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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: VisioN
* Date: 21.05.2015
* Time: 17:26
namespace vision\messages\components;
use Yii;
use yii\base\Component;
use vision\messages\models\Messages;
use vision\messages\exceptions\EceptionMessages;
use vision\messages\events\MessageEvent;
class MyMessages extends Component {
const EVENT_SEND = 'sendMessage';
const EVENT_STATUS = 'changeStatus';
/** @var ActiveRecord */
public $modelUser;
/** @var string */
public $attributeNameUser = 'username';
/** @var string */
public $nameController;
/** @var boolean */
public $enableEmail = false;
/** @var boolean */
public $isSystem = false;
/** @var function */
public $getEmail = null;
/** @var array */
public $templateEmail = [];
/** @var string */
public $subject = 'Private message';
/** @var string */
protected $userTableName;
public function init(){
if(!$this->modelUser) {
$this->modelUser = \Yii::$app->user->identityClass;
$this->userTableName = call_user_func(Array($this->modelUser, 'tableName'));
public function sendMessage($whom_id, $message, $sendEmail = false) {
$result = null;
if(!is_numeric($whom_id) && is_string($whom_id)){
$ids = $this->getUsersByRoles($whom_id);
return $this->sendMessage($ids, $message, $send_email);
if(is_array($whom_id)) {
$result = $this->_sendMessages($whom_id, $message, $sendEmail);
} else {
$result = $this->_sendMessage($whom_id, $message, $sendEmail);
return $result;
public function systemSend ($whom_id, $message, $sendEmail = false) {
$this->isSystem = true;
$this->sendMessage($whom_id, $message, $sendEmail);
$this->isSystem = false;
* Method to getMyMessages.
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
public function getMyMessages() {
$id = $this->getIdCurrentUser();
return $this->getMessages($id);
public function checkMessage(){
$result = $this->getAllUsers();
return array_filter($result, function($arr) { return $arr['cnt_mess'] > 0 ;});
* Method to getAllMessages.
* @param $whom_id
* @param $from_id
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
public function getAllMessages($whom_id, $from_id) {
return $this->getMessages($whom_id, $from_id);
public function getNewMessages($whom_id, $from_id) {
return $this->getMessages($whom_id, $from_id, 1);
* Method to sendMessage.
* @param $whom_id
* @param $message
* @return array
protected function _sendMessage($whom_id, $message, $send_email = false) {
$model = new Messages();
$model->from_id = $this->getIdCurrentUser();
$model->whom_id = $whom_id;
$model->message = $message;
if($this->enableEmail && $send_email) {
$this->_sendEmail($whom_id, $message);
return $this->saveData($model, self::EVENT_SEND);
* Method to _sendEmail.
* @param $whom_id
* @param $message
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return boolean, array
protected function _sendEmail($whom_id, $message) {
if(!is_callable($this->getEmail)) {
throw new EceptionMessages('Email not send. Set in config "getEmail" to callable func.');
if(!isset($this->templateEmail['html'], $this->templateEmail['text'])) {
throw new EceptionMessages('Email not send. Set in config "templateEmail".');
$user = $this->getUser($whom_id);
if($user) {
$email = call_user_func($this->getEmail, $user);
if(!empty($email)) {
return \Yii::$app->mailer
->compose(['html' => $this->templateEmail['html'], 'text' => $this->templateEmail['text']], ['message' => $message])
->setFrom([\Yii::$app->params['supportEmail'] => \Yii::$app->name . ' private Message'])
return false;
public $getEmail = null;
public $templateEmail = [];
* Method to many messages.
* @param $whom_ids
* @param $message
* @return array
protected function _sendMessages(Array $whom_ids, $message, $sendEmail = false) {
$result = Array();
foreach($whom_ids as $id) {
$result[] = $this->_sendMessage($id, $message, $sendEmail);
return $result;
* Method to getNewMessages.
* @param $whom_id
* @param $from_id
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
protected function _getNewMessages($whom_id, $from_id) {
return $this->getMessages($whom_id, $from_id, Messages::STATUS_NEW);
* Method to changeStatusMessage.
* @param $id
* @param $status
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
protected function changeStatusMessage($id, $status, $is_delete = false) {
$model = Messages::findOne($id);
$status_name = 'status';
$current_user_id = $this->getIdCurrentUser();
if(!$model) {
throw new EceptionMessages('Message not found.');
if($model->from_id != $current_user_id && $model->whom_id != $current_user_id) {
throw new EceptionMessages('Message not found for this user.');
if($is_delete) {
switch ($current_user_id) {
case $model->from_id:
$status_name = 'is_delete_from';
case $model->whom_id:
$status_name = 'is_delete_whom';
$model->$status_name = $status;
return $this->saveData($model, self::EVENT_STATUS);
* Method to deleteMessage.
* @param $id
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return Messages
public function deleteMessage($id) {
return $this->changeStatusMessage($id, 1, 1);
* Method to getUser.
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
public function getUser($id) {
$model = new $this->modelUser();
$user = $model::findOne($id);
return $user;
* Method to getAllUsers.
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
public function getAllUsers() {
$table_name = Messages::tableName();
$sql = "select, usr.$this->attributeNameUser as username, msg.cnt as cnt_mess ";
$sql .= "from $this->userTableName as usr ";
$sql .= "left join ";
$sql .= "(select from_id, count(id) as cnt from $table_name where status = 1 and whom_id = :user_id GROUP by from_id) as msg ON = msg.from_id ";
$sql .= " where != :user_id ";
$connection = \Yii::$app->db;
$model = $connection->createCommand($sql);
$model->bindValue(':user_id', $this->getIdCurrentUser());
$users = $model->queryAll();
return $users;
* Method to saveData.
* @param $model
* @param $name_event
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
protected function saveData($model, $name_event = null) {
if(!$model->save()) {
$mess = $model->hasErrors() ? implode(', ', $model->getFirstErrors()) : 'Not saved. ' . $name_event;
throw new EceptionMessages($mess);
} else {
if($name_event) {
$event = new MessageEvent;
$event->message = $model;
$this->trigger(self::EVENT_SEND, $event);
return $model->toArray();
* Method to getMessages.
* @param $whom_id
* @param $from_id
* @param $type
* @throws EceptionMessages
* @return array
protected function getMessages($whom_id, $from_id = null, $type = null, $last_id = null) {
$table_name = Messages::tableName();
$my_id = $this->getIdCurrentUser();
$query = new \yii\db\Query();
->select(['FROM_UNIXTIME(msg.created_at, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%i:%S") as created_at', '', 'msg.status', 'msg.message', " as from_id", "usr1.$this->attributeNameUser as from_name", " as whom_id", "usr2.$this->attributeNameUser as whom_name"])
->from("$table_name as msg")
->leftJoin("$this->userTableName as usr1", ' = msg.from_id')
->leftJoin("$this->userTableName as usr2", ' = msg.whom_id');
if($from_id) {
->where(['msg.whom_id' => $whom_id, 'msg.from_id' => $from_id])
->orWhere(['msg.from_id' => $whom_id, 'msg.whom_id' => $from_id]);
} else {
$query->where(['msg.whom_id' => $whom_id]);
//if not set type
//send all message where no delete
if($type) {
$query->andWhere(['=', 'msg.status', $type]);
} else {
$query->andWhere('((msg.is_delete_from != 1 AND from_id = :my_id) OR (msg.is_delete_whom != 1 AND whom_id = :my_id) ) ', [
':my_id' => $my_id,
$query->andWhere(['>', '', $last_id]);
$return = $query->orderBy('')->all();
$ids = Array();
foreach($return as $m) {
if($m['whom_id'] == $my_id) {
$ids[] = $m['id'];
//change status to is_read
if(count($ids) > 0) {
Messages::updateAll(['status' => Messages::STATUS_READ], ['in', 'id', $ids]);
$user_id = $this->getIdCurrentUser();
return array_map(function ($r) use ($user_id) { $r['i_am_sender'] = $r['from_id'] == $user_id; return $r;}, $return);
protected function getUsersByRoles($role) {
$users = new \yii\db\Query();
$result = $users
->from("$this->userTableName as usr")
->leftJoin('auth_assignment as ath', ' = ath.user_id')
->where(['ath.item_name' => $role])
return array_map(function($r) {return $r['id'];}, $result);
protected function getIdCurrentUser() {
return \Yii::$app->user->isGuest || $this->isSystem ? null : \Yii::$app->user->id;