2011-09-03 18:24:04 +07:00

31 lines
654 B

Steed 1.0
Powerful text-oriented game engine in SDL and Lua.
- gtk+-2.0
- sdl
- sdl-mixer
- sdl-image
- sdl-ttf
- lua5.1
- libsoup-2.4 (optional for downloading support)
- zlib (optional, also included with the program)
Also you'll need GNU C Compiler, bash and GNU make for building.
Typically, it's:
1. configure
2. make
3. make install (optional)
Known problems
- Does not clears up when Alt+Q _and_ game is unpacked [INSTEAD bug]
- Free Software Foundation insists on placing GPL preamble in every file; this is not the case.
- Does not clears up downloaded game archives