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@function pow($number, $exp) {
$value: 1;
@if $exp > 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $exp {
$value: $value * $number;
@else if $exp < 0 {
@for $i from 1 through -$exp {
$value: $value / $number;
@return $value;
@function fact($number) {
$value: 1;
@if $number > 0 {
@for $i from 1 through $number {
$value: $value * $i;
@return $value;
@function pi() {
@return 3.14159265359;
@function rad($angle) {
$unit: unit($angle);
$unitless: $angle / ($angle * 0 + 1);
// If the angle has 'deg' as unit, convert to radians.
@if $unit == deg {
$unitless: $unitless / 180 * pi();
@return $unitless;
@function sin($angle) {
$sin: 0;
$angle: rad($angle);
// Iterate a bunch of times.
@for $i from 0 through 10 {
$sin: $sin + pow(-1, $i) * pow($angle, (2 * $i + 1)) / fact(2 * $i + 1);
@return $sin;
@function cos($angle) {
$cos: 0;
$angle: rad($angle);
// Iterate a bunch of times.
@for $i from 0 through 10 {
$cos: $cos + pow(-1, $i) * pow($angle, 2 * $i) / fact(2 * $i);
@return $cos;
@function tan($angle) {
@return sin($angle) / cos($angle);
* on-circle takes a radius, position on a circle, number of possible positions and returns top and left properties
* $radius {Number} radius of the circle in pixels
* $ordinalPosition {Number} the position of the item on the circle, counting from 1 (North) through N
* $positions {Number} the number of positions on the circle
* $originX {Number} optional X origin point for the circle, defaults to the radius
* $originY {Number} optional Y origin point for the circle, defaults to the radius
* $offsetX {Number} optional X offset for the item, you might use 1/2 of the width of an item, default is 0
* $offsetY {Number} optional Y offset for the item, you might use 1/2 of the height of an item, default is 0
@mixin on-circle ($ordinalPosition, $positions, $radius: 90%, $originX: 0, $originY: 0, $offsetX: 0, $offsetY: 0) {
Determine the angle for the position:
Multiply the adjusted zero-based index of the position by the degrees-per-position (360 degrees divided by the
number of positions) and subtract 90 degrees (adjusting to begin at North)
$positionAngleDegrees: ($ordinalPosition - 1)*360/$positions - 90;
Convert the angle to radians:
Multiply the angle by pi and then divide by 180 degrees.
NOTE: This step is necessary because of a bug in handling of the degrees unit when doing iterations, AFAICT
$positionAngleRadians: $positionAngleDegrees * pi() / 180;
Apply the parametric equation of the circle,
x = [origin x] + (r * cos angle)
y = [origin y] + (r * sin angle)
top: #{$originY + $offsetY + $radius * sin($positionAngleRadians)}px;
left: #{$originX + $offsetX + $radius * cos($positionAngleRadians)}px;