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2022-06-14 15:24:33 +07:00

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Open your project or initialize a new one with this composer.json:

    "name": "acme/my-project",
    "description": "My project",
            "only": [
    "minimum-stability": "dev"

(The repositories value is the key here.)

Type composer require oreolek/payeer

If you don't have a PSR-7 implementation in your project, composer will stop and give you a choice. You can repeat the command with your choice, like this:

composer require oreolek/payeer php-http/guzzle7-adapter

Initialize the Payeer\Adapter with your ID and secret key:

$adapter = new Adapter([
  'id' => $_ENV['PAYEER_ID'],
  'key' => $_ENV['SECRET'],

(see test/PayeerTest.php for example)

You can use any method, it is transparently sent to the API as is:

$response = $adapter->time();