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mirror of https://github.com/Oreolek/fikugsen.git synced 2024-04-29 07:29:25 +03:00

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567 B

It's a simple character generator for my tabletop RPG system.
My system has close resemblance to the SPECIAL system (Fallout 2) :-) but still there are differences. The generator is flexible and is quick to configure for any similar set of rules.
Used libraries: [jQuery](http://jquery.com), [LESS](http://www.lesscss.org).
Texture by webtreats: http://www.flickr.com/photos/webtreatsetc/4081217898/ (CC-BY 2.0)
Text is in Russian, but code should be obvious.
### To-Do list:
* Generating first-level characters
* Traits (maybe)
* Gear
* Level advancing
* Perks