benji7425 61487cb652 Revert "Merged hotfix/reconnect-spam into develop"
This reverts commit b78a62a476886f756d9cddaa62a21a0da8c633f1.
Dedided not to do the whole 4-digit versioning thing
2017-01-08 04:41:47 +00:00

32 lines
800 B

# Changelog
## v1.1.2
### Updated
- Updated reconnect logic to hopefully be more stable
## v1.1.1
### Added
- Reconnect timer to repeatedly try reconnect at intervals
### Updated
- Updated support for https conversion to http to hopefully be more consistent
## v1.1.0
### Added
- Added togglable YouTube mode
- Converts full URLs to YouTube share URLs
- Checks against both YouTube full and share URLs to ensure same video not posted twice
- New logging class to handle logging
### Updated
- Major refactor of a significant portion of the bot's code - should be easier to maintain now, but may have introduced some new bugs
- Changed expected name for bot config file to bot-config.json rather than botConfig.json
### Fixed
- New timer being created every time the bot reconnected