc = word->x + (word->w + w);
if (yc)
*yc = line->y + line->h / 2;
return 0;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
xref_t txt_layout_xref(layout_t lay, int x, int y)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
struct xref *xref;
struct word *word;
struct line *line;
int i;
if (x < 0 || y < 0)
return NULL;
for (xref = layout->xrefs; xref; xref = xref->next) {
for (i = 0; i < xref->num; i ++) {
word = xref->words[i];
line = word->line;
if (y < line->y || y > line->y + line->h)
if (x < word->x)
if (x <= word->x + word->w)
return xref;
if (word->next && word->next->xref == xref && x < word->next->x + word->next->w)
return xref;
return NULL;
layout_t xref_layout(xref_t x)
struct xref *xref = (struct xref*)x;
if (!xref)
return NULL;
return xref->layout;
char *xref_get_text(xref_t x)
struct xref *xref = (struct xref*)x;
if (!xref)
return NULL;
return xref->link;
void xref_set_active(xref_t x, int val)
struct xref *xref = (struct xref*)x;
if (!xref)
xref->active = val;
2009-12-12 16:13:22 +02:00
int xref_get_active(xref_t x)
struct xref *xref = (struct xref*)x;
if (!xref)
return 0;
return xref->active;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
layout_t txt_layout(fnt_t fn, int align, int width, int height)
struct layout *layout;
layout = layout_new(fn, width, height);
if (!layout)
return NULL;
layout->align = align;
// _txt_layout_add(layout, txt);
return layout;
void txt_layout_set(layout_t lay, char *txt)
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
if (!layout)
layout->h = 0;
_txt_layout_add(lay, txt);
void txt_layout_real_size(layout_t lay, int *pw, int *ph)
int w = 0;
int h = 0;
struct line *line;
struct layout *layout = (struct layout*)lay;
if (!layout)
for (line = layout->lines; line; line = line->next) {
2009-11-04 14:43:01 +02:00
while (!line->num && line->next)
line = line->next;
2009-11-04 20:47:56 +02:00
if (line->w > w)
w = line->w;
if (line->num && line->y + line->h > h)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
h = line->y + line->h;
if (pw)
*pw = w;
if (ph)
*ph = h;
void gfx_cursor(int *xp, int *yp, int *w, int *h)
int x, y;
SDL_Cursor *c = SDL_GetCursor();
if (!c)
SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y);
if (w)
*w = c->area.w - c->hot_x;
if (h)
*h = c->area.h - c->hot_y;
if (xp)
*xp = x;
if (yp)
*yp = y;
2009-09-05 13:10:03 +03:00
void gfx_warp_cursor(int x, int y)
SDL_WarpMouse(x, y);
2009-09-07 15:32:02 +03:00
#define ALPHA_STEPS 5
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
volatile int step_nr = -1;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
static void update_gfx(void *aux)
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
img_t img = (img_t) aux;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
if (step_nr == -1)
2009-09-11 12:12:51 +03:00
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
gfx_set_alpha(img, (255 * (step_nr + 1)) / ALPHA_STEPS);
gfx_draw(img, 0, 0);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
step_nr ++;
if (step_nr == ALPHA_STEPS) {
step_nr = -1;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
static Uint32 update(Uint32 interval, void *aux)
push_user_event(update_gfx, aux);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
return interval;
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
extern void nsleep(int delay);
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
void gfx_change_screen(img_t src)
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
struct inp_event ev;
memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
SDL_TimerID han;
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
step_nr = 0;
2009-09-07 15:32:02 +03:00
han = SDL_AddTimer(60, update, src);
while (input(&ev, 1) >=0 && step_nr != -1) /* just wait for change */
2009-08-26 08:25:53 +03:00
2009-02-21 12:52:44 +02:00
2009-09-10 20:07:32 +03:00
int gfx_init(void)
2009-09-10 20:07:32 +03:00
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
return -1;
return 0;
void gfx_done(void)
2009-10-25 09:09:02 +02:00
gtimer_t gfx_add_timer(int delay, int (*fn)(int, void*), void *aux)
2009-10-25 09:09:02 +02:00
return (gtimer_t)SDL_AddTimer(delay, (SDL_NewTimerCallback)fn, aux);
2009-10-25 09:09:02 +02:00
void gfx_del_timer(gtimer_t han)
if (han)
2009-10-02 17:13:37 +03:00